Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 723

Vol 2 Chapter 694: Exchange Of Benefits

Chapter 694 Interest Exchange

After leaving the Clippers’ training base, Guo Shouyun returned home and dealt with the accumulated work. Before it got dark, he changed his clothes and went to the Clover Country Club in the suburbs of Los Angeles.

Guo Shouyun is not a member of it, but with his current status and ability, it is very easy to get membership.

What’s more, when he arrived, Howard Stringer had already arranged for his secretary to greet him outside the door.

“Bruce, long time no see!”

Seeing Howard Stringer hugging him with open arms, Guo Shouyun responded with the same enthusiasm. They are all old foxes who have been in the market for a long time. Even if they are market opponents who want to die now, they are still very warm on the surface.

This sickening scene is also the norm in malls.

“Howard, it’s been a long time!”

After saying hello, the two sat down.

“Bruce, with your cleverness, can you guess the reason why I invited you here today?” Howard Stringer went straight to the point.

“Of course! But if you’re going to persuade me to give up on the MGM acquisition, I think today’s meeting can be declared over now.”

“Bruce, after the annexation of Universal, the Matrix not only has a sufficient film library, but also a good script that you have created. Why did you have to buy MGM?”

“Then why did Sony acquire MGM?” Guo Shouyun said.

“We’re not like The Matrix, without the lucrative franchises of Pirates of the Caribbean, National Treasure, Harry Potter, Underworld, Fast and Furious, and a whole bunch of other lucrative franchises like you. Talented screenwriter. So, we wanted to buy the rights to MGM, especially 007.”

“I’m sorry, Howard. I want MGM’s library, especially the rights to “007”!”

Guo Shouyun still remembers the popularity of “007: Skyfall” at the global box office of more than 1.1 billion US dollars. In addition, its first two “007: Quantum of Solace” and “007: Casino Royale” also performed very well at the box office, but I forgot how much. But no matter how much, the “007” series of movies have endured for more than 50 years, and James Bond and Bond Girls have almost become the most classic screen images in Hollywood. This can no longer be said to be an evergreen tree, this is a completely enhanced version of the money printing machine.

No Hollywood franchise has been a hit for more than half a century. Therefore, Guo Shouyun did not want to let go of such a gold mine.

Looking at the firm eyes of the man opposite, Howard Stringer could not help frowning.

“Bruce, if we give up the copyright of “007”, what about MGM’s film library?” Howard Stringer said again after pondering for a while.

Guo Shouyun smiled, “Howard, in fact, you know better than me what the fundamental reason for Sony’s acquisition of MGM is. So, rather than a pointless waste of time. I have a more constructive proposal.”

Howard Stringer’s heart moved.

“Appreciate further details!”

“I know that Sony is competing with Toshiba for the video disc recording format. If Sony abandons the acquisition of MGM, then I can sign a cooperation agreement with Sony, and all MGM movies, including Matrix Universal, are recorded in DVD format. ”

Howard’s eyes lit up. Similar to Comscott’s coveting MGM’s film library to enrich its cable TV content and attract more pay-TV subscribers, Sony’s coveting MGM also has its own purpose.

It intends to bet the future of the enterprise on its own Blu-ray HD DVD format, and it needs to get support for the HD DVD format from other major studios in order to deal with the format war with Toshiba.

At the time, deep-pocketed giants such as Toshiba and Microsoft used lucrative cash to get other major studios to exclusively copy movies out in HD-DVD. If Sony can copy MGM’s library exclusively on Blu-ray, coupled with its existing Columbia Samsung library, it’s no longer possible to win the format war, no matter how generous the incentives Toshiba and Microsoft can offer.

“Plus the copyright of “007”!”

Howard Stringer is now the CEO of Sony America, not the CEO of Sony as a whole, so he must first consider the interests of his own film company, so he really doesn’t want to give up the lucrative “007” movie series.


Guo Shouyun refused without hesitation, “Howard, the cooperation content I am talking about has been sent to Sony headquarters this afternoon. I believe they will inform you in person what to do soon.”

Hearing this, Howard Stringer sighed in his heart.

There is no doubt that Sony headquarters will give priority to promoting the Blu-ray DVD mode.

“Bruce, you win!”

“No, this is a win-win situation!” Guo Shouyun shook his head and smiled.

To be honest, he really doesn’t agree with Sony’s choice. Because the Internet era is coming soon, in addition to being used for collection, DVD discs will be withdrawn from the market within a few years. Sony’s current efforts cannot be said to be in vain. But they also failed to obtain the huge benefits they hoped for.

“Howard, I think you should take a longer view!” Guo Shouyun said suddenly.

“What’s the meaning?”

Howard Stringer frowned slightly, and he noticed the strangeness in the tone of the man opposite him.

“In the three major businesses that Nobuyuki Idei has high hopes for, in addition to the good performance of Sony Columbia under your leadership, the sales of PS2 began to decline with the launch of Microsoft’s XBOX, and the profit decreased by 2% year-on-year; the network connection card was sold for several hundred Ten thousand copies, the total sales are only 2.8 billion yen, and the input and output are disproportionate. Now the Sony board of directors and management have a lot of opinions on Idei Nobuyuki, and it is even rumored that the Sony board of directors has proposed to let him resign. This is for you It’s an opportunity.”

After a pause, Guo Shouyun took a sip of the coffee on the table, and continued, “Sony Columbia under your leadership has developed well over the years, and coupled with the support of MGM and Matrix Universal for high-definition DVD, Defeated the alliance of Toshiba and Microsoft. With this success story, you have every chance to be the CEO of Sony Corporation.  … Isn’t the CEO of a Fortune 500 more worthy of respect and respect than the CEO of Sony Columbia Pictures Are you valued?”

Guo Shouyun’s words seemed to touch the sensitive nerves of Howard Stringer, making his heart beat faster involuntarily.

The CEO of Fortune 500 is certainly more attractive than the CEO of Sony Columbia! He also had this desire when he dreamed back countless times in the middle of the night. It is also for this reason that the MGM acquisition is promoted at any cost. But… he couldn’t reveal his deepest secrets in front of Guo Shouyun.

“Mr. Guo, Mr. Nobuyuki Idei has been very effective in Sony’s reform. The Sony board of directors has great confidence in his ability, and there is no news of his dismissal.”

Howard Stringer tried to keep his tone calm.

Guo Shouyun smiled, “Maybe! But the transaction between us should have a result now, right?”

“I follow the decision of the head office!”

“OK, I hope to receive your reply within three days!” After the words were finished, he stood up, “Howard, thank you very much for today’s dinner, it was very delicious.”

“It’s still early, Mr. Guo won’t sit for a while? As friends, what we talk about is not necessarily about work.” Howard Stringer said after holding Guo Shouyun’s outstretched right hand.

“Another day! You led Sony to form a powerful capital alliance. I want to defeat you and take back MGM. Of course, I also need to find some allies!”

Howard Stringer moved in his heart and was about to ask. Guo Shouyun did not give him a chance.

Looking at the fast-moving back, Howard’s thoughts flooded into his mind, but he never gave to his allies including Providence Equity Partners, Texas Pacific Capital Fund, Comscart, and DLJ Commodity Bank Partnership. Call up.

“Boss, where are we going next?” Wang Jue asked.

“Go home to sleep!”

“Sleep? You just now?”

“In the past few days, I have been worried about a few white hairs because of MGM. Of course, it is only fair that the guy Howard should be the same as me.” Guo Shouyun said with a smile.

Looking at Wang Jue’s stunned expression, “I lied to you, send an email to Carl Bass, chairman of the board of directors of MGM, when I go back, and UU said that I would invite him to Pebble Beach at 10 am tomorrow. play golf.”

“This… Boss, I’m afraid you won’t have time to play golf tomorrow morning.” Wang Jue said.


“While you were negotiating with Howard Stringer just now, we received a letter from Carl Corey, Chief Operating Officer of Conscat. He hopes to visit you at Matrix headquarters tomorrow morning.”

“Conscarter? … Hehe, it’s really interesting. They couldn’t buy Walt Disney, nor did they buy MGM. Could it be that they’re eyeing the Matrix?”

“The other party didn’t say it!”

Guo Shouyun nodded, and after pondering for a moment, “put my meeting with Carl Bass until the morning after tomorrow. The time and place remain the same!”



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