Reborn From the Cosmos

ARC 2-Summoner’s Revenge-Part 13

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We don’t leave the room until the spell loses all its power. After all, it wouldn’t be good if the worker sent in after us to make sure we didn’t damage anything sees something they shouldn’t.

The streets are even busier as we leave. Kierra puts her arms over my shoulders and leans into me. She did this a lot in the forest. She’s lean and trim but dammit if she isn’t heavy. These days, I can feel the burden but I don’t feel like collapsing. Proof her relentless training has made me stronger.

The both of us are in a good mood. I know from the way she hums as we walk. On the other hand, I’m filled with energy. I haven’t been this excited for the future in…my entire life actually.

“This changes everything,” I tell her. My hands are reflexively forming fists. I can’t help it. I have to do something about this anticipation that’s almost choking me. If Kierra wasn’t holding onto me, I’d be skipping through the streets.

“I imagine you can summon something pretty incredible now.”

“Oh, no no. I’m not just going to summon something incredible. I’m going to summon the one thing that can not only beat a thrall but can also bring down the entire Grimoire family in one stroke.”

If Cosmo hadn’t saved me, my entire life wouldn’t be long enough to attempt what I’m going to. Now? I’m a daughter of a god. The least I can do is destroy everyone’s expectations and assumptions regarding summoning.

“After tonight, I’m going to be holed up with my research. I might miss a couple of parties they have planned but they won’t care as long as you’re there. My plans are going to need some serious revision.”

“I’ll make sure they give you space.” She chuckles. “How exciting. I’m very much looking forward to what you’re going to accomplish, dedia.

“You and me both, my heart.”

When we get out of the market, the streets are clearer so we pick up our pace. The sun is just starting to go down when we arrive back at the Tome manor. Servants take our cloaks as we head to the library.

Jac catches us before we make it there. She looks like she wants to yell at me but with Kierra by my side, she has to restrain herself. Hehe. “Lou, great. I was afraid your errand would take too long and you’d miss the party.”

She gives me an accusing look that I brush off. “After all the fun I had last time? Wouldn’t dream of it.”

“It won’t be like yesterday. It’s happening earlier and more of our generation are invited. Father plans to make himself scarce so I can interact with a few suitors he’s chosen.” A glimpse of her annoyance slips through her pleasant mask. “Not something a happily married woman like you would be interested in but your company would be appreciated.”

“Will he be there?”

“Of course.” We don’t have to mention who. I can only be talking about Junior and knowing he’ll show up brings a malicious smile to my lips.

“I wouldn’t miss it.” I turn to Kierra. “You’re going to be the center of attention again amidst a group with a lot less control of themselves and not enough brains to be intimidated by the Guiness status.” There’s no way the marquis doesn’t send someone to this party when he’s attempting to get closer to us.

“I want to stay close to you.” Her hand comes up to caress the back of my neck. It brings back memories of the night before and I suck in a sharp breath. She’s been giving me a look ever since we left the testing room. I guess my new affinities make me more attractive, hmm? Especially to my battle-deviant of a wife.

“Great.” Jac’s smile is tight as she watches us eyeing each other. “It starts in an hour so if you want to show up, you might want to start getting ready.” Then she quickly moves down the hall.

“You heard the lady,” I whisper. I’m really hoping she moves first because with her eyes on me, I’m helpless. And from the smile spreading across her lips, she knows it.

“…then let’s go.” She moves past me and I regain use of my limbs. Shaking my head, I follow her back to our room.


An hour and a half later, we step into the great room. I’m beginning to like these late entrances. Having the whole room stop what they’re doing to look at us, watching the idiots eyeing my wife lustfully while the girls burn with envy. It’s a sweet feeling.

I spot Jac standing with a young woman and three males, holding court with a drink in her hand. I recognize Maxine Guiness by her side but the rest are strangers.

Like everyone else, their eyes are on us as we approach. I give the group a bow. “Pardon me for being late. Our errand took longer than I thought.”

“Never mind that. Let me introduce…” I listen with half an ear as Jac introduces the group. These people, if they’re attending a Tome party and being considered as Jac’s intended, they can’t be that important. Otherwise, there’d be a bigger crowd. No one misses an opportunity to network.

“And you remember Lady Guiness.”

“Of course.” I snap back to attention and hold out my hand. She’s a little surprised by the gesture, as noble women usually aren’t so forward, but she quickly grasps it. “We didn’t get much of a chance to talk yesterday.”

“Big voices drown out whispers,” she says evenly. Someone’s been well-educated about their place in their family. “Might I inquire about the reason for your delay? If you have a problem, I could help.”

“Nothing like that. I was simply escorting Kierra around the city. We got a bit carried away.”

“It’s very different from my home.”

Maxine has an excited look as she’s about to reply but one of the men interrupts her. “If all the women are as beautiful as you, then your home must be paradise. Our meeting is the saints’ blessing.”

Kierra looks at the young, admittedly good-looking guy with bored eyes before turning away. His smile wilts a little at the quick dismissal. It morphs into a frown as I fail to completely restrain my laughter. I hold up a hand. “Ah, no offense meant young lord. Just, this happens a lot. I think it’s best for everyone if I find humor in people’s continued attempts to seduce my wife.” When I can.

“Wife?” He looks back and forth between us, his disbelief growing. “This is a joke, right?”

“No joke, friend.” I snatch a drink from the tray of a passing servant. “We’ve been happily married for several months.”

“Marital bliss indeed.” Kierra is looking at him with interest now as his face moves between disbelief and scorn.

“What kind of ridiculous…two women can’t be married!”

“Why’s that?” I say over the rim of my glass.

“Because a man runs the house. He is the one who achieves glory for the family and raises the family’s status. And you need a man to carry on a line. You can’t even—” He looks toward Jac and scowls, unwilling to talk about the details in the company of ladies. “It’s pointless.”

“Pointless.” I chuckle as I look at Kierra. “I didn’t think there was still someone so…innocent.”

“And ignorant. I didn’t think humans would be so narrow-sighted. Men achieve glory?” She snorts. “Then I suppose my entire life’s training and accomplishments have been in vain.”

“Now, now.” Another of the men steps forward. “He’s just saying it’s unusual is all. Haha. We are crossing cultural lines.”

“Indeed.” Maxine takes her chance to jump into the conversation, taking a step forward to draw our attention to her. “Some accounts say that elven rulers have harems that can reach double digits.”

I almost choke on my drink. What? I mean, they do have a pretty open view on sex. Her mother and her aunt threatened to sleep with me when she bragged a little too loudly, but double digits? That’s far too excessive.

Hey now. What’s with that smile, my wife? “Mm, that’s true. My aunt has seven in hers, but I need nothing like that. I have my hands full with Lou.”

Hehe. I’ll admit, it’s a big boost to my ego. The men are watching me with speculative looks. Trying to figure out what I did to deserve those words. You can’t imagine.

“Is that so. Lady Tome, I was hoping to discuss your map with you. Perhaps while gathering something to eat?”


She guides us to a table but makes no move to take any of the offered finger foods. Her smile is still friendly and her eyes are more relaxed away from watching eyes. “We, the Guiness family are definitely interested in your map. If it’s fine by you, I can accompany you to our shop and introduce you to our resident cartographer.”

“Sounds good. And maybe there’s something else you can do for me.”

“Name it, Lady Tome. We are eager to be of service.”

I’ll have to remember to never underestimate the power of greed. It reduces a daughter from one of the most powerful families in the kingdom to a dog wagging her tail in anticipation of a treat. “Junior isn’t here. You wouldn’t happen to know why, would you?”

“Unfortunately, no.”

“Really? Not even so much as a rumor?” Don’t try and convince me that your family doesn’t have assets in the city collecting information on every family. I won’t believe you.

Her expression doesn’t change but I know she’s evaluating me. Cheh. Nobles. Always looking for the angle. 

“I really have no idea,” she continues.

Hmph. Fine. This means they aren’t willing to act against the Grimoires. They didn’t seem friendly but I guess no one will be hostile to such a powerful family with no reason.

Too bad. A swift denouncement of the Grimoires may be the one thing that could give me a favorable enough opinion of the merchants to try and cooperate with them. Now I know they’re the same as the rest.

“By the way, what exactly is your family looking for? It would help us with negotiations if we knew what you really wanted instead of trying to sell some vague trade request.”

Maxine hesitates. For a minute I think she’s not going to speak, but then she says, “My father is interested in accounts from other races that claim the elven homeland has a significant deposit of xanderium.”

“Ah, I see.”

“Xanderium?” Kierra asks. “That sounds familiar.”

Maxine gaze snaps to her, her excitement building but I cut in. “Remember, it’s ore that can channel mana. It’s not native to the Harvest Kingdom. There are three weapons made from it and they’re all national treasures. Any merchant that could acquire some, no matter what the price, they’d make a fortune.”

“Hoh. Yes, you mentioned that before. It’s known under a different name in the provinces. Kor’vitri.

“You’ve heard of it.” Maxine looks ready to pounce on Kierra. “Are there any significant deposits? The Guiness family has trade with both Green Mountain and the Dragon Isles. We’d be willingly to pay a high price for anything the elves are willingly to spare.”

“Lou handles the business.” She turns away and with that one simple sentence, she’s shrugged all the responsibility onto me. I don’t like the look the young merchant is giving me.

“Shall we handle one deal at a time? The elves don’t call it earth treasure for nothing.”

“You speak elven?”

“Here and there.” Kierra growls in her native tongue when she gets excited and whispers it sweetly when we lie together. Always gets a big smile when I clumsily try to repeat a bit of it back, so I’ve been making an effort. “Your family is missing the buck though. Rather than mana ore, you should be trying to get your hands on their fruit wine.”

“Fruit wine?”

“Trust me. Once someone has a sip, everything else tastes like piss.” I shoot a glare at Kierra. “Thank you for that, by the way. Haven’t been able to enjoy drink since.”

“You’re welcome.”

“I would love to hear more.” Maxine’s smile stretches wider. I bet you would, vulture. At least she’s a nice-looking vulture. Those gray eyes are mysterious. While it looks like she’s wearing her emotions on her sleeve, those eyes tell me she’s holding something back. Looking at them, I know she isn’t as simple as she appears.

Or maybe that’s something else talking. Ah, dammit, I don’t want to deal with this. Forget greedy merchants. If Junior isn’t here for me to needle him, I want to get to my plans already. I have a lot of work to do. Stupid Jac, lying to get her way.

“Excuse me, ladies.”

We turn to see a group of young nobles standing to our side. They only have eyes for my wife, especially the men. Sigh. Let’s endure this for now and wait for a good moment to make my exit.

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