Reborn From the Cosmos

Arc 3-Initiate-Part 11

Someone knocks on our carriage door. Switching my nose to that of a wolf’s for a moment, I breathe in Maxine’s scent and gesture for Geneva to open the door. The young merchant gives us a radiant smile. “We’ve arrived a little later than expected but there’s still plenty of time before the semester starts. We could head straight for the Grand Hall or we could stay and explore the city for a few days. There isn’t a place like it in the kingdom.”

“We?” My eyes narrow as I stare her down.

“Did I forget to mention it? The branch I’m joining is in the Grand Market inside the Grand Hall.”

“Course it is.” A leech. A leech with a thousand tiny, curved teeth that are dug into my flesh. “We do have to make it up there early to prepare our house and whatnot. And it would be good if I could familiarize myself with the place before my schedule becomes too busy.” I can’t wait to put my feet on that floating city. I’ve always loved stories of adventure in fantastical places. Seeing something like this gets my blood pumping. “What does the city have to offer?”

“Many kinds find their way to Quest. There are many styles of architecture to admire, most notably the Merciful Crypts that holds the Parade of Saints. Then of course are the shops. There are all kinds of cuisine and the several places to find raw materials for Miss Kierra. And I’m sure you’ll want to explore the Myriad Zone.”


“I’m sure you’ve wondered about the part of the city that lies beneath the Grand Hall. From what I understand, there is a special barrier in place to divert the sun’s rays around the Hall so that the city is not in perpetual darkness but the spell distorts colors. When the sun rises, the area could be bathed in everything from rose pink to the incredible bright blue of a moonflower and it changes again at night. It’s quite the attraction amongst travelers.”

Yup, have to see that. “I suppose we can explore for a bit. If you’re fine with it?” I turn to Kierra to see what she thinks. Should have known better. The elf’s eyes are alight with curiosity. The woman sticks her nose into anything that can amuse her. “Yeah, we’re staying. I don’t suppose you also know a good place to rest.”

“It just so happens that the Guiness Company has two branches of the Golden Feathers here in Quest.”

“Of course—” I stop before I can finish the retort. I’ve been saying that so often it’s starting to sound redundant. “That’s good.”

Maxine’s smile twitches as she stops herself from laughing. “Would you prefer to stay inside the Myriad Zone or outside? I personally recommend the former. Our best suite has the most unique views.”

“Sounds good.”

“I’ll tell your driver to follow behind us.” With a short bow, Maxine closes the door.

“How much do you want to bet that the room will be free?” I ask as we start moving again.

“You have to admit, the constant shower of favor has changed your opinion of our merchant for the better,” Kierra responds with a chuckle. “At first, I could practically feel the suspicion you held her under but I daresay you have become used to her attentions.”

“No! It’s just that it’d be stupid to turn it all way. Who turns away free stuff?” Just because I take her money and favors doesn’t mean I’m won over. I’m not that easy!

My wife chuckles with an expression that says she doesn’t believe me. A hand combs through my hair. “My Lou is weak to being spoiled after all.”

“What a sloppy master I have,” Geneva says with a tsk, her tail swaying in amusement.

Sigh. Now they’re ganging up on me. I raise Bell up so our eyes are level, grinning at the way her chubby tail swings. “You respect me, don’t you Bell?”

“Coo!” [Master Lou is the best!]

Yes, yes. That’s it. Those two evil women can try as much as they like to break me down but Bell will be there to soothe my soul. “We’ll see how long you two can keep acting so superior. One of these days, whether it’s one year, two, or fifty, I’m going to surpass both of you.”

“I’m looking forward to that,” Kierra says, her tongue swiping across her bottom lip. Right, violence is never a threat to her.

“I hope so.” The succubus looks at me eagerly. Ah, if I grow stronger, I’ll taste better, won’t I? So, she’s fine with it either way.

…I just can’t win.



I can’t hold in my awe as we approach the Myriad Zone. The air is different. It seems to shimmer, almost as if waves are going through it. The movement grows stronger as we ride on and the surroundings start to change. The gray and brown buildings on either side of the road appear to turn blue at the edges, the color spreading throughout the structures as we get closer. The gravel road turns milky white, the sky a strange mix of blue and green.

And the people! They are all types of strange colors. I see men with purple skin and red hair, women with pink skin and silver hair, and many more incredible combinations. I know it’s just my vision being compromised by whatever spell is covering the area but it’s like entering a new world. The people seem to be quite energetic as well, calling out to each other as they pass and chatting in doorways, adding to the atmosphere.

A finger pokes my cheek. I turn to see my wife looking at me with intrigued eyes. Except she looks different than usual. Her green skin is now a rosy pink and gold, her once silver hair a bright crimson. Her green-gold eyes are golden with flecks of a pale lilac.

Coming here was worth it for this alone. “You look good in everything, don’t you?”

She chuckles. “This zone is quite amusing. You should look into a mirror.

“Hm. This failure of a spell has produced amusing results.”

I look over to Geneva. Her smoky gray skin is now a light caramel, her dark hair and horn now silver. Those pink eyes I find so distinctive are now a blue brighter than a summer sky and just as mesmerizing. “Dammit, this one too.”

“That sounded very bitter for a compliment, my summoner.”


“Of course, you’re still adorable Bell!” My orange-red imp that reminds me of flowing lava is now a bright yellow-green. Unnaturally bright, as in if I saw anything with these colors, I’d immediately assume it was poisonous. Fitting for how dangerous she is. “And we’re all supposed to be different colors again when the sun goes down. Amazing.”

“And strange. This goes beyond a mere accident while casting.” Geneva scoffs. “The one who cast this must have been drunk or ingesting some kind of drug.”

“That’s a little harsh.”

We have fun pointing out all the strange color combinations until we arrive at the Golden Feathers. The place may have a different coat of paint on it but it’s the same as before. I have to admit, the employees are model servants. Makes me look at the scraggly four following behind me with consideration. Note to self. Get them uniforms. Maybe something unifying and form-fitting will have them looking better.

Maxine soon gives us keys to the top suite and arranges separate rooms for my newly acquired help. They have been doing quite well, I suppose. None of them complained about sleeping outside, they were respectful to the Guiness knights in their own way despite their atrocious manners, and Earl has managed to keep his, erm, energetic sister from causing any troubles.

All in all, I’m quite satisfied with my decision to scoop them up and have high expectations. Eh, moderate expectations. They are former bandits. “Aren’t you all glad you decided to follow me? Bet this is much better than squatting between trees.”

“Yes, my lady! I’m very grateful for your mercy!” Earl shouts earnestly, bowing his head. Gajin follows suit, murmuring his own thanks. Nomad simply stares off into the distance and Ann bares her teeth at me. Haha. I should be embarrassed to call myself a noble hiring this group but whatever.

“Good. Right now, we are taking a small break which also applies to you. Enjoy this time because once we reach the Grand Hall, I’ll be putting the four of you to work. You’ll become servants worthy of serving the Lourianne Tome.”

“Yes!” Wow, what an enthusiastic boy Earl is. Gajin is older but I think I’ll put him in charge. Or would Geneva be in charge as my first contracted elemental?

I hand them their keys and they go off to their rooms, some more excited than others. An employee escorts us to our suite. It’s gorgeous of course, but after living in a Golden Feathers’ suite for several months, I’m used to this level of luxury. Not to mention the design is pretty much the same, minus the strange Myriad Zone finish.

We are putting our things away when there is a knock on the door. Being the closest, I answer.


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