Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 682

Vol 2 Chapter 654: Tourism Development Plan

Chapter 654 Tourism Development Plan

“Hey, I said so much, why didn’t you even say anything?”

Guo Shouyun’s quietness made Qiu Manyun extremely dissatisfied.

“What do you want to express?”

“At the very least, you should compliment others. Anyway, I will help you come up with ideas!”

“Didn’t I step over you before?”

“not enough!”

“Then what else do you want?”

Qiu Manyun rolled his eyes, “I want a jade bracelet, the kind you gave to Ji Hong and Ji Zheng during Chinese New Year!”

Guo Shouyun said calmly: “If there is none, I will make two!”

“You lied to me! I’ve already asked, your piece of ‘fire phoenix’ jade material, let Master Qi Yu in the capital make seven bracelets.”

“How did you know?” Guo Shouyun frowned.

“You forgot, I’m in the jewelry industry, how could this kind of news hide from me!” Qiu Manyun said with a smug smile.

Guo Shouyun knew that, with Qiu Manyun’s family background and influence in the jewelry industry, it was really not difficult to understand this matter that he did not deliberately keep secret.

“My bracelets are all useful, so I can’t give them to you! Besides, you just want to exchange my tens of millions of glass species of red jade with just a few words. Do you think it’s possible?”

“What a few words, I am a business consultation, there is no consultation without payment!”

“Your consultation is worthless!” Guo Shouyun said directly.

Seeing his disgust, Qiu Manyun gritted his teeth in anger.

“Will you give it?”

“No! Since you call yourself smart, you should have guessed what those bracelets mean to me. So, it can’t be given to you.”

Those bracelets are reserved for his lover, he has nothing to do with Qiu Manyun, of course he can’t give them.

“Boss, we’re here!” the part-time driver’s bodyguard reminded.

Guo Shouyun nodded, pushed the door and walked down.

“This guy is an elm head, or intentional! But no matter what you think, don’t try to get rid of me.”

I heard footsteps behind me and saw someone coming.

“Why did you keep up?”

“Why can’t I come?”

Looking at her appearance, Guo Shouyun frowned, “Do whatever you want, but the people you meet in a while are extraordinary, don’t talk nonsense!”

“Don’t worry, I know what to measure!”

At this time, he had no time to guess Qiu Manyun’s thoughts.

“Mr. Guo, Secretary Qin and senior officials are waiting for you in the reception hall, please come with me!”

Guo Shouyun nodded, followed Qian Qingfeng up the stairs, and walked into the seat of the Yunnan Provincial Government.

The reception hall of the Yunnan Provincial Government is simple and elegant in decoration. When Guo Shouyun walked in, the person who was sitting inside also got up and greeted him.

“Mr. Guo, welcome, you are our honored guest!”

“Secretary Qin is polite, I should have come to visit earlier.”

“Mr. Guo, are you busy?”

After the two shook hands, “Senior official, it’s nice to meet you!”

“It’s our honor for Mr. Guo to come to our Yunnan Province to investigate and invest!”

Guo Shouyun raised his eyebrows, but this high-ranking official would pre-empt him, and he would set him up when he came up. With so many people guarding him, he didn’t have much to say. After a faint smile, he shook hands with the surrounding government officials and greeted them one by one, and then the host and guests were seated.

Qiu Manyun stood beside Guo Shouyun. Although he was beautiful and charming, he acted more like a secretary. Besides, isn’t it normal to have a beautiful and charming female secretary beside a young rich man? Therefore, no one asked any more questions.

“Mr. Guo made a special trip to our Yunnan province this time, and he turned around, wondering what project he would like to invest in?”

Just as Guo Shouyun was about to speak, he heard the senior official say: “Please rest assured, Mr. Guo, our Yunnan provincial government is very willing to cooperate with Mr. Guo’s investment and provide preferential policies as much as possible.”

His eyes swept across the faces of Secretary Qin and the high-ranking officials. The two of them sang together and did not give him a chance to refuse. But since that’s the case, he doesn’t need to be polite.

“I came to Yunnan Province this time for two main purposes: First, to visit Chu Shijian, Mr. Chu. Second, to inspect the business environment of Yunnan Province.”

“Chu is always the banner of our business community in Yunnan Province.” After the words fell, the high-ranking official’s style changed, “Mr. Guo, what do you think of the business environment of our Yunnan Province?”

“Excellent, especially tourism!”

“Mr. Guo wants to develop the tourism industry in our Yunnan province?” asked the senior official.

“Not bad! The mountains and rivers in Yunnan Province are magnificent, Ailao Mountain, Wuliang Mountain, Bangma Mountain, and Jade Dragon Snow Mountain are majestic and magnificent; the Nujiang River, Lancang River, and Jinsha River flow side by side, stretching for thousands of miles. , Dali, Lijiang, Jianshui, Huize, Weishan, six famous cultural cities, as well as rich minority cultures, are brilliant; Yunnan Province has too many tourism resources, and most of them are of very high quality. It’s a pity that it wasn’t planned well, it’s really embarrassing!” Guo Shouyun’s face was full of regret, and he almost slapped his thigh.

“…As a returned overseas Chinese, I also hope to see the prosperity of the motherland’s economy, so I have been increasing investment in the mainland over the years. When I come to Yunnan Province this time, I also plan to invest in the development of tourism resources here.”

“Mr. Guo is right. Our Yunnan Province is indeed very rich in tourism resources, but because it is located inland, it is not as popular as the coastal provinces, and it has some economic deficiencies, so it has not been well developed. If If Mr. Guo is willing to invest, it would be great. Please rest assured, Mr. Guo, that we will cooperate with all of Mr. Guo’s investment in Yunnan Province.” The senior official assured.

“Thank you high-ranking officials! This is a plan for developing tourism resources in Yunnan Province that I have prepared these days in Yunnan Province. Please review it with Secretary Qin and senior officials!”

He recruited Matthew, took out a copy of the plan he had prepared by the secretariat far away in the magic city from the briefcase he took and handed it over.

After a while, Secretary Qin frowned and said in surprise, “Mr. Guo, is this all part of the plan?”

“That’s right! After receiving the assets of Delong Group this time, we integrated its tourism resources and formed Tuniu Tourism Group. Now the group also operates three major hotels, scenic spot development and maintenance, Internet online and offline tourism companies. In order to increase our popularity in the tourism industry in China, we plan to invest heavily, select a province as the core, and give priority to concentrated development. Yunnan Province is our top priority.”

“…After reviewing the tourism resources of Yunnan Province, we have formulated the information that Secretary Qin and senior officials are seeing now. In the next five years, we plan to invest 12 billion Chinese dollars to develop development in 16 prefecture-level cities in Yunnan Province. Two to three tourist routes, 30 to 50 scenic spots or folk scenic spots, 150 to 200 resort hotels, and 800 to 1000 double-decker buses! Thoroughly tap the tourism potential of Yunnan Province and make it a major tourism province in the country. Strong province!”

“Mr. Guo, are you serious?” the high-ranking official said suspiciously.

Even if the person sitting opposite is the world-famous Bruce Guo, the plan is too shocking for them. At present, there are tens of billions of projects across the country, and there are also larger investments than this. But the tourism industry is unique. Not to mention tens of billions, there are no more than one billion Huaxia coins.

“Of course! If it’s not true, why would I have to travel all the way from the Devil’s Capital to Kunming, and even take the time to go to Yu~xi, Teng~chong and other places to investigate!”

Guo Shouyun made a promise, and Qiu Manyun next to him rolled his eyes when he heard it. No one knows better than her what the guy next to him is coming to Yunnan Province this time. But with so many people guarding her, she wouldn’t dismantle each other.

“But…!” Guo Shouyun changed his style, showing hesitation on his face.

“Mr. Guo, please speak bluntly!”

High official said.

“Secretary Qin, high-ranking officials, you must also know that I acquired Delong Group. And I took on its 35 billion Huaxia currency deficit. In order to repay this huge amount of money, my capital chain is already very tight. Although it can still help Yunnan Province The tourism development plan has allocated funds, but it is still a lot worse than the investment of 3 billion Chinese dollars in the first year of the plan. Therefore, we hope to obtain 30% of the loan from the local commercial banks in Yunnan Province.”

30% is 900 million!

“Mr. Guo, the largest of our local commercial banks in Yunnan Province is Kunming Commercial Bank. It happens that Delong is its major shareholder, so in the Delong case, Kunming Commercial Bank lost a lot of money. If not If Mr. Guo takes over, I am afraid that the money will be subsidized by our government finances. Therefore, we really can’t get the 900 million fund.” The senior official said quickly.

“900 million is indeed a lot, but if it is less, it will not help.” Guo Shouyun’s shirt after a while, “Why don’t we do this, the land payment paid by Tuniu Tourism Group for the development of Yunnan 5 How about paying after the year? In this case, the Yunnan provincial government does not need to pay, and we can use less funds to build all the projects as soon as possible.”

“Five years?”

Guo Shouyun nodded, “After five years, all projects will be officially put into operation, and we will have enough income to repay the loan. Otherwise, we will not only have to bear the losses of Delong, but also be responsible for such a huge investment in the tourism development plan of Yunnan Province. It’s not enough! After all, assets are not equal to liquidity. Although I have a lot of companies, it is impossible to allocate five or six billion US dollars all at once!”

“Mr. Guo, we can actually slow down the development plan. For example, the number of 16 prefecture-level cities will be reduced to 8, and the number of scenic spots, resort hotels and passenger cars will also be reduced by half!” Secretary Qin said.

“Although Secretary Qin’s idea is good, it also relieves our financial pressure. But it is not in line with our group’s plan. The reason why we invest such a huge amount of money to develop tourism resources in Yunnan Province In addition to the expanding tourism market, we also want to use this huge investment project to increase the popularity of our Tuniu Tourism Group in the tourism industry and establish our dominance in the industry. The vibration effect is not as great, which is not what we want.”

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