Reborn From the Cosmos

ARC 2-Summoner’s Revenge-Part 23

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I let out a deep sigh as Kierra falls with me onto the bed. After Junior’s meltdown, the other nobles took quite an interest in me and Geo. Add Kierra to the mix and we were irresistible. I spent the rest of the night being flattered and fawned over. I’m sure it won’t take long before it gets old but right now, my ego’s sudden inflation is very comfortable.

Now all the commotion’s over and it’s back to business. Geneva and Fen are sitting in front of us, one looking much more nervous than the other. I prop my head up with a hand, unable to stop myself from grinning as Fen squirms. “So. Shall we do some proper introductions?”

“There’s no need, Lou.” Geneva’s tail flicks back and forth. “Fendelheim is one of my servants that has been contracted onto this plane.”

Fen jumps as she hears her full name. Jeez, Geneva. Casually throwing around your subordinate’s full name. That’s a powerful weapon against any elemental. Perhaps that’s the point? Letting Fen know that whatever belongs to her, belongs to me.

She really knows how to impress a girl.

Poor Fen though.

“Good. That makes this simple then.” I reach behind me and wrap Kierra’s arm about my waist. I’m so used to sleeping this way I don’t think I could sleep soundly on my own anymore. When I was working on my circle, it was more like I passed out after working for too long rather than actual rest. “I have questions. You’re going to answer them.” Ah, being in charge is great. No one ever used to listen to me.

Now, Fen nods her head obediently.

“Good. First question. What are the details of your contract with Gordon Grimoire Jr. and any restrictions put on you by the Grimoire family?”

“My contract states that I am to obey the orders of Junior with the exceptions that I cannot be ordered to go against higher ranked succubi, I cannot be ordered to harm myself, and they must pay a price for what I deem special information.”

My lip curls. The fact that she has to expressly say that she can’t be ordered to harm herself says a lot more about the Grimoires than I can.

“Furthermore, Gordon Senior had his virtue Belolial order me to obey his orders above those of Junior and to never divulge any secrets of the Grimoire family.”

“Geneva, that Bell something?”

“Another servant.”

I’m going to need to have her draw a family tree or whatever else they use. “Good news is, with Geneva here, you can throw those orders out the window. So do that.”

“Yes, Lourianne.”

“It’s Lou. Now!” I pull a pillow close and lay down, rubbing my hands with anticipation. “Tell me a story.”

She does and wow, is it quite the story. She unloads every dark secret she’s ever witnessed at Junior’s side. Some of it makes me laugh, some of it makes me cringe, and some of it makes me want to beat the whole lot of them until they’re just one big bloodstain. It lasts for so long, Geneva briefly leaves to grab a tray of snacks.

By the time she’s finished, several hours have passed and I’m ready to kill someone. The Grimoires have outright abused the mental affinity, all the way from manipulating the actions of certain nobles to seducing women into their beds. High level casters have some defense as the sheer volume of their mana acts as a natural deterrent and royals are off limits as the Royal Interrogator has a well-developed mental affinity but other than that? People are fair game. More than that, they may as well be livestock.

“I knew they were bad but…” Late as it is, I should be drowsy but this conversation has me wide awake.

“This is what happens when one goes unchallenged for so long,” Kierra says from behind me. Her voice is also tinged with rare traces of anger. “They’re drunk off power and believe they cannot be touched by the consequences of their actions. And those merchants wonder why we have banned them from our continent. Elves wouldn’t treat their enemies in such a way, let alone their interests.”

“You’re talking about that bastard’s harem.” Fen had a lot to say about the head of the Grimoire family. He sounded very self-righteous proclaiming he didn’t sleep with his elemental. Forgot to mention the harem of young girls he keeps in his house, lured there by the ‘charms’ of his virtue.

The worst part? Because of Belolial, the girls want to be there. Any will they had to live their own lives has been destroyed and replaced with an all-consuming need to serve that twisted man.

Compared to what Senior has done, both personally and in his capacity as the king’s advisor, Junior is nothing. He’s still a piece of shit, birthed from a piece a shit in a long line of shits, but right now, I’m thinking he can still be redeemed. Senior? Someone needs to kill him, burn him, and throw his ashes into a hole too deep to see the bottom of.

“Okay.” I take a deep breath, burying my anger and clearing my thoughts. “Though I’m a lot more motivated now, the goal is the same. The Grimoires need to be destroyed. Fen, you’re the insider. Tell me. What do you think would be the swiftest and easiest way to destroy them?”

“That depends. Do you care about the fallout?”


Fen leans forward. “Lou, a noble is not only their house. They are the people they are allied with, the people they do business with, and the people who depend on them. If you want to take out the Grimoires in one fell swoop, you can simply have Mistress order Belolial to deliver a message to all succubi contracted to the family and have them eradicate the Grimoire line. But it would cause catastrophic fallout throughout the kingdom.

“Similarly, if you expose their secrets and simply have the succubi withdraw their support, anyone and everyone connected to them will be covered in the stink. They’ll be torn apart, whether they’re victims or not.”

Cheh. Dammit, she’s right. They’re too connected. As satisfying as I think it’d be to simply turn that house upside down, that might cause even more damage and the saints know they’ve caused enough. I have to be better than them. No, I refuse to be anything but better than them. “Do you have a suggestion?”

“Mm. Replace Gordon Senior with someone loyal to you. Then remake the Grimoire family from the inside, using the succubi to monitor them.”

My first, instinctive reaction is to shout no but I hold back the urge. The thought of being connected to the Grimoires in any way, shape, or form makes me want to hurl but I tell myself to calm down and think about it. She’s right. It’d be the most effective way to control the situation. Not to mention, I also wanted to obtain their political clout. This way, I not only get that, but I’ll also have their resources. Really, I have no room to argue.

Still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

“I know what you’re thinking, dedia,” Kierra murmurs beside my ear. “However, just because you spare their lives, doesn’t mean you have to spare them pain. In fact, this way, their suffering will be longer and more creative than simply ending their lives.”

“Hmm.” I latch onto the word creative. She’s right. Leaving them alive opens a slew of options. “I could turn them all into celibate priests. Or eunuchs. Oh! I can have them change their name back to the Masons!” I burst into laughter. “You’re right, Fen. This is a much better idea.”

“I’m glad you approve.” She gives me a slight smile. “I would like to offer up Gordon Jr. as a candidate for the next head of the family.”

My smile wilts. “Don’t tell me you hold loyalty to that worm?”

“No. Simply that he is the best choice. The other members of the family, along with their allies, already see him as the successor. More importantly, Junior is a combination of ambitious and spineless that is easy to manipulate. Even with my limited power.”

Her manipulation eases my anger a little. I do have the longest connection to Junior, though not a happy one. It would be faster to use him rather than scouting out someone better. “On one condition. He doesn’t get to be happy. He doesn’t get to enjoy any benefits being head of a family gets him. Not until I say so. You can take that however you want.”

“I look forward to it.” Her expression reflects that. No telling what she’s had to endure within that family’s grasp. Paybacks are sweet and hopefully bloody.

“And now that the business is finished—”

I yelp as I’m suddenly turned onto my back as Kierra climbs on top of me. I dart a look to the side at the two succubi who are leaning forward in their seats with interest. “Uh, hold on—”

“No. I’ve given you your space. Now, you’re going to give me what I want.”

“But—” I’m cut off by her lips. I can’t help but indulge her and it doesn’t take long before I’m swept away. Her hands skillfully undress me before I realize it. She breaks away to take off her dress and I remember our audience. “At least…send…them out,” I say between gasps, face hot.

“Ignore the pets.”

Pets? No pets look so interested watching their owners getting it on.



Saints damn you two, that was perfect. Geneva’s tail is waving back and forth like a hound as she grins broadly while Fen is curled up in her chair with a sly smile, eyes narrowed as she stares at me. I can’t be mad at them.

“Besides, the mind stealers serve a purpose. Geneva, I presume that you can make people ignore what happens in this room?”

“Of course, Master.”

I catch onto what she’s saying. “You want—”

“Yes.” Her eyes are practically glowing as she stares down at me with a flush face. “There’s a reason why we insisted on moving out of your father’s manor. Being on the road, being here. It presented some complications…” Her finger trails down my chest as she speaks. I jump as it stops between my legs. “But now that we have such capable servants to prevent them, I see no reason to hold back.”

I swallow thickly as the finger begins to circle. “You, uh, sure abo—ahhn!” My hands clench the sheets as two fingers suddenly enter me.

“What nonsense are you saying? Even if the pets weren’t here, tonight would be my limit. Watching you strut around with such a proud look amongst those nobles. Too cute for words.”

It’s hard to respond with what she’s doing to me.

“While Geneva is handling the household, Fen. Do what you do.”

Something strange happens. It feels almost like…a second hand is touching me. I know there’s not because the ‘pets’ are still in their seats and Kierra’s other hand is busy fondling my chest. Doesn’t change what I’m feeling. It’s as if ghostly fingers are following my wife’s every stroke. An echo of pleasure…

Oh, hells. Fen! This must be what succubi do. It’s one of the few pieces of information the Grimoires, soon to be Masons, never let slip.

I turn my head to see Fen eyeing me knowingly. This little—

The thought is cut off as the echo becomes much stronger. My body quakes from the pleasure as Kierra pulls me closer, increasing her tempo. Frickin’ elf looks amused watching me grind against her helplessly. As the tension mounts, my hands grab her arm but I’m so lost I have no idea if I’m trying to urge her on or push her away.

I climax with a squeal, nails digging into Kierra’s arm as everything tenses. I’m riding the crest of the wave with bated breath. Then, as I’m coming down, I’m suddenly pushed back to the top.

“Ooooohhh,” I moan as I go through my pleasure for a second time. This time, there’s nothing dull about the echo. If anything, it’s sharper. Two for one. No wonder people are obsessed with succubi, this is fucking—

I scream as my orgasm restarts again. What in the actual hell!? How is this possible? Fen’s not even touching me but my whole body can feel her. She’s not just replicating the pleasure, she’s making it stronger. How long—

Oh, saints preserve me, again! I’ve completely lost control of my body, becoming a mindless thrashing creature as the pleasure rushes through—

“Ohhhh, fuck! Ahhh…I caaaan’t…” Dammit, it wasn’t even over! It’s like two orgasms hit me at the same time. These saints damned devils. If they keep this up, I’m gonna—

My voice reaches a pitch I didn’t think it could as it. Fucking. Starts. Again. She’s pouring more power into it. I lose all hope of controlling my body. I’m just a lump of feeling. And my wife hasn’t stopped—

Saints give me strength, if this continues—

I’m going to die. This is going to kill me…


Sometime later, I finally come down from the high, collapsing onto the bed without an ounce of strength. My vision is blurry at the edges but I can clearly make out Kierra licking her fingers. My head lolls to the side and I see the succubi watching as intently as before. I feel Fen’s grin is especially mocking.

My tongue feels more like lead than muscle but I gather my strength to move it. “Bad…kitty.”

She guffaws. Of course a woman that beautiful has a sexy laugh, low and dark.

“This is no time to get distracted.” Kierra turns my head so I’m looking at her again. I love that smile but it’s really scary when it’s aimed at me. “Hope you’re ready for round two.”

“Nooo…” Are you kidding me? I can’t go through that again. Seriously thought I was going to die. That may or may not happen but something’s definitely going to break. Or tear. Muscles are not designed to be abused like this.

“Shh. No worries.” The hand holding my cheek glows a bright pale green. A warmth runs through my body, easing my aches and filling me with energy.

This is both exciting and completely terrifying.

“It’s fine if you’re worried about having others know of our little secret. We can go like this all night.” No, no, come on! I’ll seriously die. Maybe not physically but mentally, I can’t.

She leans down and whispers against my lips. “Or you can give me what I want.”

Frickin’ deviant elf. I spare the audience one more look. Two people are watching, the whole room is going to stink, and we’re probably going to destroy more furniture but whatever. If it’s going to be like this, I’d rather be the person dishing it out than taking it.

With a thought, I relax and return to my elemental form. I hear a growl followed by a yelp and a crash. I turn to see Fen on the ground with Geneva’s tail wrapped around her throat. She’s watching me with slit pupils and drool leaking from the corner of her mouth.

“Don’t mind her,” Geneva says. “She just got a bit excited. Please, continue.”

…I’ll ask later.

My wife is massaging my chest, silently urging me to hurry up. Knowing her, it won’t be this gentle for much longer. Concentrating, I think on what she wants. As always, a string of numbers flows through my mind and then my body begins to move.

A soft gasp is almost masked by the bed creaking as I assume my new form. Kierra is breathing heavily with an excited look on her face. “What a good girl.” Her expression suddenly turns fierce as she looks to the succubi. “Stay out of this,” she growls.

Geneva raises her hands in surrender.

She makes a pleased sound before turning back to me. The elf actually licks her lips like she’s staring at a steak rather than a hairy troll.

I grab her face with one hand as I sit up, reversing our positions. She lies back without a fight. Rather, she looks happy holding my larger hand in both of hers, audibly sniffing me with a blissed look. I don’t comprehend it but this form is like opiates for her. Never fails.

Her long legs barely wrap around my thick waist as I settle between them. I grind against her, loving the breathless little moans she lets out.

She threatened to torture me all night. You’re going to regret that.

I turn to Geneva and she gives me an understanding nod.




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