Reborn From the Cosmos

ARC 2-Summoner’s Revenge-Part 3

Despite our late start the next day, we make it to the tree marker before my father arrives. Kierra is hanging on me, our luggage at our feet. We’re in civilization now but she hasn’t lost the habit of clinging to me. Probably because she doesn’t go out much but then again, it’s not her fault. There really isn’t much for an overly aggressive, deviant elf to do in a remote area like this.

“You never told me how you know about succubi. Sounded like there was a story in there.”

“Mm. I’ve told you how the elven continent is divided into provinces, each ruled by a separate monarch. They’re so different, you’d never believe we live side-by-side. One of our immediate neighbors, the Twilight Province, has some peculiar…practices.”

“Like what, they wear their pants inside out?” That was vague.

She chuckles. “All elves pursue strength but the different provinces have different traditions regarding it. Twilight elves are known for their selective breeding. I know there is a clan with mind-stealer blood in their veins though I’ve yet to meet them.”

An elf mixed with a succubus. Saints give the world strength, if they are anything like her…

I’m brought out of my reverie by her poking my side, causing me to squirm. “Our ride will be here shortly.”

True to her prediction, it only takes a few moments before I spot the horses in the distance. Peter is driving the coach. I could of sworn we had a coachman. An older man with slightly gray hair…ah. Probably keeled over. Is it wrong that I don’t care? I should care. Insensitive nobles who treat their servants like furniture always pissed me off.

Been thinking that Kierra does a little too much housework, even if she doesn’t complain. Just won’t do. When my map sells, I’m going to get us a real place, or at least a good piece of land and better materials if she insists on doing the building herself. Then I’ll get a servant to handle the menial tasks and I’ll make sure I remember their name. Maybe ask how they’re doing and after their family from time to time.

While I’m lost in my random thoughts, the coach pulls to a stop. Father opens the door and Potter hops out. He makes a grab for our luggage but Kierra blocks him, handing over only two of the sacks filled our clothes. The smaller ones contain a few dried rations, my work, and her personal weapons. My cautious wife won’t let such important items be out of reach.

I climb in first and sit on the empty bench. Kierra settles down next to me, setting the bags on the floor. Doesn’t take long before she’s frowning. The bumpy dirt road combined with the lack of feet space must make for an uncomfortable experience for my wife who is the tallest person in the carriage. “How long will this take?”

“If we ride hard, we can arrive by tomorrow afternoon.” I can hear his frustration at being exiled from the capital.

“No need.” She kicks off her shoes, drops her head on my lap and props feet on the cushioned bench. “I’m plenty comfortable.”

“Ah.” Father averts his eyes. While he has never said anything, no doubt to avoid offending my wife, but he’s clearly not comfortable witnessing our…affections. To his credit, I don’t think it’s because he hates it. More that it’s outside his expectations. At my age, he must have already been considering possible engagements for me and love between women isn’t exactly common amongst nobility.

“Father, tell me something. Why are the Grimoires coming to see us?”

He turns back to me and latches onto the distraction from the boring routine of travel. “That’s not quite it. Your uncle was approached by the Guiness family.”

I gasp. Wow. That’s even more amazing than the Grimoires coming to see him. A finger taps my cheek. I look down to see Kierra looking at me questioningly. “The Guiness are a family of merchants. The richest merchants in the kingdom. Their wealth alone elevated them to the position of high nobles and the king gave them the territory surrounding Fortitude and control of Sleepy Harbor.”

Calling the Guiness family rich was like calling the sun bright. It’s rumored that the entire family bleeds gold and shits jewels. Anyone who has their backing is guaranteed to be successful.

By that same measure, anyone who makes them an enemy is doomed to miserable failure. Swiftest way to destroy a family is to attack their wallet and the Guiness have a tight grip on the nation’s finances.

“He wrote me a letter. Once news of your marriage reached Summer Spire, your uncle was invited to the Guiness manor for tea. It progressed to dinners. Realizing their interest, he proposed a series of banquets, using finding an appropriate suitor for your cousin as an excuse. He mentioned inviting us before leaving. A few days later, he gets a bundle of fine silks as a gift and an acknowledgement saying that the head of the Guiness family himself plans to attend.”

I shut my eyes and drop my head to the wall of the carriage with a soft thud. Someone really incredible has set their sights on us. This may be the best luck for the Tome family since the founding of the kingdom. “Of course, since we have such good fortune, the Grimoires are determined to ruin it.”

“Without question. Which is why we must be vigilant. As long as we keep our eyes open for treachery, there is no possible way for them to ruin this for us.”

For us, huh? I know a way to ruin this for us. Father is assuming that we, being Kierra and I, will simply go along with whatever the very rich merchant wants so we can get his money. Thing is, we don’t need his money. I won’t hesitate to walk out of the room if I sense even a little shady business.

But I would like to gloat in front of Gordon. It’s been a long time coming. Saints preserve me, it’s been over five years since I’ve seen that red-haired bandit. I bet he’s gotten even uglier.

“I’m looking forward to it.”


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