Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 748

Vol 2 Chapter 717: Power Plants Of Pacific Energy

Chapter 717 The Power Plant of Pacific Energy

“Including Scottish Power, Pacific Energy would have total assets of $171 billion, with a 7.2 percentage point decrease in gearing and a 1.2 percentage point increase in net profit to 12.76%.”

“At the same time, the number of power plants owned by Pacific Energy will increase to 173, of which the number of super power plants above 1,000 megawatts will increase to 29, and the installed capacity will increase to 72,840 megawatts. The proportion of new energy including wind power, solar energy, etc. It increased by 4 percentage points to 9.4%; the installed capacity of nuclear power increased by 5.7 percentage points, accounting for 14.2%; the installed capacity of thermal power increased by 7.8 percentage points, accounting for 23.94%, and the installed capacity of natural gas power generation increased by 11.4 percentage points, accounting for 52.46%.

“In electricity distribution and retail, we will have 28,700 commercial customers and over 40.28 million individual customers.”

With excitement in his tone, after quickly talking about Pacific Energy’s assets, revenue, and business scale after the acquisition of Scottish Power Company, Jonathan Weil continued to report on the company’s financial and operating conditions in the third quarter.

“At present, we have 5 power plants expanded in Huaxia, and 12 expanded power plants, with a general installed capacity of more than 1,000 megawatts, all of which are natural gas power plants, with a total installed capacity of 28,000 megawatts. Equity installed capacity is 15,800 megawatts. watt.”

Most of the power plants invested by Pacific Energy in China are joint ventures, holding about 50% of the shares.

“In India and Southeast Asia, there are 3 new power plants and 11 expansion power plants, with an installed capacity of 300-500 megawatts, with natural gas power plants accounting for 53%, coal-fired power plants 41%, and new energy accounting for 6%. The total installed capacity is 19,000 megawatts. watts, with an attributable installed capacity of 11,530 MW.”

“In the Middle East and Africa, there are 6 new power plants and 14 expansion power plants with an installed capacity of 100-300 MW, of which natural gas power plants account for 23% and coal-fired power plants 77%. The total installed capacity is 9,580 MW, and the equity installed capacity is 6,598 MW. watt.”

“In North America, there are 4 new power plants and 7 expansion power plants, with an installed capacity of 300-1,000 MW, of which natural gas power plants account for 73%, nuclear power 16.5%, and new energy 10.5%. The total installed capacity is 16,000 MW, all of which are self-developed. establish.”

“In South America, there are 3 new power plants and 13 expansion power plants with an installed capacity of 300-800 MW, of which natural gas power plants account for 52%, coal-fired power plants 27%, nuclear power 13.3%, and new energy 17.2%. The total installed capacity is 11,000. megawatts, with an attributable installed capacity of 93.6 million megawatts.”

“In Europe, there are 3 new power plants and 9 expansion power plants, with an installed capacity of 800-1200 MW, of which natural gas power plants account for 54.2%, nuclear power 23.4%, and new energy 22.4%. The total installed capacity is 14,500 MW, with equity installed capacity. 9340 megawatts.”

“As of now, the installed capacity of Pacific Energy under construction is 98,000 MW, of which the equity installed capacity is 6.89 MW, the total investment is 143.2 billion US dollars, the net investment is 21.48 billion US dollars, and the average annual net investment is 4.296 billion US dollars. The average annual increase is 1.39 billion US dollars. 10,000 megawatts of installed capacity.”

Pacific Energy invests in new and expanded power plants every year, but it’s more aggressive and bigger than other power investors. In the next five years, its own power generation capacity will double. In addition, the future emerging markets where Huaxia and Southeast Asia are located account for half of the investment in Pacific Energy’s power projects.

“…All of the above projects are undertaken by Taiping Energy’s energy engineering department. According to the agreement, 74.3% of the projects will be operated by us after completion.”

“…In addition, we acquired Obi, the second largest electricity distributor in Chile, and São Paulo, the third largest electricity distributor in Brazil, 27 electricity distribution and retail establishments in 14 countries.”

Each country’s electricity business environment and policies are different. Similar to Huaxia’s power transmission field, the State Grid is the absolute leader, and the electricity produced by the power plant can only be sold to him. State-owned and private companies are only allowed to operate in the power generation, distribution and retail sectors.

However, in some countries, such as Brazil and Chile in South America, and the United Kingdom in Europe, the electricity market is completely liberalized, and power generation, transmission, and distribution can be vertically integrated. Of course, there are also companies that are only involved in a certain segment. Similar to the British North West Power Company acquired by Li Ka-shing, it is only a pure distribution network operator, not involved in the field of power generation and transmission.

Pacific Energy is investing heavily in power generation, and of course finding enough markets for that power. Therefore, acquisitions in the transmission and distribution links are inevitable.

“…In the power sector, Pacific Energy earned a combined operating income of $7.872 billion in the third quarter of 2004 and a near profit of $1.3 billion.”

“In natural gas, we currently operate 25,000 miles of trunk natural gas pipelines in North America and 1,820 miles of trunk gas pipelines in South America. We have 12,000 industrial gas users and 12.8 million personal customers.”

“In addition, we invest and own 33.4% of the 4,539-mile coastal natural gas pipeline in Brazil. Construction has started. From Colombia’s ‘San Cristobal’ to Venezuela’s ‘Guyana City’, the total length is 430 miles, with an investment of 1.4 billion US dollars The natural gas pipeline has signed a cooperation agreement and is expected to officially start construction on October 3 this year.”

“…Huaxia has agreed to our investment in the second phase of the West-East Gas Pipeline, totaling US$4 billion, and Pacific Energy will have a 21.4% stake, but no management is involved.”

“It took nearly a year before and after, and I finally got it!” Guo Shouyun not only sighed with emotion.

“The boss solved the economic turmoil that may be caused by the collapse of Delong Group, and the Huaxia government reciprocated, so that we have the opportunity to join it, and we also got an important 21.4% stake.” Jonathan Weil laughed.

“That’s why it’s said, ‘Sai Weng loses his horse, how can you know it’s not a blessing’!”

Seeing the questioning look on Jonathan’s face, he knew that he didn’t understand Huaxia’s idioms, and he didn’t mean to explain. After waving his hand, “Okay, you can continue!”

“Currently, we are negotiating with the Indian government to build a 160-kilometer natural gas pipeline from Mumbai to Pune.”

“India’s political risk is too high, and their economic development is too low, can we make a profit?” Guo Shouyun said with concern.

“It is precisely considering that the political risk in India is too high, so we plan to cooperate with the Indian Oil and Gas Company, each of which will hold 50% of the equity. In addition, from the Dabor project to the present, for more than ten years, we have been in the India, especially Maharashtra, has accumulated enough contacts in the political circles to make sure that the engineering project will pass.”

“…As for profitability, Pune, the second largest city in Maharashtra, has a population of 1.2 million in the urban area. Even if only a tenth can afford natural gas, there are 120,000, plus industrial users The average annual demand is 15 million cubic meters. In addition, the entire state of Marashtra has a population of 120 million. Compared with the natural gas demand in the urban area, the gas distribution and retail market in the surrounding towns is even greater.”

“…According to our statistics, in 2003, the demand for natural gas in the whole of Maharashtra was 547 million cubic meters. If this pipeline can be built, then retailers in the whole of central and eastern Maharashtra will be We will get gas from our nearest source, and we will also open up the gas distribution and retail market in Maharashtra and India as a whole.”

Guo Shouyun nodded, and it could be seen that Jonathan Weir had thought about this matter very carefully, thinking about all aspects.

“What about the specifications of the piping design?”

“The annual gas transmission capacity is 5 billion cubic meters.”

“It seems that your plan is quite long-term.” Guo Shouyun said with a smile.

“This is also influenced by you.” After a pause, “if the pipeline from Mumbai to Pune operates well, and after gaining some experience, we are ready to extend from Pune to the south, where the economy is more developed in India. Sholapur , Hyderabad, Bangalore, Nagpur and other cities are worthy of our development.”

“It seems that you are very interested in the Indian market!” Guo Shouyun said.

After Jonathan nodded, his tone was a little excited: “India has had an average GDP growth rate of more than 5% for five consecutive years. Although it is not as good as China, it is also a supermarket with a population of nearly 1.2 billion. The most important thing is that this is still a very large market. It’s a virgin land that few big foreign companies have set foot in, and it’s worth investing in.”

“Jonathan, you are optimistic about the Indian market, I have no objection. You plan to invest in the Mumbai to Pune gas pipeline, and I agree. But you know that no one is a fool, EDF, Italy Power companies, General Electric, they all have natural gas businesses, why don’t they dare to invest heavily in the Indian market? Don’t they really see the potential in it? I think even if I don’t say it, you know the answer.”

Jonathan Weir nodded. When he planned to invest in the natural gas pipeline from Mumbai to Pune, he had done enough research, and naturally he was very clear about the drawbacks of the development of public utilities in India.

“Boss, I know that the Indian market has many problems such as political corruption, unsound legal system, serious poverty, backward infrastructure, difficulty in land acquisition, and strong local power. But developing international projects, especially in third world countries, has many problems. None of the projects will be easy. India is only relatively more difficult. But with the experience and lessons of the Dabor project, I believe that we can solve these problems one by one and accumulate more experience for developing the Indian market.”

“I appreciate you having such an idea. However, I would also like to stress that the construction of the follow-up pipeline must not be carried out until the Mumbai-Pune natural gas pipeline project is determined to be profitable. For the development of the Indian market, we must take it step by step. Step on the ground firmly, and never go ahead. Let alone make the mistakes of the Dabor project again.”


In fact, Guo Shouyun’s explanation is also Jonathan Weir’s own idea. After careful investigation, he is more aware than Guo Shouyun of the difficulties in the development of public utilities in the Indian market. This is why he is only willing to invest in the 160-kilometer natural gas pipeline from Mumbai to Pune.

Be aware that Pacific Energy’s pipelines in Colombia are longer than this.


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