Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 709

Vol 2 Chapter 681: Use Of Funds

Chapter 681 Use of Funds

“How should the withdrawn funds be used?” Liu Zhixing asked.

A thought appeared on Guo Shouyun’s face. Selling Yahoo’s shares will allow him to withdraw $16.2 billion from the capital market, and selling eBay’s shares will allow him to withdraw at least $19.6 billion. The acquisition of bonds issued by Bank of Merrill Lynch will cost about $6 billion with interest. His own loans and bonds were about to mature in earlier years, leaving $4 billion to repay.

This reduction leaves $15.8 billion in the end. Selling 40% of Dabor Steel’s equity should be able to return about 600 million US dollars. After all, the second phase of the project has not been completed. That should be $16.4 billion.

Regardless of whether the acquisition of Merrill is successful in the end, the money will definitely not be used. According to his principle of earmarking funds, unless it is a crisis, he does not want to use the funds under the Guo Family Wealth Trust to develop his property in Huaxia Olympic. Because the former are both charitable funds and the latter are assets under his own name, once the funds of the former enter, the equity structure of the latter will change. In order to avoid changes to his family business in the future, he does not want to see such changes appear.

As for the repayment of the loan from Standard Chartered Bank, as well as the development funds of Red Star Automobile Group and Tuniu Tourism, there are more than 800 million US dollars returned from the mango seed fund, which can be supported for a while. The big deal is to use Hanhua’s shares to issue an ABS. Although the funds may not be as timely as the loans, the injection of funds into Red Star Auto Group and Tuniu Travel is not easy, and the loan repayment from Standard Chartered is only once a month.

In short, although the financial needs of Orient Assets are huge, the financial system is still very healthy.

Thinking of this, Guo Shouyun said, “It’s still the old rules!”

The so-called old rule is the long-term investment in gold and oil.

Because as early as the beginning, Guo Shouyun put all his assets in the ‘Stanford Charity Foundation’, ‘Chinese Charity Relief Foundation’, ‘China-US Study Abroad Charity Foundation’, ‘Bruce Charity Foundation’, ‘ Guo’s Disaster Relief Charity Foundation’ is under the name of these five charitable funds.

Because it is a charitable fund, he has made tens of billions of dollars in the capital market while avoiding paying high dividend taxes and capital gains taxes. Guarantee the rapid expansion of Kuo, Apple, Google, Ruby, Pacific Energy Group, Unocal and other companies.

But there are advantages and disadvantages. The rule of the charitable fund is that you must use 5% of your assets for charity every year.

Obviously, it is impossible for Guo Shouyun to directly sell his shares for charity. The workaround is asset-backed securities, or ABS!

In this way, he does not need to sell his equity directly, he can withdraw funds from the capital market, and then invest in the gold and oil futures markets that he knows will rise rapidly in the future.

Because this part of the investment needs stable value preservation and appreciation, he did not use too high leverage. After calculating the risk tolerance, three times is a good choice. Unless the price of gold falls by one third, it is not would jeopardize his support line. In fact, even if gold fell after the Argentine debt crisis and the sharp rise on 9.11, it only returned to the price before the rise, and at most fell slightly by two or three dollars. So the money has been growing steadily.

From 2001 to the present, the price of gold futures and spot has increased by 65%; the price of oil futures has increased by 80%. Guo Shouyun’s average annual return on the money invested in it over the years has reached about 60%.

After deducting 5% of his annual donation and about 6% of the bond’s interest, he was left with 49%. Charitable funds are not taxed. He only needs to pay the salaries and bonuses of less than 50 employees in the Ministry of Finance, the secretariat, which is headed by Liu Zhi.

With the continuous growth of its various companies, the scale of this money has now exceeded 250 billion US dollars! Become the top financial force in the international capital market! Except for some sovereign wealth funds, there is nothing bigger than the money.

“The funds we have invested in gold and oil are already huge. Should we consider allocating equity assets? For example, the equity of large companies in the S&P 100?” Liu Zhixing said.

“It’s not the time yet.”

Guo Shouyun shook his head. The subprime mortgage crisis is imminent. If you carry out equity allocation at this time, you are completely looking for abuse. Might as well wait until the crisis hits, when gold and oil’s rally is almost over.

Liu Zhixing did not object after thinking about it. Gold and oil are really good right now.

“One more thing!” After Liu Zhixing looked over, “After setting up several sub-funds, the scale of our single charitable fund should not be too large.”

Now it is under the names of five charitable foundations: ‘Stanford Charity Foundation’, ‘Chinese Charity Relief Foundation’, ‘China-US Study Abroad Charity Foundation’, ‘Bruce Charity Foundation’, and ‘Guo’s Disaster Relief Charity Foundation’. There are also 37 sub-funds, but even so, with $250 billion spread out, the size is still staggering. Due to the traditional Chinese plot of hiding wealth, Guo Shouyun did not want the outside world to easily know how much money he had.

Liu Zhixing nodded.

“Where are the donations from these sub-funds invested?”

250 billion US dollars, the annual donation is 12.5 billion US dollars, this amount of money is so huge, how to spend it in the name of charity and gain benefits for yourself is also a lot of thought. matter.

“Huaxia! Let more Chinese people study and work in the United States, and strive to keep them.” Guo Shouyun said without hesitation.

As a Chinese-American, he was inevitably branded as an ethnic group. The strength of the ethnic group will also bring him some benefits in all aspects. Therefore, since the establishment of the charitable fund, half of his donations have been used to provide charitable donations to Huaxia international students and migrant workers to help them obtain green cards and jobs; and to adopt Huaxia orphans. While the Chinese population in the United States continues to increase, it also helps the motherland China reduce the population pressure.

A small goal he set for himself is to make the Chinese population in the United States exceed 20 million in his lifetime!

Although this goal seems a bit big now, he still has fifty or sixty years to work hard.

“Looks like we’re going to buy more farms!”

Liu Zhixing shrugged, and he agreed with the proposals and actions to increase the Chinese population in the United States. However, except for international students, many Chinese who come to the United States are basically illiterate. So arranging them to go to farms has become the only realistic option.

Just over $4 billion has been spent on land sales over the years. By the way, it provided a richer supply to Guo’s Business Group.

In addition, the United States has a very interesting phenomenon. The more urban the population, the lower the fertility rate. The more agricultural the population, the higher the fertility rate, and generally more than 2%.

Guo Shouyun only hopes that these land-owning Chinese can line up for the football team. Moreover, when he donated the land to these new Chinese, he promised that his charitable fund would cover all the money these children need to go to school in the future.

At the end of the 20th century, with the idea of having more children, more grandchildren and more longevity in the minds of rural people, and facing a large area of land, the situation of six or seven aunts and a dozen uncles in each family will be reproduced in the United States.

Moreover, these new American Chinese from the countryside have a series of relatives in the countryside. As soon as the homecoming is promoted, the number of immigrants to the United States has definitely increased dramatically. Taking advantage of the relaxed immigration policy in the United States, it is relatively easy to get a green card, Guo Shouyun decided to work harder.

After dealing with the secretariat, Guo Shouyun came to Ruby’s headquarters. Gather the top management of the company together. Beginning of the Ruby 2004 mid-year conference.

Although Guo Shouyun does not participate in the internal management of the company, it does not mean that he does not know anything. He knows most of the development of Ruby’s nine subsidiaries in 2004. It’s just that some details are delegated to the CEOs of various companies, and they don’t pay much attention.

And this 2004 Ruby mid-year meeting, listening to the company’s half-year development is just incidental, the real purpose is the division of Ruby Mall.

“…The Ruby Research Institute has used the company’s idle computing resources to provide cloud services to 2,700 institutions and 2.38 million individuals across the United States. In mid-2004, the total revenue from main business was US$238 million and net profit was US$28.7 million.”

After Dave Direney, CEO of the Ruby Research Institute, finished speaking, Guo Shouyun gave a simple compliment, and then looked at John Roberts, the last ruby mall that he deliberately left behind.

The latter understood and took out the materials that he had prepared for a long time.

“Ruby Mall, the total transaction volume in the first half of 2004 was 27.847 billion US dollars, the total revenue in the first half of the year was 4.675 billion US dollars ~ ~ logistics business income was 2.834 billion US dollars, financial investment income was 1.273 billion US dollars, including e-commerce. The intermediary service income is US$568 million. The net profit for the half year is US$53 million. The company has total assets of US$15.78 billion and total liabilities of US$10.476 billion, of which current liabilities are US$1.672 billion.”

“In the three major businesses of e-commerce, logistics and financial investment, there are already 21 commodities operated by e-commerce platforms, including iron ore, oil, natural gas, electricity, coal, copper ore, grain, soybean, and edible oil. 73 categories of commodities; platform revenue, legal intermediary services, logistics intermediary services, financial intermediary services, etc., accounting for 12.4% of total revenue; financial investment, including investment income based on forward agreements and short-term investments, accounting for total revenue 31.73% of the total revenue; the direct revenue of ports, terminals, shipping and other logistics accounts for 54.67% of the total revenue.”

“In terms of logistics. As of now, the shipping department of Ruby Logistics has registered and managed 1,023 freighters of various types, with a total capacity of 1.104 million TEU, of which its own capacity accounts for 31.4%; the aviation department has registered and managed 77 cargo aircraft, of which The self-owned rate is 51.3%; the land transportation department registers and manages 97,000 trucks of various types, of which the self-owned rate is 33.4%. The terminal department currently has 103 terminal berths in 42 countries around the world, of which 37 are owned; owns warehouses and stackers There are 612 fields. Among them, there are 157 of them, with a total area of 319,800 square meters.”

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