Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 796

Vol 2 Chapter 760: Snow Couple

Chapter 760 The Snow Couple

John Snow’s eyes lit up. Although the US Secretary of the Treasury has a high weight, his income is too low. The year-round salary adds up to only $60,000 to $70,000. Now that he’s been in this position for three years, he’s gilded enough and needs a well-paying position to earn him a large pension for his retirement.

The co-president of Citi, although not comparable to the chairman of the board and the CEO, is also the third position within Citi, and his power, status, and income can meet his requirements. Moreover, with his many years of career, especially the connections he has accumulated during his tenure as Secretary of the Treasury, it is not difficult to get high bonuses and shares from Citi.

Moreover, the entire upper class in the United States is well aware that the Schiff family fund is one of Citi’s major shareholders and has a very good personal relationship with most shareholders of Citi’s board of directors. He really has the ability to help himself.

Of course, John Snow was no fool. He may not know the ancient saying in the East that “people must ask for something when they are courteous,” but he understands the same principle.

“Mr. Schiff, even a merciful God would not give so many benefits to strangers for no reason. So, what do you want from us when you give these things?” Connery asked in front of her. road.

John Snow also nodded in agreement, his eyes fixed on Old Schiff.

“Mrs. Snow, what do you think of Bruce Guo’s acquisition of Merrill and the merger of Phoenix and Merrill?” Old Schiff asked after a faint smile.

But even though he didn’t answer directly, the wisdom of the Eisnow couple also instantly guessed his plan.

The two were silent for a moment, and after exchanging glances, John Snow asked, “What does Mr. Schiff think?”

“I think the merger of Phoenix and Merrill Lynch is a blessing in disguise for the stability of the U.S. financial industry. And it is too dangerous for a large financial institution to be completely controlled by one person. So, I hope the two of you, especially Mrs. Snow, can stop this. matter.”

“Mr. Schiff, there are many large financial institutions in the United States, such as Citi, Bank of America, MG Chase, etc. They have huge assets and influence all over the world, and they are not inferior to the new company after the merger of Phoenix and Merrill Lynch. As for large privately held financial institutions, Fidelity Fund is the best example. Therefore, if the merger of Merrill Lynch and Phoenix is investigated on the grounds of alleged monopoly, there is neither legal nor factual basis!” Connery replied cautiously.

“Mrs. Snow, I think you should know what the current GDP of the United States is?”

“Of course! $1.227 billion!”

This is the total GDP of the United States in 2004!

“The combined assets of Phoenix and Merrill Lynch have reached a staggering $2.5 trillion, which is more than one-sixth of the U.S. GDP. And after the successful merger, Phoenix Merrill Lynch’s expansion in the financial industry will not stop. Yes. It is foreseeable that its scale will become more and more amazing in the future. This will seriously threaten the financial security of the United States. What is even more terrifying is that such a huge financial company is still in the hands of one person, who is completely controlled by the board of directors and the board of supervisors. This kind of Absolute power is like a beast ready to come out at any time, destroying the American financial order anytime, anywhere.”

After a pause, Old Schiff lowered his voice, “The most important thing is that the person who controls this company is still a yellow-skinned Chinese. Although I have never been a supporter of racism. But I also think that the United States is dominated by white people. The future of the country will be better!”

“…Of course, whether to initiate an antitrust investigation into the merger of Merrill Lynch and Phoenix is something that Mrs. Snow decides. The above is just my personal opinion. People can intervene in this matter and lead its future development. I believe you will definitely leave a deep impression on the history of American companies; in the future, you will take a step forward in the political arena and become Ms. Rice, with global influence like Mrs. Thatcher. Women are also a high probability thing!”

In this world, except for a few people who are content with the status quo and idealized. Most of them regard money and power as their lifelong goals. Old Schiff cleverly brought the two together.

Looking at the twinkling eyes of John Snow and Connery, he knew that his words had worked!

“Mr. Schiff, your question is too important. I hope to give you an answer after thinking about it for a while!” Connelly said after a moment of silence.

“Of course! I’m always waiting for Mr. Snow, and Mrs. good news! … Cheers!”


With the mellow wine industry shaking, the four of them didn’t talk about work any more, and the atmosphere gradually became relaxed and happy.

At nine o’clock in the evening, the dinner that Old Schiff could organize was over.

Looking at the departing car, William Schiff, who didn’t speak much in the middle, said, “Father, do you think they will agree?”


Old Schiff nodded affirmatively.

“Why? When they mentioned this topic just now, their attitude was very perfunctory.”

“Since they didn’t refuse immediately, it means they are still hesitating about this matter. Hesitating means there is a possibility to agree, and what we have to do is to turn the possibility into a certainty.” Old Schiff patted his son on the shoulder, Turning around and walking inside, “Prepare for the charity dinner. We still have a lot of things to do with Bruce Guo.”

“Father, do we have to fight Bruce Guo?” William Schiff said to his father’s back after hesitating for a while.

Old Schiff paused, turned around halfway, and looked at his son with a serious expression.

“The humiliation that **** brought me must be paid back. Also, imagine your mother, who has been sad for the loss of Oliver and the Baling family over the past few years. . . . It’s all Bruce Guo Whether it’s for the glory of the Schiff family or our own family, Bruce Guo will never let it go!” After saying this decisively, the old Schiff breathed a sigh of relief, “William, we have already dealt with this matter. It’s been discussed many times and I hope this is the last time!”

After leaving a look full of the majesty of the father and the head of the family, the old Schiff turned around and left. Looking at his back from behind, William Schiff was a little helpless.

In his opinion, the “Golden War” against Bruce Guo that the Schiff family participated in in 2001 caused the family to lose some money, but it didn’t hurt. The ridicule of outsiders is normal, there is no need to take the initiative to provoke a more and more powerful enemy for the so-called reputation.

As for the Bahrain family, he never felt that the destruction of the Bahrain family had anything to do with the Schiff family. With the passage of time, the mother’s emotions have almost healed.

Even in William Schiff’s mind, the benefits of working with Bruce Guo are far greater than competing with each other! But helplessly, it is his father, not him, who holds the power of the entire Schiff family now. If he goes against his father’s wishes, the position of the direct heir to the Schiff family will probably fall to his good younger brother. This is the result he doesn’t want to see.

Power and money, he likes it too!

“Good grandson, let grandma hug!”

After taking the little guy from her daughter, her mother-in-law’s face blossomed with a smile. It seems that this kind of thing is not just for China, but also applies to the United States.

“Bart, look. Does William look like Wendy when he was a child?”

Old Roosevelt leaned forward to look at it, and smiled lovingly: “It’s quite similar, but the face and nose are the same as Bruce!”

“Show me! Show me!”

Brother-in-law George Roosevelt was about to reach out when his sister Liv stopped him.

“Go aside, I haven’t hugged it yet!”

“Let’s go all the way, I haven’t had enough!”

The mother-in-law aggressively drove everyone aside.

Little William, who was born less than two weeks ago, with his cute little face, captured the hearts of all the old and young present!

The father-in-law’s family came to visit his grandson and nephew, so Guo Shouyun naturally wanted to entertain him. But compared to the parents who women like to talk about, men sit together and talk more about work. Especially at this special moment.

“Bruce, there is a lot of talk outside about the merger of Phoenix and Merrill, what are you going to do?” Old Roosevelt asked.

“I have already done what I have to do, and the rest will be carried out step by step. If you encounter difficulties and solve them, no matter what happens, I believe I can solve them!”

The old Roosevelt nodded with What I admire most is your self-confidence. ”

Guo Shouyun smiled and said nothing.

“…But although self-confidence is good, some things need to be prepared in advance. You must know that your enemies this time are not just the old enemies of the financial industry such as the Schiff family, Citigroup, and ING Group, but also Chevron and Constance. Carter, General Electric, Halliburton Energy, Maersk Group, the big guys in the industry!”

“Chevron, Comscat, General Electric, Halliburton Energy, Maersk, these guys have amazing energy, but they’re just a bunch of hyenas. They’ll help when they see the benefit, but they don’t see the benefit. I would become hesitant, or even retreat. In contrast, the Schiff family, Citigroup and ING Group who really need to be vigilant. The failure in the gold market that year obviously made them see me as an enemy that must be defeated. Only Only in this way can they restore their reputation! Unfortunately, they are destined to fail!” Guo Shouyun said calmly.

“It seems that you already have a mature strategy in mind?” asked the old Roosevelt.

“Cheng is immature, but I think I can deal with this crisis!”

As soon as Guo Shouyun finished speaking, the sound of hurried footsteps came from outside. Soon Wang Jue, with a hint of anxiety on his face, pushed the door and walked in.


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