Reborn From the Cosmos

ARC 2-Summoner’s Revenge-Part 8


“—u. Lou!”

I look up to see Jac standing over me, with a scowl on her face. Hmm. How long have I been in this chair? From my slightly numb legs, it’s been more than a few minutes.

Not my fault. It’s one thing hearing someone try to generalize the planes. It’s something else when a summoner records the exact words of the elemental. The first record only talks about Line of Fire, one of the weakest fire elemental planes, but I see it in a whole new light. Not to mention I’m not even halfway through the book and this is one of the thinner ones. It’ll take longer than the winter to get through all of them.

Maybe not. Sleep’s overrated anyway.

“You really are just like your father,” my cousin says, bringing my attention back to her. “Come on, get up. The first guest will be arriving any moment and you’re not ready.”

I take in her outfit. It’s the usual flowing, bulky dress of nobility. The more fabric your clothes use, the more it costs and the greater your status. As a result, women come in dresses that make them look as round as an apple and the men wear vests under their vests. Have to give her credit, Jac has more taste than most. While the skirts flare out, from the waist up, the blue material is form fitting, a daring cut over the chest showing off her figure to its best.

Heh. Bet that wasn’t her idea. Last thing she wants now is to draw attention from any young nobles. “Look at you, man-bait.”

She winces. “Hurry up. You’re the star of the show after all.”

“It's not me really.” I stand up and stretch, wincing as things creak. With careful movements, I place the book back in its place, locking the cabinet. “And you’ve finally decided to stop beating around the bush.”

She snorts. “Not that it ever worked on you. So, yeah. We want to use your wife to make a connection to the elves and make lots of money. But really Lou, you still don’t know how this game is played? Instead of getting incensed, you should be thinking about what you can get out of this. With the Guiness family, the sky’s the limit.”

“I thought about that. The problem is that I can’t imagine anything they can give me.” I move from the room and she follows behind me. “We’ve got a good life.”

“…how could I forget. Lourianne Tome is the only noble who doesn’t want to get ahead. Just keep thinking about it. There has to be something. Weren’t you supposed to go to the Grand Hall last year?”

I turn toward her. I was headed to the great school of the Harvest Kingdom when I was kidnapped by Crowley Cain, the madman who changed my destiny. I never thought much of it. I’m a summoner. There’s nothing that place can teach me that my own family can’t. However, they may be able to help me with my new body.

Jac smiles when she sees my interest. “If the Guiness family speaks, there’s no problem getting you a spot during the next semester. Think about it. And even if you don’t care about anything, at least don’t embarrass us.”

“Yeah, yeah.” She leaves me as we reach my room, hurrying off to do whatever last minute preparations she needs to make.

It’s the best room in the mansion besides the main one, with a nicely furnished welcoming room off the bedroom. The usual clean space is covered in a variety of clothes. A single outfit stands out from the others, neatly laid out on the couch.

I walk over and run my hand over the intricately embroidered vest and crisp shirt. They’re in the family colors but the vibrancy has been reduced, making them somewhat bearable and the dark pants offset them. First time I’ve seen something representing the family that isn’t completely atrocious.

“You like?”

I turn and freeze as Kierra appears in the doorway to the bedroom. She’s also been getting ready. Her dress is a pale orange with a strip of brown around the waist. What should follow after is the series of flowing skirts but instead, it’s the white sheer material of her sleeping gowns. The top has also been altered, the shoulders cut away and the V on the chest lowered to a scandalous degree. I know it didn’t come that way.

“Very much,” I half-whisper through my dry mouth as I take her in.

She smiles. “I was talking about your outfit.”

“That too.” I walk over and run a finger over one of her shoulders. Dammit, they’re going to be all over her at the party. “What do you think about staying here?”

“Mm. Are you sure? The Grimoires will be attending tonight.”

Their name cools my rising lust and I step past her. “Then I need to hurry and get ready.” Her chuckles fade out as I move into the bathroom. Time for the big reveal.


When we walk in, the nobles have already entered. The dining hall has been completely transformed; pristine white table cloths and rarely used crystal lights placed in intricate holders gives the room an elegant air. A small band is situated on the stage, playing a charming tune that facilitates conversation.

Many of those conversations stop as we come in. Jaws drop and eyes go wide as they take in my wife who is walking arm-in-arm with me. Along with her dress, she’s tied her hair up and is wearing a borrowed garnet necklace. Combined with her tinted skin and green-golden eyes, she’s like a goddess of fall.

Little old me is barely noticeable at her side. That’s fine. This is what I want. Once they get over their shock and start asking questions, they’ll notice me then.

Oo, this is great. I search the room for Uncle, to see what direction this show is headed. Luckily, the target of our appearance is standing by his side. Standing next to Uncle, Matt, and Jac, the two visitors from the Guiness family are easily identified from their golden attire.

The man has a young face but the way Uncle and the woman beside him give him deference tells me he must be more important than he looks. If that didn’t give it away, his coat would. White birds in midflight run up and down it. Jeez, they look like they can flap off the cloth at any moment. Something like that probably costs more than my father’s manor.

The girl next to him is pretty enough to put Jac to shame. While the man has the standard blonde hair and light eyes the Guiness family is known for, her hair is brown with stone gray eyes, contrasting against her golden skin. Nevertheless, I’m sure she’s a Guiness too because she stands tall next to the man and is watching our approach with particular interest.

We stop in front of Uncle and I give him a quick bow. “Uncle. Forgive us, we’re a little late.”

“No matter. Come, let me introduce you. This is Marquis Maxamillius Guiness, the patriarch of the Guiness family. Beside him is Maxine Guiness, his daughter.”

Wow. The head of the Guiness family really did appear. This isn’t a joke. This man could buy everything we own with his pocket change. No, with the lint in his pocket. That kind of money equals power. This is someone who’s word can move a country. I can’t pretend I’m not a little pressured by his appearance.

Marquis Guiness and his daughter give the neatest bow and curtesy I have ever seen. Makes me feel like I should be slapped for my clumsy attempts at showing respects. “Lady D'Atainna,” Marquis Guiness intones gravely as he straightens up. “Lady Tome. It’s a pleasure to meet you both.”

Well, he still mentioned her first but at least he included me. Points for that. From Kierra’s smile, she thinks the same. “Please. Call me Kierra. My country doesn’t have nobility so titles aren’t necessary.”

“Then, Miss Kierra it is. I have to admit, I was a bit unbelieving when I heard an elf was in the human kingdom. I never believed it fully until you walked into the room. The rumors of your race’s beauty are greatly understated.”

“I’m a bit more adventurous than most, I suppose. Besides, I was interested to see the home of my wife.”

With that, his attention turns to me. I stiffen initially but relax as Kierra pulls me against her side, putting her hand against my lower back. Remember, Lou. This is no ordinary man but you’re not exactly normal either and right now, he needs to impress you, not the other way around. The thought fills me with confidence. “It’s an honor to meet you, Marquis.”

“I’ve heard a lot about you. Your matrimony is quite remarkable. There hasn’t been a union between an elf and a human in recorded history.”

“I’m lucky more than anything. If I hadn’t met her when I ended up in the Enchanted Forest, I wouldn’t be here by now.”

“Mm.” Kierra lets go of my arm to throw her arms in a loose grip over my shoulders. “My Lou is too modest. She’s very clever when she’s motivated. She could have survived on her own, which is no small thing in the forest.”

“I know. Many adventurers have attempted to harvest materials from the forest. Very few return and those that do only move along the edge. It’s a very mysterious place.”

“Maybe not so much. Now may be a good time to mention your thing.”

Aw, come on. I knew that but if you point it out like that, it makes me seem incompetent. After shooting her a glare she simply smirks at, I clear my throat. “I’ve drawn a map of the Enchanted Forest, noting several landmarks and a guide listing all of the dangers I encountered. Perhaps it is something you would be interested in?”

I know he’s interested before I finish talking. He’s fully focused on me now but the real giveaway is his daughter. Her eyes are practically shining, though she continues to keep quiet. Not much for her to say with her father here.

“I would be very interested in this map. Perhaps we can arrange a day for you to visit one of my shops? They can discuss production and cost.”

“At your most convenient time.”

From the corner of my eye, I see Uncle wearing a complicated look. Heh. On the one hand, I’m forming connections to the Guiness family, which he approves of, but that connection has nothing to do with the Tome family, which doesn’t bring him any benefits. Doesn’t know if he’s happy or annoyed.

The sound of quick footsteps draws my attention. Father is rushing toward us as much as the crowd and decorum will allow. He does not look happy. That can only mean one thing and he confirms it after reaching us. “They’re here.”

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