Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 770

Vol 2 Chapter 736: Greensfan

Chapter 736 Greenspan

“Mr. Greensfan is too suspicious. This is a normal business activity for me. Isn’t this the same as the rules of banks in the past hundred years?” Guo Shouyun said with a smile.

Looking at the man in front of him, Greenspan, who couldn’t see the same after a while, nodded.

“I hope Phoenix Bank can always adhere to this principle.”

“Of course, I can guarantee it!”

“I wish Mr. Guo a higher achievement in business.”

“Thank you! Also wish Mr. Greenspan the ability to use your talents to bring the United States to a more brilliant future!”

After Greensfan nodded, “I had a very pleasant chat with Mr. Guo. I have other friends over there, so I will leave first.”



After glancing at Greenspan’s back for the last time, Guo Shouyun turned his head and looked around for a while, then walked towards another small circle not far away.

“Several, do you mind if I come in?”

The three people who were chatting heard the words and turned their heads to look at them subconsciously.

“Of course, Mr. Guo is a distinguished guest who is usually difficult to invite!”

The white old man with a slightly fat body and a genial smile on his face smiled. Ned Johnson, Chairman, CEO and Chief Executive Officer of Fidelity, the world’s largest mutual fund. The Fidelity Fund is now one of the largest private financial companies in the world, managing an astonishing wealth of trillions of dollars. Most importantly, it is the Johnson family’s property. Ned Johnson and his wife have absolute control.

“Mr. Johnson is not a distinguished guest that I usually rarely see!”

After the two sides shook hands, Guo Shouyun turned to the tall but thin middle-aged man with golden glasses.

“Mr. Ryan! Mr. Frank!”

Anthony Ryan, Assistant Secretary for Financial Markets at the Treasury Department.

Barnett Frank, Congressman, Democrat, chairman of the Financial Services Committee.

The two men, including Ned Johnson, were powerful figures in the American financial world.

“I saw Mr. Guo and Mr. Greensfan chatting so happily just now. I didn’t expect you to have such a deep friendship.”

Facing Barnett Frank’s temptation, Guo Shouyun smiled.

“Ellen is a kind elder. Communicating with him will not only make you feel happy, but also learn a lot of useful knowledge.”

“As the best financier in the history of America, Mr. Greensfan is indeed worthy of respect and learning.” Barnett Frank nodded.

“Mr. Guo, I heard that Google is going to go public this year?” Ned Johnson asked.

“Mr. Johnson’s Fidelity Fund is also interested in investing?”

“Of course!” After Ned Johnson nodded, his eyes flashed, “If Google needs to raise funds before going public, we Fidelity Fund are very interested in participating.”

“Unfortunately! Google’s pre-IPO financing has ended, so I can only say sorry to Mr. Johnson.”

“What about the Ruby Company?”

Guo Shouyun smiled, “I didn’t expect Mr. Johnson to be interested in rubies.”

“As the most anticipated Internet company in Silicon Valley, our equity investment fund under Fidelity Fund of course hopes to invest. … But I just don’t know if Mr. Guo is willing to accept it?”

“Of course I would.”

Guo Shouyun’s quick promise surprised Ned Johnson. After all, he has rejected too many venture capital investments in recent years. Even Fidelity’s previous emails were bounced back. So even if he asked that just now, he was prepared to be rejected. But Guo Shouyun agreed unexpectedly?


“Of course!” Guo Shouyun nodded. “However, Ruby Company’s current financial position is very abundant, and there is no need for external financing for the time being. When we need to invest, we will definitely send an invitation letter to Fidelity Fund.”

“When financing is needed? Mr. Guo won’t be evasive, right?” Ned Johnson stared into his eyes and smiled.

“How? If Mr. Johnson had known, he should have known that I never make any jokes in serious business.”

Ned Johnson nodded.

“Then we can wait for the good news from Mr. Guo.”


Guo Shouyun nodded, paused for a moment, and then shifted the topic to other matters. After chatting with Anthony Ryan and Barnett Frank for a while, he took the initiative to leave.

Today’s presidential inauguration dinner brought together hundreds of elites from the military, political and business circles of the United States. He also needs to use this top-level banquet to maintain and expand his personal circle.

The day after the party, he secretly invited Ned Johnson to his carefully prepared suburban farm.

“Mr. Guo, if I hadn’t personally received the call from you, I would never have imagined that you would put the meeting place here.”

Guo Shouyun smiled, “Isn’t it nice here? A vast farm, green lawns, fresh air, and endless farms. Compared with the conference room built of reinforced concrete, this place is suitable for living and communicating. .”

“It’s a nice place to be on a farm compared to an office in the city centre. But I think I’d enjoy it more if it wasn’t for the smell of cow dung.”

Guo Shouyun smiled apologetically. This farm belongs to the Guo Group, and its purpose is to raise livestock as much as possible and increase revenue. Instead of just using it for their Saturday and Sunday vacations like many rich farms. It is inevitable that there are more cattle and sheep raised, so in the case of a downwind, it is easy to scrape the stench of cow dung and cattle and sheep.

“I’m sorry, I was negligent. If Mr. Johnson is very mindful, we can move to another place?”

Ned Johnson waved his hand.

“No need. I also raise some cattle and sheep on the farm in Connecticut, and these tastes are nothing to me.” After a pause, he looked directly at Guo Shouyun and said, “In comparison, I am more I’m curious why Mr. Guo invited me here in private.”

Guo Shouyun smiled lightly and stretched out his left hand, “Let’s go in and talk!”

Ned Johnson nodded and followed Guo Shouyun into the only house on the farm. This was originally a residence for farm employees. After cleaning up, it was temporarily used by Guo Shouyun as a negotiating place to receive Ned Johnson.

“It’s a little rough here, I hope Mr. Johnson doesn’t dislike it.”

“If I can have the opportunity to sit down with Mr. Guo, even if the environment is worse, I will not have any objection! What’s more, what Mr. Guo has furnished here is not much worse than the luxury suite in the hotel.”

While the two were talking, Wu Xiaojing and Wang Jue brought the prepared coffee.

“Don’t Mr. Guo like to drink tea?”

“I didn’t expect that I like this, and Mr. Johnson understands it. … But today is to entertain Mr. Johnson. Of course, you must choose your favorite coffee.”

“Mr. Guo has a heart, thank you!”

“Mr. Johnson is satisfied!”

Ned Johnson smiled, stirred the cup of coffee with a spoon, and took a sip.

“Pure Jamaican Blue Mountains! I didn’t expect Mr. Guo to know so much about my preferences.”

“If you want to satisfy the guests, of course, you must prescribe the right medicine!”

After Ned Johnson nodded, “the coffee is now too. Shouldn’t Mr. Guo also tell me why he invited me here today?”

“Not in a hurry!”

Guo Shouyun beckoned, and Wang Jue next to him immediately took out a document and handed it to him.

After taking it over and taking a brief look, Guo Shouyun pushed it in front of Ned Johnson.

“Non-disclosure agreement?”

“Before the formal negotiations begin, please sign this confidentiality agreement, Mr. Johnson.” Guo Shouyun nodded and said.

Looking at his expression, Ned Johnson suddenly smiled and said, “Now I’m more and more interested in what Mr. Guo is going to talk about today.”

“I believe Mr Johnson will make a worthwhile trip today!”

“I am looking forward!”

When the words fell, he signed his name at the end with a few ‘shushu’, reviewed it several times and handed it over to Guo Shouyun.

“Should be able to do it now?”

After taking it over and examining it again, Guo Shouyun smiled and nodded.

Hand over the non-disclosure agreement to Wang Jue, “Is Mr. Johnson interested in eBay shares?”


“That’s right!”

“As the Internet company with the highest market value now, I am certainly interested in its shares.”

After entering 2005, eBay’s market value has exceeded 60 billion US dollars, is currently the world’s most valuable Internet company. The market value of the second Yahoo is 53.2 billion US dollars, and it has no longer dominated the world before the Nasdaq crisis!

Guo Shouyun nodded slightly and continued: “Mr. Johnson must also know that I invested in eBay in 2001 and got a lot of shares. Therefore, if Fidelity Investment is interested, I am willing to put the eBay I hold in my hand. Shares sold to Fidelity.”

A glimmer of light flashed in Ned Johnson’s Mr. Guo is a globally recognized investment genius. You didn’t notice something, did you? ”

All successful people basically have a common trait, that is, suspicious. Of course, caution and thoughtfulness can also be used instead.

In view of Guo Shouyun’s repeated miracles in the financial world in the past five years, it is no wonder that Ned Johnson thinks so much. Moreover, during this period of time, the Bruce Foundation continued to sell Yahoo and eBay shares not unnoticed.

“Mr. Johnson is over-hearted. If Fidelity hadn’t had what I wanted, I wouldn’t have traded my eBay stake.”

“Really! But I’m curious, what kind of assets does Mr. Guo like about Fidelity?”

“5.4% of Merrill Lynch’s common stock held by Magellan Fund!” Guo Shouyun said slowly and condensedly.

Looking at his deep and sharp eyes, Ned Johnson froze for a moment, and then his expression soon became serious.

“Mr. Guo intends to acquire Merrill Lynch?”

“That’s right!”

The affirmative answer made Ned Johnson take a deep breath and calm down the sudden fluctuations in his heart.

As Wall Street’s second-largest investment bank after Morgan Stanley, news of the acquisition spread. It must be an explosive news that is sensational around the world. Now he understands why Guo Shouyun asked him to sign a non-disclosure agreement as soon as he came up.

After calming himself down, Ned Johnson stared at the man opposite him.

“Mr. Guo’s ambition is really shocking! But Phoenix Bank is already huge enough. Are you sure that the Treasury Department will agree to your acquisition? And MG Chase, Citi, and Bank of America may not be willing to see Phoenix come to the top.”

“That’s my business. Mr. Johnson, the deal between us is an equity stake in eBay, and an equity stake in Merrill Lynch.”

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