Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 743

Vol 2 Chapter 712: Prince Charles’ Dinner

Chapter 712 Prince Charles’ Dinner

Guo Shouyun doesn’t know many people in the UK. As the protagonist of today’s banquet, Prince Charles is naturally not lacking in clinging, so Guo Shouyun didn’t bother. After taking two glasses of champagne from the waiter, he stepped aside.

But now he is not the little guy he was when he first made his fortune three or four years ago. As a world-class business tycoon, he has recently acquired the Manchester United football team with fans all over the UK. He doesn’t know anyone else, but more and more people know him. And people who insert a few Chinese faces among the many white people are themselves eye-catching.

“Hi, Bruce!”

“William?” Guo Shouyun was surprised when he turned around and saw the person walking behind him, “Didn’t you say you were still at St Andrew’s University when you called last time?”

“Haha, of course I want to surprise you as a friend!”

“Well, this surprise is really good!”

The two smiled and hugged. In addition to the Rowling family, in the UK, Prince William is his best friend. The two have been in constant phone contact with each other since they met for three years.

“Wang, you are so beautiful today!”

“Thank you!” Wang Jue smiled.

As Guo Shouyun’s personal assistant, she is no stranger to Prince William.

“Bruce, did you really buy Manchester United?”

“It looks like you are a Manchester United fan too!” Guo Shouyun nodded and smiled.

“Of course, most of the entire British royal family are Manchester United fans. But why did you suddenly think of buying Manchester United?”

“Why, I’m afraid that I don’t understand football, so I just use it as a money making machine?”

“Of course not! You have so many more valuable and more profitable companies than Manchester United!”

Even so, Guo Shouyun still saw a hint of hesitation in his eyes. Obviously Prince William has this concern. As a true football fan, no one likes a team they admire being bought by a businessman. This year, the golden dollar football wave that Abu has set off around the world has just begun, and it will take time before it truly changes the entire European football world.

“William, I like football more than basketball, and I’m a Manchester United fan myself. That’s why I bought it!” Guo Shouyun laughed.

“Really? Weren’t you the main force of your basketball team in college?”

“Playing basketball is a hobby, and watching football is also a hobby!”

Seeing the smile on his face, Prince William nodded, “Okay, I believe you!” After a pause, “Bruce, Manchester United is my favorite team, don’t screw it up. .”

“Don’t worry, I have invested nearly 800 million pounds anyway, how can I screw it up!”

“Come on, I’ll take you to see your father!”

“I’m here!” Prince Charles walked over with a glass of wine in his hand and smiling. In fact, as the top guest invited at this banquet, a servant had already told Guo Shouyun when he first entered Clarence House. Originally, he planned to meet Guo Shouyun after appeasing the guests who were chatting at the time, but he didn’t expect to be robbed by his son.

“His Royal Highness, it is a great honor to meet you!”

The gifts were handed over to the royal administrators who were responsible for registering and receiving gifts when they entered the door, so there was no need to take them out here.

“It is also my honor to invite such a distinguished guest as Mr. Guo!”

When they met for the first time, they simply shook hands.

“This beautiful lady is…?” Charles looked at the beautiful woman next to him with shining eyes.

“Wang Jue, I’m the boss’s assistant!”

“It turns out that Ms. Wang is the most beautiful oriental woman I have ever seen!”

As he said that, he took Wang Jue’s right hand and gave a standard western kiss. The lascivious crown prince probably also knew that Guo Shouyun’s status was extraordinary, and did not pursue Wang Jue for contact information.

“After Mr. Guo came to the UK, he made frequent moves in the corporate world, especially the acquisition of Rover Motors, which is even more surprising!”

“Surprise? I’m afraid there will be more people waiting to see my joke!” Guo Shouyun said indifferently.

“Mr. Guo is joking. Who doesn’t know that since Mr. Guo entered the business world five years ago and founded LinkedIn, he has been brilliant, especially when he acquired Enron, which was on the verge of bankruptcy, and reorganized it into the world’s largest public utility company. It is admirable and deeply thoughtful. I believe that with the acquisition of Rover Motors, Mr. Guo will also create the story of Enron back then. And I have read the BBC news, the development of twelve new models is really bold , apart from Mr. Guo, I am afraid that there is no second person in the world who dares to step into the auto industry with such a large amount of money.”

“His Royal Highness’s words are really embarrassing, but I will do my best to bring Rover back to life and become the flagship of the British automotive industry!”

“I think we should have a toast to this exciting goal!” Charles nodded and raised his glass.


Accompanied by the clinking sound of glasses, the two, including Wang Jue and Prince William, took a sip of the champagne in their glasses.

Charles looked at the time, “Mr. Guo, I have to excuse me for the time being!”

“Your Highness, please do it yourself.”

“William, Mr. Guo is our honored guest, you must take good care of it!”

“Yes, father!”

Charles nodded, turned and walked to the inside of the hall. After taking a black microphone from his butler, he stood on the steps and said, “Everyone, I’m Charles, and I’m very happy that you can accept the invitation and come to this evening. For the dinner held at Clarence House, I would like to thank Baron Leon Lambert, Chairman of the Board of Directors of HSBC, Lord James Raiple, Deputy Secretary of State of the United Kingdom, Mr. Bruce Guo, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Phoenix Bank, Pacific Energy and other companies, Swiss National Bank Chairman of the Management Board Dr. Pierre Langorton, Economist Mr. Otto Graf Rambsdorf!”

After introducing six or seven guests, who were probably the highest-ranking guests at the banquet, Charles said, “…Thank you very much for coming to Clarence House during your busy schedule. I hope you can have a pleasant night.”

Accompanied by not too loud applause, the band next to them played a melodious waltz. Looking at the men and women walking onto the dance floor in twos and threes, Wang Jue’s eyes showed longing.

“Boss, let’s go dance too!”


“It doesn’t matter, I just have to find a dance partner!” Prince William waved his hand.

“Then we’ll talk later!”


After saying goodbye, Wang Jue took his hand and put it on his waist. Half-armed Wang Jue’s slender and soft willow waist, and met her bright and deep eyes, “Don’t you usually don’t like dancing this kind of ballroom dance?”

“Of course I don’t like it without your boss.”

“Why do you want me here!”

“Aren’t you asking knowingly?”

Her fiery eyes made Guo Shouyun, a veteran lover, a little bit unbearable.

“Following me is doomed to fail, you know that!”

“Of course I know. But are you willing to hand me over to another man?” Wang Jue moved forward deliberately, so that the two of them could stick closer.

This is the most contradictory question in Guo Shouyun’s heart. As a married man, reason tells him that he shouldn’t mess around and should take on his responsibilities as a husband. But in fact, when he met Wang Jue and Wu Xiaojing, who not only possessed extraordinary wisdom, but also had the beauty of the city, when he came into his arms, his desire made him unable to control himself.

It has to be said that power and money are the amplifiers of people’s hearts. With a high probability, in a society full of money and money, successful men seldom end in one go.

“In fact, not long after I became your secretary, I knew I couldn’t live without it. I know so many secrets of you, I have experienced the top power in the world, and I have seen the best man in the world. How could I accept it again? An ordinary man, living an ordinary life of washing his hands and making soup? … And compared to Qiu Manyun and Ji’s sisters, Xiaojing and I are no worse than them in terms of appearance and appearance, right?”

Looking at the watery eyes of the Iraqi in his arms, Guo Shouyun sighed in his heart. But just as he was about to say something, the song was over.

Release Wang Jue’s waist, “Let’s go back and talk about this matter!”

Wang Jue nodded somewhat unwillingly.

The two found an vacant seat next to them and sat But the one who came to the door earlier than Prince William was a middle-aged but well-maintained old man in a black suit. .

“Mr. Neff?”

“I didn’t expect Mr. Guo to recognize me too!”

The man smiled and stretched out his right hand.

Guo Shouyun got up and held the opponent’s right hand, “Of course, Thomas Neff, chairman and CEO of Scottish Electricity, is a heavyweight in the UK public sector!”

Facing the praise, Thomas Neff smiled, “Can I sit down?”

“Of course! Please!”

There were four stools around the square table, and Guo Shouyun and Wang Jue occupied two. Thomas Neff sat down beside him.

“With Mr. Guo’s wisdom, you must be able to guess my purpose.”

“My 22.4% stake in Scottish Power from Phoenix International Group?”

“That’s right! We want to know the real purpose of Mr. Guo! Investment or acquisition?”

Guo Shouyun smiled and said, “What do you think?”

“Acquisition!” Thomas Neff affirmed.

With Pacific Energy Group, the world’s largest energy and utility company, no one thinks Guo Shouyun’s acquisition of Scottish Power’s shares is just for investment.

“Since Your Excellency understands, what is the opinion of Scottish Power’s management and board of directors on my acquisition?”

“Mr. Guo, as long as there is a reasonable price, I personally have no objection to Mr. Guo’s acquisition of Scottish Power!”

A hint of surprise flashed in Guo Shouyun’s eyes. Although there is no absolute not-for-sale product in this world, as long as the price is right, everything can be negotiated. But Thomas Neff also agreed a little too happily.


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