Reborn From the Cosmos

ARC 2-Summoner’s Revenge-Part 19

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“Thank you for answering my call.” I bow my head. Lots of controversy on that. Some say it can be mistaken as weakness but Father has instilled in me that whether the elemental is weak, strong, small, big, humanoid, or monster, you show them the utmost respect. “I am Lourianne Tome. May I have something to call you by?”

“Tome. I know that name. A few of your ancestors have called on me, as you know.” She hums as her eyes flick over the circle. “I did think the summons was a bit familiar. You should already have a name to call me by.”

“I wouldn’t want to presume.”

She laughs. While Kierra’s is musical like a flute, hers is like the tinkling of bells. I want to hug her so badly right now but my focus doesn’t waver as I discretely watch her tail. Supposedly, it gives away her moods but there hasn’t been a noticeable change yet.

“Very well. I give you permission to call me by Geneva.”

“Thank you.” I take a deep breath, trying hard to keep my eyes on her face rather than her naked body. It’s not that hard. Those eyes are mesmerizing. “I will get straight to the point. I would like to form a contract with you.”

She chuckles, her tail whipping a bit faster. The texts mention it to be a sign of amusement but a few also have it as a sign of aggression. Her smile makes me hope for the former. “I’d imagine so. This circle proves you have the capacity to hold me on this realm but I can’t imagine what one such as you could offer me in return for my aid.”

“Allow me to state my requests. Your service would require one thing: complete obedience, except for an order that would require you to go against the orders of higher ranked succubi. In that instance, I would ask that if it is possible, you notify me of these orders.”

She went still at the word ‘obedience’, her smile turning down into a very unfriendly expression that grew in animosity as I continued to speak. I power through the words without flinching. It’ll take more than a glare to break me.

“Hoh. A little girl thinks she can command obedience from me. What pray, could you hope to offer in return?”

“My mana. I believe it shall be to your tastes.”

“So, you believe the mana of a baby summoner who is winded after giving away the fraction needed to power this circle can invoke such a powerful desire that I would bind myself to you? This is beginning to become less amusing.”

“I am no ordinary summoner. And I say, with a single taste, you will bind yourself to me and be happy to do so.” From my research, to elementals who feed on it, mana has a quality which can even translate to different tastes. Volume has little impact. What matters is rarity and density. Greater affinities taste better than basic ones and casters more experienced at channeling their mana taste better than beginners.

The history of the only summoner to almost sway Geneva into a contract had a light affinity. If a single greater affinity was enough to nearly topple that pride, I wonder how she’s going to react to me who has seven?

“I will invite you to have that taste on conditions that you will swear to against your mana. One, you will not attempt to escape. Two, you will not aggress. That includes any attempt to influence me in any way. Three, you will return to the confines of the circle when it is completed. And lastly, should you reject my offer, you may not speak of this summoning to anyone.”

“That is a bit much to conceal your little drawings, baby summoner.”

“The condition is non-negotiable.”

The frown has morphed into a scowl and her tail is sticking straight up. Oh, someone’s not happy with me. “I will amend your second condition. I will not aggress or attempt to influence you in anyway during the tasting. However, if I find you unsatisfactory, I will kill you.”

Her voice turns into a growl at the end of that sentence and her eyes flash ruby red. Suddenly, the cute little thrall has morphed into a nightmare. I have no doubt that she will follow through on those words. I’ll admit, I’m frightened. More than a little bit. My legs are shaking with the desire to retreat.

I can’t help it. It’s instinctual in the face of an overwhelming threat. But isn’t that the point of courage? To overcome those instincts?

“I will accept your condition with a few of my own. If you are dissatisfied, then you may kill me…if you can.” Her lips twitch as I deliver the challenge. “And if you do accept my contract…” I point at her neck and smirk. “I get to collar you.”

Yes, Geneva. I, the baby summoner, just threatened to collar you. It’s nothing much on the surface, just a simple piece of jewelry with my personal crest, yet the meaning goes deep. Contracts are exchanges. No matter what the elemental agrees to, it’s assumed they’re getting something of equal value.

A collar? That says the summoner has completely conquered them. Broken down their will. The gesture is even recognized by other elementals so it’s not something they can escape when the contract ends.

I may not be able to return your death threat with any kind of conviction but I can raise the stakes. A fact she appreciates from her smile. It’s like Kierra’s bloodthirsty smile but I can’t describe her as anything but cute.

“Agreed, baby summoner.” She places a hand over her heart. “Guardian of Dimensions who grants us travel between the realms, your follower swears an oath in your name. I understand the conditions laid before me and agree to them. Should I break it, let me lose everything that I am.”

I nod. This Guardian is still a mystery amongst summoners but its influence is undeniable. No elemental who has sworn to this entity has ever broken their word. Despite that, it takes a bit of courage to channel mana to my hand and extend it across the boundary.

Geneva grabs it and follows me as I pull her out of the circle. Attached to my mana like she is, she can briefly exist on this plane, despite the circle. All I have to do is drop my hand and the connection breaks, giving her scant moments to do anything before she’s yanked off this plane.

Not that she’d need more than that if I was the frail human she thinks I am. Hehe.

“Kierra, would you bring me a chair please?”

My wife, who has been intensely watching our exchange, stands and brings the chair she’s been sitting on. Bless her, she retreats without making a sound or even sparing us a glance, doing her best to remain inconspicuous. Couldn’t have done better if I were whispering instructions in her ear.

Geneva watches her the whole time. “How rare to see an elf among humans. And such a wonderful specimen. Unlike you, she smells rather delicious.”

“I’d imagine she does, having a pure affinity and all.”

That gets her attention. Saints grant her virtue, is she drooling? At least her red eyes have lightened to that brilliant rose pink. They’re like two tiny works of art.

“Baby summoner, counter-offer. We can form a contract right now, but I will take my offerings from that woman.”

“How generous of you. While I greatly wish to have a contract with you, someone casually asking to feed on my wife for my benefit is a little unnerving.”

She wipes her mouth with the back of a hand and peers up at me with a curious gaze. “Wife, is it? Maybe there is more to you than it seems.”

“As you will find out for yourself.”

I pull her with me as I sit down in the chair, guiding her to straddle my lap, which she does with a small smirk. Ah, this is giving me a lot of ideas. Control yourself, Lou. All of that can be addressed later, after the contract is sealed.

Geneva places her hands dangerously close to my breasts as she leans forward. “Are you sure you don’t want to rethink another of those conditions? If you allow me to…influence you, this will be quite an experience.”

“I believe it. I’m looking forward to you begging to influence me once I collar you.”

“Beg is it.” She raises a hand. I watch as her nails lengthen into things resembling claws. “Then excuse me while I access your blood.”

“There’s no need for that. Remember your oath to keep this summoning secret.”

“Do you think I need you to remind me? Perhaps this is an attempt to stall me. Not as confident as you act, baby summoner?”

I don’t waste time talking and simply relax, shrugging off my human transformation. In a moment, I’ve reverted to my elemental form. Whew. It’s been too long since I’ve done this. Ah~ No aching muscles feels amazing.

Geneva stiffens briefly but then her eyes slip shut as she breathes in deeply. “I don’t understand…” Her eyes open slowly. “This smell is…so complex, so…” She shakes her head. “You were human but now you’re this. I’ve never—”

I cut her off by sticking one of my fingers in her mouth. This body of mine doesn’t have blood but I’m sure it contains mana and getting something like a tip of a finger bit off won’t bother me.

Kierra’s taken off limbs in her training.

…I ate myself to reclaim them and grew them back like it was nothing. That was a strange day.

Geneva has gotten over her shock and is busy sucking on my finger. I have never seen such contentment on anyone’s face but I look for her tail. If I could smile in this featureless form of mine, I would be grinning like a fool at the sight of her tail curled along itself into a ball. Every source agreed this is a sign of pleasure. She’s already in the palm of my hand. Now it’s time to seal the deal.

I use my opposite hand to push up her chin. She needs no encouragement to follow through, her teeth snapping together. There’s a slight pinch. I pull my hand back to see a little stump where the finger would be. It doesn’t hurt but that sight is still disturbing.


Geneva’s hand covers her mouth as she chews with clear relish, her eyes closed to savor the moment. Her tail is twisting and curling rapidly. That isn’t in any of the accounts. It’d make me nervous if she wasn’t so clearly enjoying herself.

She’s panting like a thirsty dog as she grabs my hand and tries to bring it back to her mouth, but I resist her. The conditions she agreed to means she can’t force the issue.

Instead, she resorts to a heart-stopping pout. Saints preserve me, I thought Kierra’s was bad but this is torturous. Did she make her eyes bigger? And they’re wet. Wait. Don’t tell me this all-powerful elemental is going to cry because I won’t let her eat me?

I am deeply disturbed…and a little turned on.


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