Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 751

Vol 2 Chapter 720: Sell Blackberry

Chapter seven hundred and twentieth sell the blackberry

Leaving Jonathan Weir to deal with the acquisition of Scottish Power Company, Guo Shouyun, who had already arranged everything properly, returned to the United States on his own Kunpeng.

4 New York Plaza, now Wall Street, and New Yorkers prefer to call it the Phoenix Building. Since the merger of the Phoenix Corporation and National City Bank of America, the name has become more and more accepted by more and more people.

In the chairman’s office on the top floor of the Phoenix Building, Guo Shouyun looked down at the bustling Fifth Avenue through the floor-to-ceiling windows. For a moment, he felt as if he had stepped on the entire Wall Street. Shaking his head slightly to drive this illusion out of his mind, he turned around after taking a last look at the bustling heart of American finance.

“Stephen, it seems that choosing you to be the CEO of Phoenix Bank was the most correct choice I made. In the third quarter of 2004, Phoenix Bank’s operating income was US$9.249 billion, a year-on-year increase of 10%, and its net profit was US$2.071 billion, a year-on-year increase. Growth rate of 9.3%, return on equity was 19.57%, return on total assets was 8.73%, capital adequacy ratio was 12.07%, of which the tier 1 capital adequacy ratio was 8.41%. The non-performing loan ratio was 0.55%. The $496.5 billion of the total has increased to the current $658.37 billion, more than one-fifth. You… have a great deal of credit!”

“Boss, you are over the top! Half of Phoenix Bank’s revenue comes from the foundation laid earlier by Phoenix. Especially BlackBerry, Gilead Sciences, Amgen, Qualcomm, Intel, Broadcom, NVIDIA, AMD, GlobalFoundries, Texas Instruments, Starbucks, Oracle, these twelve companies spent less than 15 billion US dollars when the stock market was in the downturn in 2001 and 2002, and they got more than 8~54% of their shares, and now, this part The value of the equity has nearly quadrupled compared to the past.”

“…especially BlackBerry, a company that we own 54% of and directly control, the market value has grown from 572 million in 2001 to $20.3 billion now, with nearly 40 times the income, becoming the most profitable bank in Phoenix. An investment.” Stephen Bryan’s expression was full of excitement.

For equity investment, an annual return of more than 20% has already surpassed the average state of the market. But 40 times the income is enough to be recorded in business history.

However, Guo Shouyun was not surprised by such a situation. To this day, he still receives a post he read in 2003.

In the “911 Incident”, almost all communication equipment in the United States was paralyzed, but the BlackBerry mobile phone of US Vice President Cheney was successfully connected wirelessly, and it was able to receive real-time information about the disaster scene anytime, anywhere. During the recess of the U.S. Congress due to the 9/11 incident, each member of the Congress was allocated a copy of the “”” so that they could use it to handle state affairs.

There’s no better advert than this, so the BlackBerry is on fire.

2006 was the brightest moment for BlackBerry phones. It once occupied 48% of the US market. Because of its iconic full keyboard and superior security, BlackBerry phones were favored by a large number of politicians and business people. Even in 2009, when the iPhone 4 had become popular all over the world, the shipment of BlackBerry phones was still as high as 50 million units, claiming to account for 20% of the global smartphone market. The annual revenue is also close to 20 billion US dollars, and the market value once reached 83 billion US dollars.

Even Guo Shouyun bought one, but it was eventually replaced by a Meizu.

As Huawei, Xiaomi, Apple, and Samsung compete to dominate the global market, BlackBerry is also dying silently. As for whether it has also fallen to the point where Motorola is being sold off, he does not know. Back then no one cared about BlackBerry phones.

But in any case, in the first decade of the 21st century, BlackBerry phones are indeed more popular. It is an investment project that cannot be missed. But after buying Apple, he ceded the project to Phoenix Bank. With the backing of BlackBerry’s management, it acquired a 54% stake in the company on the condition of investing, but not involving operating rights. This is also the company with the most shares held by the PE department of Phoenix Bank.

In contrast, Gilead Sciences, Amgen, Qualcomm, Intel, Broadcom, NVIDIA, AMD, GlobalFoundries, Texas Instruments, Starbucks, and Oracle, which are also affiliated with the PE investment department, have the most with only 16.8%. .

What makes Guo Shouyun so important is the famous patent hooligan Qualcomm in later generations! It was hit hard by the Nasdaq crisis, and its market value was only about US$6 billion during the bottom period. Of course, Guo Shouyun would not miss such an opportunity.

With the recovery of the U.S. economy in recent years, the market value of these companies has also grown upwards. It is also to their credit that Phoenix Bank has the highest return on total assets on Wall Street. You know, ****’s return on total assets is only about 2%, Wells Fargo is only 1.7%, and Phoenix Bank is 4 times that.

Looking at Stephen Bryan’s excited face, Guo Shouyun briefly thought about it.

“Stephen, the growth of BlackBerry is really exciting. But when it was the most popular, it was time for us to get out.”

“Exit? Why?”

Guo Shouyun knew that Stephen Bryan was not someone who could be easily persuaded. So after thinking about it, he still told him the truth.

“Apple is working on a new phone. Once launched, it will profoundly change the current mobile phone industry. BlackBerry phones, even Nokia and Motorola will become obsolete products. Instead of waiting for them to lose value, let our investment lose Terrible. Might as well start selling now and pocket the profits.”

“Are you sure you’re not joking?” Stephen Bryan asked in surprise.

“Stephen, April Fool’s Day has long passed. And you know me, I never make any jokes about matters involving the company’s major operations.” Guo Shouyun said solemnly.

With his help in this life, Apple’s research and development of the iPhone is faster than in the previous life. According to Jobs feedback. Now they have completed the most critical multi-touch technology research and development. If all goes well, the prototype will be launched in the second half of 2005. If there is no problem with the verification, the first generation iPhone will be launched in the first half of 2006. It was nearly a year earlier than Guo Shouyun remembered.

Although the BlackBerry mobile phone is still brilliant for a few years after the introduction of the iPhone. But Phoenix Bank owns too much BlackBerry stock. There can only be a gradual sell-off without affecting the market, which will take several years. So, get ready now. Fight for the highs of the market and dump all BlackBerry stock.

Looking at Guo Shouyun’s solemn expression, Stephen Bryan still had a hint of disbelief in his expression.

“Isn’t Apple a computer company? When did it start making phones?”

“Stephen, don’t let your emotions affect your brain. Since 2001, Apple has ceased to be a pure computer company, but a consumer electronics and software company with businesses involved in computers, portable music devices, Internet sites, and computer software. And chips. Mobile phones are the focus of the company’s research and development in the past three years.”

“Okay, okay! But what kind of phone could make BlackBerry, Nokia and Motorola obsolete? I can’t imagine it. Is there really such an electronic product in the world?”

“Of course!” Guo Shouyun nodded, and after thinking for a moment, “Well, when this New York incident is over, I’ll take you to Apple’s R&D center. You’ll understand when you get there.”

“Then I’m really looking forward to it!” Stephen Bryan nodded.

He was really curious about what Guo Shouyun said about Apple’s new mobile phone that could change the entire In addition, sell the shares of Intel and AMD! ”

In the PC era, Intel is the unquestionable overlord in the field of computer chips. Except for AMD, it can compete with one or two. There is no rival in the world. This also created the glory of Intel’s peak of more than 500 billion US dollars. But as the PC era came to an end, Intel, like Cisco, never returned to its peak.

In fact, after the Nasdaq crisis, there is no other technology giant that can truly surpass the market value of its peak, except for Microsoft. But Microsoft’s stock price is too high, even after the Nasdaq crisis, it is still as high as 200 billion US dollars, which completely makes Guo Shouyun not interested in investing at all, and the rate of return is too low.

Now Intel’s market value is around $200 billion, and AMD is around $23 billion. Although they will still occupy an important position in the field of computer chips in the future, there is little room for growth, or even nothing. The value of continuing to hold is not large, so after letting go, chasing more profitable investment projects has become an inevitable thing.

“Intel and AMD are now the undisputed king and second competitor in the world of computer chips. No matter how you look at them, their stocks should not be abandoned. However, I have a hunch that this decision must have something to do with Apple’s new phone. relationship.” Stephen Bryan said.

“Now I can’t convince you no matter how much I say. I’d better wait until you get to Silicon Valley and see Apple’s research and development results.” Guo Shouyun nodded with a smile.

Stephen Bryan nodded in agreement.



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