Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 729

Vol 2 Chapter 700: 1 Dinner

Chapter 700 A Dinner Party

“Hi, Bruce!”

A middle-aged man with golden glasses walked towards him with a smile.

“Mr. Stevenson, I didn’t expect to meet you here!”

Paul Stevenson, President and Chief Operating Officer of Exxon Mobil.

After the two simply shook their right hands, “After saying goodbye to Mr. Guo at the Brazilian oil tender last time, I didn’t expect to meet again after a year.”

Guo Shouyun nodded, “Time flies so fast, it’s already a year in a flash. If I had known that entering the mall would be so busy, I should feel at ease as a writer. I have nothing to write about, and spend time with my wife and children on Saturdays and Sundays. the end of a lifetime.”

“Mr. Guo is joking. If this is the case, I am afraid that there will be one less legend in the business world and one less genius in the financial world.”

“Mr. Stevenson has won the prize. There are billions of people in the world, and there are so many talented people. I just picked the right time, and I just had a bit more luck than them!”

“Mr. Guo is too modest.” Paul Stevenson’s eyes flashed after a pause, “This year, in the seventh round of oil bidding by the Brazilian Petroleum Agency, the four ultra-deep sea blocks have all fallen into the hands of Unocal Petroleum Corporation. It seems that Mr. Guo really has a soft spot for exploration in the deep water area of the St. Paul Basin.”

Facing the temptation, Guo Shouyun’s face was calm, “It’s not that I have a soft spot for it. It’s just the shallow water area and ordinary deep water area of São Paulo. In the past ten years of exploration by the Brazilian Petroleum Bureau, no large oil fields have been discovered. So I also Don’t want to waste time here. Plus I’m a bit of a gambler, so I’m going to try my luck in ultra-deep water.”

“Is it really just a matter of luck?”

“Then what else does Mr. Stevenson think? … Or do you think I’ll be witchcraft and be able to know in advance that there are large oil fields in the ultra-deep waters of the St. Paul Basin?”

“Mr. Guo really knows how to joke!”

Guo Shouyun shrugged, “So, I just want to gamble, it’s that simple.”

“Mr. Guo is really generous. In the past year, Unocal has spent more than US$300 million on exploration and development in the ultra-deep water area of Sao Paulo! It is hard to imagine that Unocal’s board of directors will also agree to your continued exploration and development in the ultra-deep water area of the Sao Paulo Basin in Brazil. invest.”

“Although Unocal’s exploration in the deep water area of Sao Paulo in Brazil has not yielded much, its own revenue has not been dragged down, has it?”

Paul Stevenson nodded, “Unocal has been investing heavily in oil and gas forward agreements. With the rise in oil and gas prices over the years, your company has indeed gained a lot of returns. However, Mr. Guo believes that How much room is there for oil and gas prices to rise? When will the peaks occur?”

“Exxon Mobil is also interested?”

“Exxon Mobil is an oil company, and we’ve always been financially conservative. Forward agreements are too risky for us.”

Although Unocal, Ruby Mall, and Pacific Energy, under the command of Guo Shouyun, have made a lot of money by investing in forward agreements for bulk trading products. But there are not many big groups that really follow suit. Because no one can accurately judge the prices of commodities such as oil, natural gas, iron ore, coal, etc. one year from now, two years from now.

There are too many variables in the middle, once a black swan event is encountered. The loss is not a single star, but billions, or even billions of dollars.

The CEOs of Exxon Mobil, Chevron, Vale and others, under the constraints of their boards, dare not take such risks. That is, Guo Shouyun, who has absolute controlling rights in each of his companies, can let them follow his baton and invest in high-risk financial products.

In addition, these large oil and gas companies and mining companies like Guo Shouyun’s adventure, because the price he gives is often higher than the market price. At least for now, it looks profitable. And to ensure that they don’t lose equipment depreciation because of production cuts.

“If you don’t take risks, how can you get excess returns!” Guo Shouyun said with a smile.

“Unfortunately, not everyone has absolute control over the company like Mr. Guo.”

Guo Shouyun smiled, “Call me over there!”

He pointed to Karl Rove who was waving at him not far away.

“I hope to have a chance to chat with Mr. Guo later!”


After the two shook hands and said goodbye, Guo Shouyun took champagne and walked towards the middle circle.

“Bruce, you’re late!”

Before Karl Rove, Mr. George Bush took two steps forward and took the initiative to take Guo Shouyun’s left arm. This kind of intimacy clearly sends a signal to the outside world – we are friends, very close ones.

In this regard, Guo Shouyun is not surprised. Five years later, he’s not what he used to be. In the face of huge capital and an increasingly astonishing network of connections, even dear Mr. Bush Jr. will deliberately win over.

“Just met and chatted with Mr. Exxon Mobil Stevenson for a while.” After hugging Bush Jr., Guo Shouyun turned around and opened his arms to embrace Karl Rove.

“Carl, you seem to have lost a lot of weight!” Guo Shouyun said with a smile.

“You know, it’s a busy time recently!” Karl Rove laughed.



Now Schwarzenegger is no longer a tough guy on the Hollywood screen, but became the governor of California with the support of the Kennedy family.

As the most economically developed state in the United States, the political status of the governor of California has always been at the forefront in the United States. It is not surprising that he is in Bush’s inner circle today.

The relationship between the two is not unfamiliar, or even familiar. Because Schwarzenegger’s wife Maria Shriver is Wendy’s best friend, the two often go shopping with each other and visit each other’s homes, so they have become familiar with each other.

However, the person standing next to Schwarzenegger surprised Guo Shouyun.

“Mr. Fleurin Yusen, it is an honor to meet your Excellency.”

“I didn’t expect Mr. Guo to get to know me. It’s really nice.” Pete Fleelingyusen stretched out his right hand with a smile.

“Mr. Frelin Yusen is a director of Occidental Petroleum Corporation, how could I be unfamiliar with it!”

Occidental Petroleum was once the fifth largest oil and gas company in the United States, but as Unocal continued to expand, its position slipped back to where Unocal used to be.

However, Guo Shouyun knew each other not only because he was a director of Occidental Petroleum Corporation, but also a director of a Fortune 500 company in his eyes, but the real reason was that Pete Fleuringyusen was an American political leader. A direct member of the family, the Fleilling Yusen family.

Perhaps for most Chinese people, when it comes to political families in the United States, the most familiar ones are often Roosevelt, Bush, Adams, Kennedy, Harrison, etc., but the Fralin Yusen family is no less than their top American political family. family.

In this family, there have been four federal senators, two federal representatives, and a federal cabinet minister. Unlike other big families in the United States, the Fleilling Yusen family has never extended their dynasty to the east and west coasts of the United States, but has always focused on the place where they lived – New Jersey.

From the first generation of members of the Fleeling Yusen family to participate in the American Revolutionary War and serve as a senator from New Jersey, this family dynasty in New Jersey politics has lasted for six generations and is unmatched by other big families in American politics. .

To this day, Rodney, the sixth-generation member of the Frieling Yusen family, is still a member of the House of Representatives. He and his father, Pete, continue to serve as members of the House of Representatives from New Jersey for nineteen terms. The U.S. House of Representatives is re-elected every two years, which means that today’s Fraering Yousson dynasty has been inherited for 38 consecutive years.

Judging from the current development of the Fralin Yusen family, this big family can still continue to pass on its influence in New Jersey and even the entire United States.

As the youngest son of the contemporary Fleeling Yousen family, Pete Fleeling Yousen is naturally qualified to stand beside Bush Jr. And their family is also the Optimus Prime in the Republican Party, an ally that Bush needs to strive for re-election.

The two greeted each other and shook hands. “Forgot to congratulate Mr. Guo. After the acquisition of MGM Studios, the strength of Matrix has increased to a higher level, and your influence in the media industry has become stronger!”

“MGM’s debt level is not low. I only hope that this acquisition is not a Waterloo of Matrix.” Guo Shouyun smiled.

When the words fell, he changed the subject, “George, is Mr. Herbert okay?”

“Father has always been obsessed with you. If you go to visit, I think he must personally entertain you with the Mouton that he has treasured for 20 years!” Bush said with a smile.

He is happy to show his close relationship with Guo Shouyun, who is more and more like a business tycoon and financier, and is about to become the founder of a top business family in front of everyone.

“Looks like I’m going for a trip. The 20-year-old Mouton is very attractive!” Guo Shouyun said with a smile.

Close ties with the Bush family are also what he would like to see. So both sides get what they want.

“Bruce, you are still the best. When I usually go, Herbert is reluctant to take out his treasured red wine to entertain me.” Karl Rove smiled.

“Isn’t this normal? Everyone knows that you are an alcoholic. If you are concerned about it, I am afraid that Mr. Herbert’s treasure will not be preserved.”

The three people chatting and laughing freely indeed reminded the outside world a lot. Guo Shouyun was not used to staying at such banquets for too long, so he had a brief exchange with Bush Jr., Karl Rove, and some friends he knew. After leaving $10 million in political donations, he left.

Now he is eligible to retire early.

But the next day he received bad news.

“Boss, former MGM Studios CEO Gary Barber sued Matrix in Los Angeles Superior Court, arguing that the company used improper means in the process of acquiring MGM Studios. And bribed MGM Studios. The board of directors, forcing him to resign. Now this case has been accepted by the Los Angeles Superior Court.” Wang Jue spoke while holding his mobile phone.

“Gary Barber, this guy is really unsafe!” Guo Shouyun frowned slightly and thought for a while, “Tell Buddy to hire the best commercial litigator in the United States to deal with this case. ”

“Don’t mediate privately? After all, this matter will affect the company’s reputation!”

“No need.” Guo Shouyun waved his hand, “Gary Barber wants nothing more than money. If we contact him privately so quickly, it will make him feel that there is a chance of ‘the lion’s mouth’, and he has to take an inch. Moreover, the acquisition of rice Gaomei Pictures, Matrix’s offer is the highest. As for bribing the board of directors, it is nonsense. We just increased the retirement compensation of board members. This is a method that many companies use in the acquisition process. So , even if this lawsuit is fought, we will not necessarily lose.”


Wang Jue there any news from Xiaojing? ”

“Now she has contacted Rover with representatives of Red Star Auto Group, and is still in the negotiation process. However, given Rover’s current bad situation, this acquisition should be easy.”

Guo Shouyun nodded, “Let James prepare, we’ll go to Austin tonight!”

“Austin, we’re not going back to San Francisco?”

“I won’t go back for the time being. After seeing Bush Sr, I will fly directly to London!”

“I’ll call right away!”

Wang Jue nodded and turned to leave.

Guo Shouyun put down the document in his hand, and there was a deep thought in his eyes. Bush’s four years on stage are still crucial, and the relationship between the Bush family cannot be relaxed.

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