Reborn From the Cosmos

ARC 2-Summoner’s Revenge-Part 27

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The empty room becomes busy after Lightam’s announcement. Half a dozen royal knights take up positions throughout the room. Something about safety was mentioned but it’s to keep us from leaving as Lightam goes off to handle some business or other.

When he comes back, he’s accompanied by Marquis Guiness, a strange person whose features are hidden by their long black cloak, and a figure with distinctive white hair. That’s the guy who was walking beside Junior the other day. Wah. Kind of ignored him since he never said anything but I guess he’s actually someone important? But there’s no way someone that young is an advisor…

“Thank you for your patience,” Lightam says. “As this matter is incredibly important, we’ll be hurrying this along so I’ll ask you to pardon me in advance if I cause any offense. This interrogator will now be taking your statements. According to tradition, Prince Bastion Kor Harvest will preside.”

Oh. Oooohhh, that’s right. White hair is something that’s seen in the royal family. Junior was making nice with a prince.

I hate dealing with royals.

This isn’t good.

“Then Lord Tome, I’ll ask you to go first.”

“Of course.”

The interrogator comes to stand before Uncle and places two bony fingers on either side of his head. Then he asks one question, “What happened today resulting in you reporting Advisor Grimoire?”

Uncle rambles off his story. The interrogator listens silently to the end before nodding, standing up, and moving on to Father.

The process seems mundane but with Geneva in my head explaining to me exactly what’s going on, I’m greatly unnerved by the ethics of this interrogator. According to her, he’s not just going after the information on the event. He’s using their distraction to dig for anything out of the ordinary. That’s not happening to me.

[No, it won’t. This man’s methods are crude and inexperienced. As if I’d let him rummage through your mind.]

Ah, my Geneva is so reliable~ Summoning really is the perfect art for someone like me. It’s great having powerful friends.

Before I know it, he’s standing in front of Kierra. He reaches out to her but she raises a hand, giving him her best glare. “I was asleep during the event so there’s no need to question me.”

“Everyone involved must be questioned in order to ascertain the truth,” he replies with steel in his voice. “If you were truly asleep, then this will be quick. There’s no need to be concerned.”

“But I am concerned. You do not need my testimony. Therefore, you aren’t going to touch me.” Her words are laced with a threat for what will happen if he tries.

“If you do not cooperate—”

“I’ll allow it,” Bastian says over him. He’s been silent, standing at the back of the room beside Lightam and Marquis Guiness. What is that look he’s giving me? I want to say it’s friendly but it makes my skin crawl. “Proceed.”

Which means me, as we were the last two. Here we go. Geneva, I want him to get just what he’s looking for. Not a damn memory more. And if he gets carried away, shut him down.

[With pleasure. By the way, this man seems to be working for someone else. I can’t be sure, but he was very annoyed about Master’s refusal. For a moment, someone popped into his mind. If I see them again, I’ll recognize them.]

“Lourianne Tome, as you answer my question, picture the events to the best of your memory. What happened this morning when Advisor Grimoire came to the Tome family manor?”

“I heard a commotion in the hall. Next thing I know, the advisor is kicking down my door, flanked by members of the city garrison. Uncle tried to get him to leave but the soldiers shut him up. Then Advisor Grimoire attempted to threaten me into releasing my contract. He failed. Then he fled.”

I can’t see the interrogator’s face but I can feel his displeasure. “Why did Advisor Grimoire fail to take control of your thrall?”

“The rules of their society prevented it.”

“Why did Advisor Grimoire not subdue you physically after failing in his threat?”

“I can’t speak to his thoughts.” This interrogator’s voice sounds agitated. Not getting what you want? Hehe.

“Give your best opinion then.”

“…his actions were very flashy. Perhaps he realized he was in a disadvantageous position and retreated to regroup.”

The interrogator moves his hands away and shrugs off his hood. A grizzled older man glares at me. Ooo, if looks could kill, I’d be a corpse right now. “Your Highness, the thrall is interfering in my questioning. This woman is resisting. I recommend she be detained until the Head Interrogator can question her.”

Huh? “Lies. Were you unable to verify the truth of my answers?”


“Think carefully before you lie,” I hiss. “I have a real truth-seeker by my side and something tells me you have plenty of secrets you don’t want coming out.”

He flinches at my tone, frowning deeply.

“Interrogator Croust,” Bastian says, taking a step forward. “Your honor is the crown’s honor and all interrogations are to be documented by another interrogator for authenticity. Remember that when you answer. Were you able to verify the truth of Lourianne Tome’s answers?”

Croust grits his teeth. “Yes, but she is clearly hiding something.”

“That’s not for you to know. The purpose of this is to verify the details of Advisor Grimoire’s assault on our family. Anything else that doesn’t directly pertain to that is none of your business.”

“I’m not sure.” Hey, now. I thought you might be a decent sort. Bastian’s expression is giving nothing away but this is complete crap. Should have expected as much from someone who kept company with Junior. “How can we know it doesn’t relate to our inquiry if we don’t know what it is? This is not a situation where we can simply take your word for it.”

Croust looks satisfied. He reminds me of Crowley. I hate him. “You want to know what I was holding back? Senior barged in on us while we were naked. Excuse me if I don’t want this old perv seeing my wife’s assets.”

“Ridiculous!” Croust sputters. “You’re hiding the means in which you avoided Advisor Grimoire taking control of your thrall. I cannot help but think it is something truly devious. It might have even given him legitimate cause to raid your home.”

“I’m not hiding anything. She is,” I say, hooking a thumb over my shoulder to point to Geneva. “I told you it has something to do with their society. What’s being blocked out is privileged information. If you want it, talk to her.”

Flawless lies. His scowl says that his spell is telling him it’s the truth but he knows I’m still holding something back.

“How about it? Am I telling the truth?”

“…she is.”

Bastian sighs. “As Lourianne Tome has given satisfactory answers, this inquiry is now over. I hereby order that Advisor Grimoire is to be brought in to answer to these accusations, even if it requires the use of force.”

The announcement isn’t grand enough for what it means. Any noble, let alone a king’s advisor, being dragged out of their home to face an inquiry is sensational news. This is going to be even more of an uproar as, if Belolial does her job, it’ll be an armed resistance.

Some of those city garrison soldiers are going to be hurt, if not killed. My actions are causing innocent blood to be shed. Saints witness, I should probably feel bad about this, shouldn’t I…

Pfft. Forget it. I don’t know them. And really, how innocent can they be? Those soldiers had no business conducting that kind of raid simply because Senior told them to. Screw ‘em.

“Your Highness, thank you for your guidance,” Uncle says with a sweeping bow. “We will take our leave and await your judgement at our manor.”

“Indeed. You’ve been through an ordeal. The advisor’s abuse of power is unforgivable and in no way reflects the ideals of the royal family. We’ll make sure this travesty is corrected.”

“May the saints bless the royal family.”

“Thank you. Lady Tome, if you could stay behind for a moment.”

I was following behind Jac but his words make me freeze. I wave Kierra to go ahead of me before I turn around and claim a seat, Geneva beside me. Uncle throws a curious look between the two of us before leaving the room with the rest of the family.

Bastian takes the chair beside me. It’s an armlength away, which is a little too close for propriety’s sake and far too close for my own comfort.

At a distance, he has the same immaculate appearance as every other high noble but this close, I can see his flawless skin is the result of makeup and his thick chin tells me that his tight-fitting clothes are hiding a body that’s not as tight. That white hair is really eye-catching when the rest of him is so normal.

“That was a bit stressful. I hope you didn’t take offense. As I said, every inquiry is reviewed. Someone will be digging through my head for the details and if there is a hint of favoritism, it won’t be good for anyone.”

“Your Highness did nothing to apologize for. Truly, I’m surprised you would be willing to show someone such as me favoritism.” Why are you talking to me? Royal attention is bad attention. I don’t want to be your friend! I don’t even want to be your acquaintance! Until today, I didn’t know your name. Which is a little disgraceful but no matter.

“We haven’t had many opportunities to socialize but I hope to change that in the future. Perhaps we’ll find that we share a few common interests.”

His eyes go to Geneva and he gives her that same disgusting look from the night before. Shivers go up my spine as my stomach tightens. This bastard. I know why he was hanging around Junior now. Ha, I was so concerned about the Grimoires I never asked Fen about her ‘partners’.

Now that the Grimoires are about to take a big hit, he’s worried about where to get his fix. He wants Geneva. I guess he’s offering a friend in the royal family.

A part of me wants to be reasonable. This is how the Grimoires have conducted business for a long time. Succubi are practically synonymous with ‘sexual favors’ amongst nobles. It’s why I have so much animosity for that family. Bastian has been dealing with Junior. He doesn’t know better.

Plus, he’s a royal. You don’t say no to the Harvest family.

“Forgive me, Your Highness, but I have to disagree.” Where did my reasonable response go? I meant to say something neutral but the words wrapped in a cold tone slip out.

I get to my feet, meeting Bastian’s sour smile with a scowl. “That’s too bad.” Three little words that don’t sound like much but sit on my shoulders like boulders.

For a royal, someone denying him must be the equivalent to a slap in the face. Sigh. This is why I was filled with dread the moment he called out to me. Saints witness, he’s going to cause some problems in the future. Unless I give him what he wants. Which’ll never happen.

“Then I’ll be taking my leave.” I give him a quick bow and practically scurry out of the room, Geneva on my heels.

“I wouldn’t mind.”

“Huh?” I look at her from the corner of my eye. “What are you talking about? Actually, do you know the way out of here?”

She moves ahead of me. “Sleeping with the boy. He doesn’t smell too bad. Not nearly enough for me to form a contract but not a total waste of time either.”

“Absolutely not.”

“…while your passion is quite touching, it’s unnecessary. In the first place, who do you think started the rumors about succubi?”

I pause and grab her arm. “Wait. Are you saying you made yourselves into lust idols?”

Geneva grins. “This isn’t the first plane to summon us.” She removes my hand, holding onto it as she pulls me forward. “In my experience, there are three truths that dominate all living creatures: survival, reproduction, evolution. They are the most powerful motivators. The best way to secure beneficial contracts is to tap into one of those three desires. Humans are vulnerable to all three, but their sexual drives are the easiest to manipulate. Especially with males.

“What you seem to think of as demeaning gives us power, nearly as much as our magic. No matter what you think, we are usually the ones in control of such situations and we always come out on top.”

Hmph. When she puts it like that, I can’t argue. Doesn’t mean I’m going to change my views. “Is there any reason you couldn’t be both?” I grumble. “Teachers can be sexy too.” I know because it was a common fantasy of mine. Yet Father always hired old crones as my etiquette teachers. Ah, my deprived childhood.

Geneva looks back with a smirk. “True. Which is why I think your attitude is commendable. However, I don’t want it to get in the way of your goals. As I’ve been promised a very tempting reward for making myself useful.”

Wow. Where did all that pride from when she was in my circle go? I can’t find a trace of it. Kierra was right. She’s a pet, begging for scraps at the dinner table. Which would be me. Still disturbing. “I’m thinking white for your collar. It’s eye-catching and one of the few colors that goes with my obnoxious family’s crest.”

“Delightful. Perhaps you should take this time to create your own crest. Would be much more meaningful.”

Ooo, she’s got a point. And I can stop complaining about those horrendous colors. “Good idea. I’ll think about what you said but not with Bastian. There’s got to be standards.” She’s a circle 7 don for saints’ sake. That’s an existence a dragon would show respect to.

“As expected of my summoner. I’ll look forward to tasty treats.” The little hound licks her lips as her whip-like tail wags behind her.

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