Reborn From the Cosmos

Arc 3-Initiate-Part 16

“You again!” Howie doesn’t seem to care one lick about potential profit as he scowls at the men. “How many times do I have to tell you to stay out of here, Fredrick?”

The men walk forward. “Relax, you damn hobgoblin,” the one in the lead says. Howie is glaring daggers at him so this must be Fredrick. “I’m hoping you’ve reconsidered my guild’s offer.”

“I’d rather burn a branch of the Sacred Tree.”

“It’s a good deal! With your talent in alchemy, you can make a difference out there, help make our way past the mountains. This dump is a waste of your ability.”

“My ability is making good drinks.”

“Your stupid drinks are poisonous! Why do you think no one shows up anymore? I honestly have no idea how you stay in business.” Fredrick sighs. “Look, I talked to the leader. He’s prepared to offer you your own space to continue with your brewing. With the money the guild will pay, you can even do more of the research you love. That’s more than fair.”

“More than fair? Ha! You make it sound like me working for you is set in stone. Let me make myself clear. I don’t need or want to work for you apes. Never will. Now, quit bothering me and get out of my bar!”

Fredrick’s expression turns ugly. “Listen to me, goblin bastard—”

“Excuse me.”

He pauses, eyes widening as he turns and sees Kierra. Her eyes are narrowed playfully as she waves her mug at him. “Would you mind talking business later? Your tension is ruining the mood and distracting the man from pouring.”

He looks her up and down, as people always do, along with the people behind him. A small smile curves his lips. “You family of Howie here? Looks like you got all the good genes.”

“Family? In a way. We are all children of the Sacred Tree. By blood, no. Howie, fill me up.”

“Put it on my tab.” Fredrick moves closer to her, inadvertently bumping into me. Bastard doesn’t even excuse himself while he hits on someone else’s wife. This is a pretty good angle for an ambush. His armor doesn’t cover his neck. One quick transformation and three-inch claws are tearing into him before he knows what’s going on.

Let’s see how smooth you are when I rip out your tongue.

“Haven’t seen you around here.”

“I’ve just arrived in the city.”

“Looking for work? I’m a squad leader in the Shadow Wolf guild. This is my team.” He waved to the men behind him who straighten their shoulders, trying to look good so their leader looks better. “We’re the best hunters in town with contracts with the city lord himself. Always looking for more talent.”

“Oh? A generous offer but I already have work. In the Grand Hall.”

Poor Fredrick stiffens. That’s right. The only ones allowed into the Grand Hall are the elites. Far above a measly hunter. She’s so far out of your league, you can’t even see how stupid you look right now.

A fact proven by how he shrugs off his shock and continues. “The Grand Hall, huh? I heard the place is pretty amazing. What do you say we play tour guide for each other? I’ll show you this city in a whole new light.”

Oh, saints preserve me, was that supposed to be a play off the Myriad Zone’s colors? Maybe the drinks have affected me a bit because I have the sudden urge to hurl. Wait, no. It’s this nauseating asshole. Forget this. I was targeted by an assassin today. I don’t need to put up with anymore crap. “Oi, get off me. It’s rude.”

I shove him back by the shoulder as I speak. Fredrick immediately turns to me, scowling. I return the expression. “What? Are you mad I don’t want you feeling me up? Damn pervert.”

“Who would want to touch you?” He pointedly looks at my admittedly lacking chest. “I don’t know what backwater farming village you’ve come from but you should watch your manners in this city. Most people here can take your head off with a snap of their fingers.”

“Good thing none of those scary people are here now. Take your own advice. I’ve pulled weeds more terrifying than you.”

Fredrick’s mouth twitches. “You’re very lucky I’m a gentleman and have too much honor to hit a defenseless woman.”

Defenseless? Do I look defenseless? “You could try.”

He snorts. “Don’t act tough. You don’t have a weapon on you, at least not one I have to be afraid of.”

“Don’t need one. I’m a caster.”

“Just said not to bluff. No caster looks as stupid as you.”

This bastard. I slip off my stool, staring him down. The effect is ruined by the fact that I have to look up at him but I don’t look away. “To be clear, I’m a summoner. One good enough to also to be invited to the Grand Hall. Come on. Give me a reason to break you in half because I really, really want to.”

“Summoner? What, is that mug your elemental? Hah? Is it going to drown me in ale? Might actually be useful for once!”

He laughs at his own joke. Here we have someone who has never met a capable summoner and has no idea on how powerful our contracted elementals can be. Goodie. “Geo.”

My succubus comes to stand next to me, smiling softly at the men and looking anything but threatening. Fredrick looks ready to lay into me again but is stopped by one of his men. “Leader, this isn’t good. I think that’s one of those devils from the Grimoire family.”

Fredrick jumps, looking back and forth between me and Geneva. “You’re a high noble?” His doubt is obvious.

“If you’re asking if I’m a Grimoire, no. If you’re asking if I’m someone far above you, then that’s a definite yes.” I point over my shoulder at Kierra. “That lovely lady you were practically trying to dry hump is my wife. Most nobles would have already castrated you by now but I’m such a good person, I’m going to give you the chance to convince me why I shouldn’t have my pet turn you into a drooling idiot.”

He looks ready to take on the challenge but now another one of his men grabs onto him, urging him backwards. “We’re very sorry for him, my lady,” one says with a hint of panic in his voice. “This one loses himself a little around beautiful women. We mean no disrespect and should get on our way.”

“I didn’t say you could go.”

“Oh, screw you and your devil!” Fredrick shouts, breaking free from the other men. “You wimps forget who we are? We’re Shadow Wolves. If you are going to let a little girl intimidate you, you can stay here. Maybe Howie can use a few more barmaids.”

This guy has some serious daring. Calling me a little girl right to my face. Maybe I can handle that but not in front of people whose opinions I care about.

This crap has been going on since we’ve made it back to this kingdom, people looking down their noses at me. Wondering what I am doing with beings like Kierra and Geneva. And till now, I haven’t done much to stop them. No wonder they don’t respect me.

What would Kierra do? If someone manages to anger her, she’s ending them. Damn the consequences. She’s confident in her ability to defend herself and relishes the thought of an actual challenge.

Geneva? She’d care even less. This isn’t even her home plane. Why would she care about mercy, nobility, or laws?

What about me? I’ve got the same power they do because they are my power. If Kierra disagreed, she would have already intervened. She’s ready to let me decide, whether I spend the night I’m supposed to be having fun keeping quiet while I sip my drink or kill this guy.

…what would Cosmo do?

Pfft. Easy answer.

Geneva, break his leg. Left, no, right one.

[As you wish.]

I don’t see her tail whip out. One moment, Fredrick is posturing. The next, a sharp crack is heard for a moment but the sound is drowned out by his scream of pain. He tips to the side but one of his men catches him.

Hands go to weapons and eyes turn bright as they prepare to cast. “Good. You all want to die today. I’ve always wanted some artifact armor. Are your weapons artifacts too? I could start up a collection.”

“You saints’ damned bitch!”

“Enough.” The one who warned Fredrick slaps the others until they stop showing aggression. “We’re very sorry, my lady—”

“Tome.” I glare at him. “Lourianne Tome. How am I supposed to trust an apology when you don’t even know who you’re addressing? Look me in the eye.”

The hunter meets my stare with a steady gaze of his own. “Lady Tome, I sincerely apologize for our horrible conduct this evening. Please forgive us.”

“You never gave me a reason to do so. Forgiveness is so cheap these days.”

He stares at me for a moment. Then he grabs the ornate sword on Fredrick’s waist. His leader tries to fight him but he whispers something in the man’s ear for several moments and his protests stop. The sword is held out to me while the hunter bows his head. “For your collection.”

“Wow.” I raise a foot but pause. Stepping forward would put me in this man’s range. This could be a trap. Don’t underestimate me. I may be a little slow when it comes to defending myself but I always learn. Bell, grab it.

“Coo!” Bell hops down from the bar and hurries over to him. Her tail slaps his leg. After a brief moment of confusion, the hunter hands her the sword and she brings it back to me, proudly holding it over her head. I scoop her up, taking it in one hand as she climbs onto my shoulder.

“A gift. Oh, you didn’t have to do that.” The look I share with the hunter and Fredrick’s glare says everyone knows that’s not the case. “A good show of your sincerity. Very well, Shadow Wolves. You are forgiven. Let’s not dwell on it any longer. Would you like to share a drink? The tab is currently being covered by Maxine Guiness.”

Fredrick goes pale, eyes going to the bar where Max is quietly watching our exchange. He then looks to Howie, who nods discretely. Oh, I can almost feel your despair. Just realized the kind of person you picked a fight with, huh?

“Thank you for the kind offer, Lady Tome, but it’s time we really must be going. Our guild requires much of us. By your leave?”

“Go on, then.” I watch the hunters until they disappear. I let out a long breath as the door closes behind them. “I’ll admit it. That felt really good.”

“Coo!” [Fools. It would have been better if you had killed them.]

“…you’re really bloodthirsty, you know. Besides, this is better. Imagining him lamenting his own stupidity every day, losing such expensive equipment because he underestimated me. The anger slowly building up until he finally explodes, whether to me or someone else. Realizing no matter how angry he is, there’s nothing he can do. Yeah, this is much better. And quieter.”

I retake my stool, poking my wife in the side. “You could chase some of these dogs away, you know.”

“Of course not.” She downs the rest of her mug and gives me a blinding smile. “That’s another one of your roles, dedia. Just as it is for me to chase away any undeserving suitors, hmm.” Her gaze briefly goes over my head to look at Maxine. Lucky girl is currently taking a large gulp of her water, otherwise she might have had a heart attack if she knew my wife is...considering her.

And you were waiting for me, you frickin’ elf savage!

…this time, I’ll admit I’m the one in the wrong. I should have realized, no, I did realize what kind of path these people are pushing me down. Teach me to drag my feet. “Here you go, my love. Hope you like it.”

“Aw, you’re so sweet to me.” Kierra takes the blade, pulling it from the sheath to examine the edge and spell engraved on it. “Very good.”

“Here, Lou.” Howie places a new mug in front of me. He’s all smiles now, a sharp contrast to the beginning of our night. “For driving those dogs out, something special. I call it Journey to the Abyss, because one sip can knock anyone out.”

Come on, is this even a drink at that point? Might as well call it the poison that it is. Nevertheless, I lift the mug, changing everything from my throat below to the insides of an elemental. “Thanks, Howie. To the Grand Hall! Let our time there be full of learning and wonder.”

The others join me in my unimpressive but enthusiastic toast and we down our drinks.

The women in Lou's life are actively corrupting her morals at this point. Can't be bothered to even disguise it. And she willing walks down the path. Who knows what she will be at the end of it? An interesting hero? A horrible villain? A maniacal cult leader? Or...

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