Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 806

Vol 2 Chapter 769: Google Listing

Chapter 769 Google Listing


The white golf ball flies into the distance in a graceful arc with the lazy spring afternoon sun. ?www?w?. ?r?a?n?w?e?n?`c?o?m?

“Yo, Eagle Ball! …Bruce, it looks like your game has improved again!”

Guo Shouyun put down his club and said with a smile, “It makes people feel refreshed at a happy event!”

“That’s true. The merger of Phoenix Bank and Merrill Lynch is a world-class financial institution that rivals Citigroup. If it were me, I would be happy too. No, I should say excited!”

“Barack, isn’t your ideal of politics? When did you become interested in my business?” Guo Shouyun said with a smile.

“Even the President of the United States is interested in a company like Phoenix Merrill!” Ao Guanhai rolled his eyes and said.

Guo Shouyun nodded, “Speaking of the president, Barack, now that you are a senator, it’s time to start preparing for the presidential election in two years.”

Ao Guanhai was shocked, half turned to look at his friend, and said with a serious expression: “Bruce, there has never been a black president in American history!”

“No does not mean impossible! … Barack, first of all, you have outstanding political wisdom; second, now that the American people are becoming more and more disgusted with the Republican Party that supports the war, the upper echelons of the United States need an event that can divert people from the war. , there’s nothing more fitting than a black president.”

“…And a black president, in addition to diverting the contradictions of war, can also promote the concept and image of American democracy, freedom, and inclusiveness to the international community. Therefore, it is not impossible for you to become a president, but a great possibility!”

Ao Guanhai’s eyes flashed quickly. Everyone has ambition, and a man’s ambition is born!

“Bruce, you’re right. However, this matter still needs your help!”

“Haha, Barack, we are best friends. Of course I will help you!” Guo Shouyun patted him on the shoulder, “Although the next presidential election is still two years away, in order to help you win this as much as possible. position, we will start preparing from now.”

“Do you have any idea?”

Guo Shouyun organized the language, “Next, I will help you organize a policy and inquiry team, specifically for some not too sensitive, but very critical issues. For example: control of conventional weapons, strengthening public supervision of the use of federal funds, climate change and Issues like nuclear terrorism, raise your profile and influence in the Senate and Congress!”

“Why not anti-war? I think this is what Americans are most concerned about now!” Ou Guanhai asked.

“There is a saying in the East called ‘the gun hits the first bird’, which means: when you don’t have enough ability to control the situation, you are too famous, and often you will not have a good result. . . . Now you have just become a federal Senator, you have just stepped into the upper power circle, and you do not have a strong position or network. If you advertise yourself as anti-war now, you will certainly attract a lot of attention in a short period of time, but now you have no ability or network. , Turn this attention into your own further advantage! Moreover, too obvious labels are often disadvantages. It will make people subconsciously forget about your other abilities!”

“…So, the ‘anti-war’ point of view can be said, but not now. It will not be until you become the only presidential candidate of the Democratic Party in the final presidential contest.”

“Bruce, chatting with you always benefits me a lot!” After thinking for a while, Ou Guanhai agreed.

“I’m glad to hear your words. Let’s go, it’s almost time, I’ll invite you for lunch!”

“My favorite thing is to hear you say this! However, I want to eat Chinese food!”

“Haha, don’t worry, I promise to make you satisfied!”

The two laughed and left the miniature golf course behind Guo Shouyun Manor. After having lunch together, they sent off Ao Guanhai, who was on a business trip in New York.

With the merger of Phoenix and Merrill settled, Guo Shouyun’s life was very comfortable during this time. Staying in New York, apart from occasionally handling some documents that must be signed by him in the merger of Phoenix-Merrill Lynch, he is more of wandering in the upper class of New York to expand his network and social circle.

Of course, more important is the listing of Google!

Google, which was originally listed in early 2005, had to postpone its listing due to various intrigues and intrigues caused by the merger of Phoenix and Merrill Lynch, in order to pursue a favorable listing environment. Now that the time has come to mid-April, the merger of Phoenix Merrill Lynch has been tentatively completed, and it has enough strength to underwrite Google’s stock.

April 20, 2005, New York Stock Exchange.

This is the third time Guo Shouyun has walked here. The first was the listing of LinkedIn, the second was Unocal, and the third was finally Google’s turn.

Originally, Google’s listing plan was to issue 80 million shares to the market at $74 per share, raising $5.92 billion. But with the delay of the listing plan and the financing from Blackstone Group and Carlyle Group, the company’s development is higher than expected. Therefore, the original listing plan with a total share capital of 500 million and an estimated market value of 37 billion was canceled. Instead, a total share capital of 1 billion, 42 US dollars per share, was issued to the market, and 120 million shares were issued to raise funds of 5.04 billion US dollars.

The total amount of funds raised is lower because Google is now well developed and can generate enough liquidity by itself. The $5 billion plus Google’s own profits is enough to support the development of new businesses and its own global development plans.

Therefore, retaining more precious original shares has become the common choice of Google management including Guo Shouyun, Larry Brown and Sergey Brin.

“Bruce, we finally got this day!”

Sergey Brin, who was standing on the rostrum, looked at the bustling crowd below. Most of them looked at their crowd with admiration. While their hearts were filled with joy and pride, they couldn’t help but sigh.

Hearing this, even Larry Brown, who was more calm next to him, nodded forcefully in the face of the peak moment in his life.

Guo Shouyun stretched out his hands and patted their shoulders, and said with a smile, “We have worked hard for so many years for the present, so enjoy this glorious moment!”


The two nodded vigorously.

“Clang clang…!”

When the three of them rang the bell for Google to go public together, the ‘Google’ logo appeared on the giant display screen in Manhattan outside, along with Easter eggs congratulating the listing!

As the first stock in the Internet search industry, in this era when the Internet is accepted by more and more people, Google’s listing has been sought after by more and more institutions. One day after the listing, the stock price rose from $42 to $45.7. After half a month, it gradually stabilized at around $62.

Google’s market value stabilized at $62 billion, and Guo Shouyun’s 361.6 million common shares doubled in value. In addition to him, Google has already listed 4 billionaires including Sergey Brin and Larry Page, as well as 13 multi-millionaires and 47 millionaires!

For a time, Google became the most enviable company in America. Larry Page and Sergey Brin have made headlines in business magazines including Time, Fortune, and the New York Times, Washington Post, and more!

Of course, there is also Guo Shouyun. However, his reputation has long since been listed on LinkedIn and Unocal; the gold war with Citigroup, the merger of Phoenix and Merrill, and many other business cases that have shocked the world, have become a well-known business leader. Status is not on the same level as business upstarts like Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Therefore, although it is also reported, the length is not too large. It’s more of a foil to Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

This kind of feeling is like mentioning BYD, it will bring up Buffett’s financing. Using the reputation of the latter to bless the former is also true here.

Moreover, the general public likes new things. Covering Bruce Guo is obviously not as attractive as the rich news like Sergey Brin and Larry Page!

However, Guo Shouyun’s excitement didn’t last long when he was interrupted by bad news from Unocal!

“Boss, our two offshore drilling rigs in the waters off Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia, were hijacked by pirates!”

“Rebecca, today is not April Fool’s Day, don’t make fun of me!” Guo Shouyun said quickly after being stunned for a moment.

“Boss, you know me. Whether it’s business or personal, I never make any jokes!”

Rebecca Mark’s serious tone revealed the seriousness of the matter.

“What the **** is going You start from the beginning!”

Guo Shouyun, who knew her character, of course knew that Rebecca was not joking. The words just now were just subconsciously asked by him in shock.

“At 10:32 this morning, I received a call from a group calling themselves the ‘Black Skull Pirates’ who said they had kidnapped our drilling rigs 1 and 3 in Makassar, Una Offshore Oilfield, Indonesia. All staff, let us prepare a ransom of 200 million US dollars within a week, otherwise they will tear up the ticket. In order to be sure that the news is true or false, I have called two platforms, but all of them are disconnected. The mobile phone of the staff is also I couldn’t get through. In the afternoon, I asked the employees of the Indonesian branch to go to the platform to investigate with the cooperation of the police. Before the result was close, they were intercepted by heavy machine guns. According to the description of the branch’s security personnel, these pirates were well-organized and well-armed. Not only are the firearms available, but also rockets! It’s not like an ordinary pirate!”

“Of course it’s not an ordinary pirate, otherwise how can we kill all 24 security personnel on our two drilling platforms!” Guo Shouyun said coldly.

There are many islands in Southeast Asia, which are easy to hide. It has been a paradise for pirates since ancient times. Even in modern times, because of its unique terrain, excellent waterways, and the large number of poor people around it, it has become a common place for pirates like Somalia.

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