Reborn From the Cosmos

ARC 2-Summoner’s Revenge-Part 21

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My relaxation doesn’t last long. After a few moments, I hear rushing footsteps in the hall. Kierra moves to intercept them, standing outside the door and keeping anyone from coming inside. Sigh. That’s my cue to get back to work. “You’re going to help me clean this mess up. Some of these materials can be reused.”

I tap Geneva and she hops to her feet. Moving together, we put what can be salvaged into boxes. Half an hour later, I give what remains of my beautiful circle one last look. Then I harden my heart. “Destroy it.”

Geneva jumps, her head nearly hitting the ceiling. Pink light covers her hooves as she lands. The heavy impact splinters the wood beneath her. She follows up with several more stomps. Ah, she looks like she’s having fun. Attached myself to another barbarian, didn’t I?

It only takes a minute before my circle is an unrecognizable mess. A summoner’s biggest worry is someone stealing their circles, at least while they’re alive. Technique is everything. At the very least, I could teach for some extra income. Not a viable option if someone has it. When it becomes known that I summoned a don, someone else might try to teach my technique.

“Geo.” I grin as she promptly responds to the nickname. I hold out my hand and she grabs it. “Can you do meek and harmless?”

In response, she steps behind me, grabbing my arm with her other hand as she looks up at me with big eyes and an expression that screams innocence. Why? Seriously, why does a being with a coefficient of 1,000+ need to be able to act like this? She’s done it before.

Shaking my head, I walk out of the room. Kierra is facing down Uncle, Father, and Jac who are yelling for her to let them pass. They come to a sudden halt when they spot us. Kierra steps to the side with a grin so they can have a better view.

“Everyone, my summoning was successful. I would like to introduce you to Geo, the circle 4 thrall. Say hi to everyone.”

Geneva bites her lip and gives a small wave before moving further behind my back.

The first one to get their voice working is Father but he doesn’t speak. He bursts into laughter. Loud, belly shaking laughter filled with delight. I can’t help but join in and Kierra adds her light chuckles to the racket.

“How?” Jac finally manages to ask. She steps forward, trying to look around me to see Geneva. “That’s a thrall. And did you say circle 4?”

“Geo, no need to be shy.” With my urging she steps forward but keeps her head bowed, taking quick peeks at my family.

Jac’s eyes are all over her. “What the hell? How did you even…everyone knows that thralls only have the physical and mental affinities.”

“You’ve been slacking on your studies. It’s a commonly accepted theory that circle 4 thralls on the verge of evolution gain a third affinity, either fire or earth.”

“An unproven theory.”

“Say that to the proof.”

She looks back to Geo and goes back to loose-jawed silence. I smirk at her and walk past with Geo following behind me. “It’s going to be a hell of a party tonight.”


The Guiness family home is much bigger than the Tome manor. Truly, it’s more of a palace than anything else. We rode outside the city to reach the small hill where their residence sits, as the relatively small Noble Ring of the city couldn’t hold this great property.

It’s gold. I don’t know if that’s actual gold, a serious question when talking about them, but the outside is shiny, the effect enhanced by the hundreds of torches lining the immaculate road leading up to their enormous gate.

What does it say when their personal road is better than the roads in the kingdom’s capital? And these torches scream dramatic. Have to admit, they’ve got style. When I’m drowning in gold, hopefully, I’m adopting their extravagant methods.

At the gate, knights dressed in gold armor stop us. We aren’t given a choice when they tell us to disembark. They thoroughly search the carriage before we are allowed back on. No one voices a word of complaint. Powerful people have enemies and as unknowns, frankly, we aren’t above suspicion. Even if they want something from us.

At the door, servants help us disembark before taking care of our carriage. We’re led into the dining hall which is absolutely filled with people. There has to be at least twice as many nobles than those who attended our first party. I suppose this is the power of a famous last name. Or a bigger house.

Despite the arrangement of powerful people in the room, the Tome family walk forward with our heads held high, wearing big smiles. It’s probably the first time such has happened in decades. We’ve got a lot to be confident about. More importantly, everyone is anticipating the show. Even Matt, who is busy all the time earning an honest living with his construction work, took the day off to show his support.

Our entrance is eye-catching. However, their eyes are solely on me. Specifically, on the companions at my sides; Kierra in another one of her modified dresses, Geo on my opposite side in an old dress of Jac’s, a modest white number that makes her brilliant eyes even brighter.

Marquis Guiness and Maxine are the first to approach us. “Jackal, I’m glad you could make it,” the marquis says with a voice filled with new warmth. You’d think the two of them were life-long friends by his tone. “Matthias, this is our first-time meeting. I’ve heard good things. And…”

His eyes move to me, then to Geneva. I can see him trying not to look too eager. Can’t blame the man. Someone like him, who mixes with the upper echelons of the kingdom on a daily basis should know exactly how valuable a thrall is. No secret is safe from them. All this time, the Grimoires have held a monopoly on the succubi and now here is an unaffiliated one standing before him. “A new friend?”

“Let me introduce you,” I say, unable to help my chest puffing out a bit with pride. I place a hand on the small of Geneva’s back and guide her forward. “This is my contracted elemental, Geo.”

“A pleasure to meet you, marquis.”

She does a perfect courtesy that makes every woman watching feel as graceful as a pig. Or at least, to me. I’d break an ankle trying to do that and the smile she follows up with is heart stopping. Hold on, me. Hugging her right now would not look good for several reasons.

“The pleasure is all mine. How fascinating. I thought thralls could only be contracted by someone with the physical or mental affinity.”

“Ah, Geo isn’t an ordinary thrall. She’s a circle 4 and also has a fire affinity.”

“I thought third affinity thralls were simply speculation.”

“The marquis is quite knowledgeable about summoning.”

“Clearly, not as much as you are. As expected of someone from the Tome family with such a long connection to the craft.”

Ooo. He knows how to flatter. I swear every member of my family grows an inch taller with that comment. Beside me, Geneva latches onto my arm. “My master is indeed a great summoner. I’m very lucky to belong to her.”

I know I told her to go meek but wow, this is laying it on thick. Even Marquis Guiness is surprised. It’s rare to hear any elemental show complete subservience, let alone one as powerful as a thrall. If he knew she’s actually a don, his wide eyes might actually fall out of his skull.

I grin at Maxine. “Aren’t you glad to see those supplies put to good use?” Maxine is still a little hard to read but I feel more comfortable talking with her rather than her father. Maybe because she’s not yet secure in her position. She’s got the pride of a Guiness but she’s still hungry to prove herself. When we talk, I feel it’s from more equal standings.

She returns the smile. “Indeed. The Guiness Company will be sure to meet anymore of your needs in the future.”

“Great. In fact, there’s something I want to talk to you about. Care to grab a drink with me?”

“Of course.”


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