Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 746

Vol 2 Chapter 715: The Future Of Electric Vehicles

Chapter 715 The Future of Electric Vehicles

“It takes enough time and money to develop a new car from scratch. The four brands of Austin, Rover, MG and Red Star, even with the support of Rover’s existing technology and car series, 12 models are enough for us to work hard. For a long time. At the same time, they also cover the mainstream models that are popular in the world. When we get a firm foothold in the automotive industry and let the debt fall below 20%, we will consider expanding new series and models.”

“…That is to say, in the next three to five years, or even longer, the main task of Red Star Rover is to improve the corporate management system, keep up with the trend of the times to develop 12 models, and repay debts.”

After a pause, seeing Peter Hirel nodding clearly, “Who else has a problem?”

“Many car companies are now deploying electric vehicle research and development. Should we start research in this area in advance?” asked chief engineer Lauren Cunningham.

“The key battery technology of electric vehicles is still far from the standard of marketization. At present, it is not necessary, and there is not enough funds and energy to put it on it. The task of Red Star Rover’s engineering department is to do Good engine and chassis development and tuning.”

Guo Shouyun did not incorporate Rover’s engine R&D and production, as well as chassis R&D and production into Hunan Torch. Hunan Torch has weak technical strength and its foundation lies in China. Forcibly merging with the Rover engineering department with strong technical accumulation is too troublesome and time-consuming to integrate. Might as well leave it at Rover, specializing in diesel and gasoline car engines, as well as chassis development and production.

As for the Hunan Torch, Guo Shouyun also thought about it. Accumulating engine technology and chassis technology from scratch, with Huaxia’s existing scientific research level and technical personnel capabilities, even if it takes ten years, it may not be able to catch up with the old Europe, Japan, South Korea and the United States, which have accumulated rich technological powers.

In this case, learn from BYD, overtake on curves, and focus on the research and development of batteries and electric drive systems. In this regard, everyone’s starting point is the same. Now they are investing heavily in research. After 20 years, when the electric vehicle market breaks out, Red Star Rover will be able to take the initiative.

After asking again, and after everyone had no problem, Guo Shouyun started the next topic.

“About the issue of sales. Now the car sales industry is dominated by the dealer model. However, the dealer model has obvious shortcomings. For example: high inventory pressure, serious internal competition, difficult process management, high assessment indicators, etc.; in this Under the predicament of the series, in order to pursue performance, they often adopt sales methods such as bundled sales, opaque prices, and frequent harassment of customers. This will not only cause a poor user experience, but also when dealing with a crisis, the first thing to consider is The dealer’s own interests, not the goodwill and future of the car brand.”

“…A company’s brand and goodwill take decades, even decades to build. But if it is destroyed, it may only take a few days or even a few hours. We want to reduce this probability as much as possible. Therefore, In the future, we will build our own directly-operated stores! Of course, considering the high investment in opening a directly-operated store and the time required, we will temporarily adopt the direct sales and dealership models. Expand the scale of our directly-operated stores. … Brito?”


“China’s direct store development model, I have already told you, this time Europe is still expanding with a cascade model of big cities, medium-sized cities, and small cities.”

“Boss, are we going to start now?”


“But most of our car series will not be listed until next year. If we start to expand the scale of directly-operated stores now, I am afraid it will cause a certain degree of waste.”

“Of course I know this. But I would rather let the store wait for the car than let the car wait for the store. Moreover, the car distribution system in Europe is relatively complete. Unlike Huaxia, most of the directly-operated stores need to be built by ourselves. The European region is dominated by acquisitions. With the amount of capital we have now, you can measure the specific acquisition targets to contact, and let me know when there is a result.”

Brito nodded knowingly.

“Okay, that’s all I have to say, who has any questions?”

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads.

“Since there is no problem. Then I hope you can transform the departments you lead according to the content of the meeting just now. I will ask you about your achievements every other month. If you do well, I will not be stingy with rewards and equity. And options have your share. But if you can’t meet my requirements for a consecutive quarter, then sorry, please leave, Red Star Rover doesn’t need lazy executives. This is what I ask of you, and I hope you To demand your subordinates with such a standard….Everyone, do you understand?”

Facing the dignified eyes of the big boss, these people who have worked hard in the workplace for many years feel a heavy pressure.

They understood that Red Star Rover was very different from the company they had worked for before. More emphasis on efficiency and wolf culture here.


“Okay! I’ll wait to see your performance. Brito, you stay, the others can leave.”

Everyone didn’t dare to stay any longer. After packing up their belongings, they turned around and left the conference room.

“I think your condition is not very good, don’t make yourself too tired. We still have a lot of time!” Guo Shouyun turned his head and said after only two people were left in the room.

“I know. But there are too many things about Rover, and there are so many things, even if you want to rest, there is no chance. Fortunately, I am used to this kind of life when I was in Brecco.” Brito smiled.

“It’s good to know what you have in mind!” After a pause, Guo Shouyun organized the language, “The reason why I left you alone this time is mainly to discuss the issue of Xiang Torch with you. According to our previous plan, Hunan The torch is to be a leader in R&D and spare parts for ignition systems, engine systems, brake systems and air conditioning systems. But I think this goal is a bit out of date after we acquired Rover.”

“…The reason is very simple. Compared with Rover, which has strong technology accumulation, Huaxia’s industry, especially the automotive industry’s mechanical processing and technology research and development system is very weak. It is a waste of money and unnecessary to catch up from scratch. Therefore, my plan is Remove the research and development of the engine system from the research and development system of the Torch, and focus the funds and energy on the vehicle battery and the electric drive system.”

“Didn’t you say before that it’s too early to conduct research in this area? And with Rover’s technology accumulation and European R&D strength, is it more appropriate to put research on vehicle batteries and electric drive systems here? ?” Brito frowned slightly.

“The reason why I was too early was because I didn’t want to distract Rover too much when they were not out of the quagmire of losses. As for the research and development of vehicle batteries and battery drive systems in Europe.” Guo Shouyun smiled, “It is precisely because Europe has a strong accumulation of technology in internal combustion engines and machining, which is an advantage they are proud of. If they let them give up this advantage and focus on electric vehicles, which have not yet been proven feasible , do you think they would?”

Brito pondered for a moment and then shook his head slightly.

When an enterprise occupies an absolute advantage in a field, its instincts will become arrogant and rigid, and its vigilance and emphasis on new things will decrease accordingly, and those who are good swimmers will die of drowning. The most typical example is the mobile phone industry. When Motorola, Nokia and Blackberry were in their prime, they never imagined that they would be subverted by Apple’s epoch-making mobile phone innovation.

In fact, Apple’s first-generation iPhone wasn’t great. Motorola and Nokia have every opportunity to use their strong mobile phone technology accumulation to go head-to-head. It is a pity that the rigid system, the pride and persistence in their strong technical accumulation, made them miss the opportunity. On the contrary, the grass-headed army in China, without any ideological baggage, chased after Apple’s **** to copy and imitate, and did everything possible, and finally became a giant in the world’s mobile phone industry. Among the top ten mobile phone giants in the world, Huaxia occupies seven seats.

The same goes for the electric vehicle industry. The key to electric vehicles is the battery, which accounts for 40% of the cost of the entire vehicle. Before he crossed the road, all the top ten automotive battery manufacturers in the world, except for Panasonic, Samsung and LG Chem, were all Huaxia battery companies.

Among the world’s leading electric car companies, the eldest is Tesla and the second is BYD. Behind Weilai, there are a bunch of Huaxia electric vehicle companies.

Of course, BMW and Toyota are also on the list. But they are more of a hybrid model. Pure electric vehicles are still Tesla and a lot of Chinese car manufacturers.

Bypassing the strong technical accumulation of engines and gearboxes in old Europe and Japan, a large number of electric vehicle companies in the United States and China have risen, breaking the pattern of the global automobile industry.

Of course, in terms of vehicle manufacturing technology, even Tesla is a rough man compared to BMW and Mercedes-Benz. However, in the research and development and manufacturing of vehicle batteries and the research and development of electric drive systems, China and the United States have already caught up with them by virtue of their first-mover advantage. Whether traditional car companies such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Toyota can continue to maintain their dominance in the auto industry over the past few decades is unknown.

It is quite interesting to say that the international electric vehicle market in 2018 and 2019 is similar to the mobile phone market in 2007 and 2008. Elon Musk and Tesla are comparable to Jobs and Apple, while a large number of pure electric car companies in China are similar to Huawei, Xiaomi, OPPO, etc. in the ignorant era. At that time, old giants such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Motorola and Nokia were also eyeing them. Whether the electric vehicle industry will end up as disruptive as the mobile phone industry, no one knows. But at least Alibaba, Tencent, Google, and Apple have a large number of Internet companies entering the electric vehicle industry, which can not help but create infinite associations!

“No one, or any company, will give up their advantages and focus on something whose future is uncertain. BMW can’t, VW can’t, Daimler Benz can’t either. Of course, they think they can Relying on its own technology accumulation, sales channels and brand recognition, on the eve of the real development of electric vehicle companies, it established its own existence through acquisitions. However, without previous accumulation, a clear development direction and firm determination, in the ever-changing new technology How can they possibly stay ahead?”

“…Of course, everything I say now is based on speculation. However, I prefer to develop electric vehicles from now on to establish sufficient technical advantages. Otherwise, only with the current capital of Red Star Automobile Group, Although there is an opportunity to become a world-class car manufacturer, it is very difficult, or not at all, to surpass Volkswagen, Toyota, and Daimler Benz to become the world’s largest car company.”

Brito looked at him with some surprise and admiration, and sighed: “The boss is really amazing, I originally thought that making Red Star Auto Group a top ten auto manufacturer in the world would be considered a success, but I never thought of surpassing it. Volkswagen or Toyota.”

“If you want to do it, you must be the best one. Otherwise, with my current identity and status, what’s the point of entering a new industry!” Guo Shouyun said It seems that I have to work harder. Otherwise, it is not worthy of the current position! ‘ said Brito with a smile.

“I believe you deserve it, and it will be surprisingly good!”

“I hope so too!”

On September 5, 2004, the Bevan estate in Exeter, England.

Guo Shouyun has rarely come here since Molly Bevin’s accident. The feeling of seeing things and thinking of people is not good. However, it will be the birthday of the old man. Although he has no name, his actual son-in-law cannot be missed.

“Yaya Toure’s transfer made you a fortune, right?”

While his attention has been on the transformation of the Rover car during this time, there has also been occasional concern about the Manchester United move.

In particular, the 22 million pounds transfer fee, the news that Yaya Toure joined the Premier League giants Manchester United from Olympiacos, Greece, is a rare big deal in football in 2004.

“Haha, a small profit. There must be no comparison with you, the super rich who bought Manchester United for 800 million pounds.” Al Bevin laughed.

Looking at the smugness on the corners of his eyes, you can see how happy he is now.

“By the way, Bruce. Manchester United’s back line and central defender position, Sylvester’s ability is obviously unable to meet the requirements of Manchester United’s main force, you should introduce a younger and stronger central defender. In addition, left back Ao Although Xie has comprehensive ability, comprehensiveness also means mediocrity. You also need a left-back. And Kolo Toure’s strength at center back and Marcelo’s strength at left-back are the best in football today. Top.”



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