Reborn From the Cosmos

Arc 3-Initiate-Part 21

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I’m a little surprised that my first class is held on an open field beside the Foundation Hall, the center for acolytes focused on sharpening their martial prowess. The people hanging around the imposingly and honestly unattractive gray block of a building all wear polished armor, weapons attached to their waists and slung over their shoulders.

On one of the fields, a man covered in what looks like armor made of scales is shouting at a group of over forty acolytes, each standing perfectly still in parade lines, expressions blank as they take the verbal tirade. Another field shows combat training underway. This is a little hard to connect to a place I consider a center of magic. Saints know I won’t be doing this crap once I’m done with mandatory Foundation I.

Wait. Kierra’s going to drag me into more of this nonsense, isn’t she? Oh, no. These crazy people have been up even earlier than me, sweating first thing in the morning. I can’t let that be my future!

Reaching the field designated for initiates on my schedule, I spot my fellows and banish my negative thoughts.

The first thing I notice is that they are young. I’m pushing twenty while most of the brats in front of me can barely be fifteen, though there’s a few older dogs like me.

The second thing is that most of them are nobles. I can tell from the scowls on their faces at the early hour and their unpractical clothing, especially the girls.

A few are hard to place being very composed and well prepared. Of those, a girl dressed in light armor stands out the most. Mainly because she has short hair. Noblewomen don’t do that but she doesn’t shrink away from the others, making me think she’s noble born after all.

The last thing is that none of them are particularly impressive. I don’t know what I was expecting from a gathering of the kingdom’s supposed geniuses. Maybe for them to glow with an inner light. Something…special.

In the end, they’re simply men and women. Boys and girls, really. Flesh and blood mortals. It makes me feel immensely better about learning with and, at the heart of it, competing against them.

I stomp onto the field wearing a big smile, a little excited. With my elementals with me, I draw attention. Some of it very unwanted as a few hungry eyes latch onto Geneva. I draw a few more eyes when I casually sit down on the grass.

Idiots making themselves uncomfortable because they’re too good to take a seat. I bet the early birds who rushed here to impress or out of fear are feeling especially upset, seeing as the teacher is nowhere in sight.


I turn my head to see one of the girls staring down at me with clear disdain. A fine example of pride and repeated teachings of superiority forging an obnoxious personality. Who wears such a heavy dress this early? And doesn’t she understand that we’re going to have Foundation before she has time to change? Kierra is going to destroy her if she has the distinct misfortune of being in my wife’s class. But for now…

“The first thing you should say to a person is a greeting. Or did you miss that lesson in etiquette?”

She sniffs. “I don’t need to be spoken to of etiquette from someone willing to roll around in the mud. Your family should be ashamed for raising such an animal.”

An animal? Saints witness, I’m sitting cross-legged on a patch of grass and that makes me an animal? This is why I never got along with the other children.

Snorting, I stretch out on my side, propping my head up with a hand. No, better idea. Geneva, come here.

Seeing what I want in my mind, she sits back on her heels beside me. I roll so my head is on her thighs, letting out a comfortable sigh. “Well, I’ll lie here comfortable in my shame while you spend the hour standing with your pride intact. See how that works out for you.”

She turns away from me in disgust. Sweeping my gaze over the crowd, about half are of her same opinion. Most of the other half don’t seem to care or are purposely not getting involved, their gazes firmly looking at anything besides us.

I do have one comrade. The girl with the short hair and light armor. Moving a little closer to me, she sits down cross-legged. I wave and she gives me a brisk nod. Look at that, made a friend already. Well, the gesture wasn’t quite friendly but here’s to hope.

The princess wannabe is doubly annoyed now that the savages have multiplied. With the look she’s giving me, I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s sizing up her chances of taking us out before the teacher arrives. A suspicion confirmed by Bell, who straightens up from her lounging place by my ankles to give the girl a scowl.

 Luckily, our teacher arrives before she can work up the courage. At least, I’m pretty sure it’s the teacher.

The young man wearing the same kind of expensive robe as Aurelius, damn him, but it’s deep red instead of silver. His long dark hair hangs straight down his back, a silver headband keeping it out of his face. Half a dozen bead necklaces hang on his neck and his collar is undone, exposing a bit of his pale chest. Jeez, I’ve seen noble girls less…groomed than him.

“Hello, new initiates.” He puts his hands together and bows to us. “My name is Mano. It is an honor to be the one to welcome you to your new lives here at the Grand Hall. Today, we take the first steps on your new journey of magic.”

I can’t see a hint of deception in that smile. He’s genuinely excited to be teaching us, I think. Reassures my slight nerves. This isn’t a tutor who can’t say one thing to me if they want their salary paid. This is an esteemed institution. My previous work ethic will get me a good dose of embarrassment and perhaps kicked out. One more thing driving me to succeed.

“As you all know, this is Mana Work. Here we will practice using pure mana.” He raises a hand palm up and wisps of red mana curl up from his fingertips. “I’m sure you’re wondering how useful mana in its pure form can be, as opposed to a solid earth wall or burning fire. There are many things but for those of your level, we will focus on the most immediate benefits. One, it makes you more sensitive to the use of mana. Seeing is believing and a caster is nothing if they can’t prove their spells. So, if you six would group together. Stand close now, backs facing us.”

The chosen initiates follow his instruction, the rest of us watching their uncomfortable shuffling with amusement and curiosity.

“Now, one of you form a spell. Don’t release it.”

There’s a moment of silence as Mano waits for them. Then he quickly steps forward and taps a young guy on his shoulder who turns with wide eyes. Wide eyes that are glowing.

Wow. He just picked out someone trying to cast without seeing them. That’s incredible. And one of the most valuable skills to defend against an enemy caster. Why didn’t my tutors teach me this? I would have never been caught by Crowley Cain or anyone like him.

I feel like Father took the cheap route when it came to my educators.

“Sensing the mana around you is not a hard technique but it does require diligence. Now, the second effect which I’m sure you all will appreciate much more, is that active practice manipulating pure mana is the best way to grow your mana pool, increasing your mana coefficient.”

Yes, definite appreciation there. His words have everyone paying rapt attention now if they weren’t before.

Mano nods. “Then let’s get right into it. You will be remaining still for a long time so I suggest everyone get comfortable.” His eyes go to me and we share a grin.

The others shuffle about. Some give in to their dark desires and sit on the grass, wincing at the thought of their expensive clothes. A few remain stubborn, including the little princess who berated me at the start, standing while giving us looks filled with disdain.

Mano does nothing to correct them. “The first step is simply being aware of your mana’s flow.” A finger touches his chest. “The core is right beside the heart and pumps alongside it. Out to the shoulders and along the arms. Pooling in the navel before flowing down to the legs. Along the spine to the crown of the head.” A finger moves demonstratively as he speaks. “And hundreds of branches to reach every part of the body. The body does this naturally. Feel it. Then follow it.”

Mano sits down on the grass and closes his eyes, taking deep breaths. I try copying him, closing my eyes while focusing on my heart. It’s fairly easy to feel my mana core but as for the rest of it, my mind is drawing a blank. I doubt it’s meant to be something immediately picked up. I understand that, really.

But it’s hard to stay focused on literally nothing. My feet start to twitch as I struggle to keep feeling for…whatever I’m supposed to be feeling.

[Would you like me to intervene?]

Please do!

She chuckles. [And you were so excited to improve by your own hands.]

I’ll do the work but I won’t stop you from making it easier to understand. Honestly, it’s the main reason I formed our contract. Teach away.

[Very well.] Geneva’s hands come up to either side of my head. It’s as if the world beyond me disappears. I can’t hear the frustrations of the others, smell the earth, or feel the sun on my skin. My awareness is narrowed onto myself, my heartbeat thundering in my ears.

I can feel my awareness being sucked deeper into myself, until the pounding of my heart is not in my ears, but all around me. No, not my heart. This warmth is my mana, making it my core. Looking around, I can see ten thick lines of energy branching off from it, rather than five.

[Your young teacher is correct in describing the main mana veins. The darker vein is the negative flow, your mana returning to your core as it reaches the end of the vein. Each flow has a reverse but let’s forget about that for now.]

The darker blue lines disappear.

[Feel it, Lou. Follow the flow. Only once you’ve learned each and every vein can you learn to manipulate it.]

With Geneva in my ear, I fall into a deep meditation while focusing on my mana.


I feel her pulling my consciousness up and then the world comes back.

I blink open my eyes to see everyone around me moving, most stretching. Huh? Is the class over? But we just started.

“That is good work. If you feel like you haven’t made much headway, don’t worry about it. It takes time to master such an ability. Every day, the first ten minutes is set aside for questions. Ask me anything and I will try my best to assist you.”

Once again, he places his palms together and bows to us. The students throw their farewells back, hurrying off to their next class. I leisurely get up and stretch, trying to see if there are any notable changes in my mana pool.

[It’ll take more than a day to show progress, even for you.]

Good point.

“See you tomorrow, Mr. Mano.”

“Ah, wait a moment please.”

I pause as he walks up to me. He’s smiling so this can’t be a bad thing, right? “It’s Lourianne Tome, isn’t it? A senior teacher spoke to me about your elementals.” He inclines his head toward Geneva who gives him a shy wave in return, using her meek public persona.

“Well, a summoner is nothing without her elementals.”

“Indeed. Though I have to admit, I didn’t realize how valuable they are.” His eyes are hot as they continue to stare at her. Saints bless this pit of depravity, not another pervert! “Earlier, I noticed your meditation. Only the most senior of mana manipulators can reach such a state that your elemental can induce. As you’re not doubt aware, it can greatly increase one’s cultivation.”

Oh. He’s only after her for her magic. Sorry for thinking the worse of you, friend.

“If your elemental could do this for others, it would be valuable indeed.”

“Um…” Hm. I want to outright reject him. Geneva is mine. I don’t want to share her just because it’s useful to you. Also, I’m trying to keep the true extent of her capabilities secret. She’s my ace in the hole but if it becomes common knowledge that I have an elemental with a coefficient of close to a thousand with me, then the kingdom can no longer ignore me.

I need privacy to develop to my true potential. Don’t make my life difficult.

“Ah, don’t worry.” Mano holds up his hands. “This isn’t me taking advantage of my position to get some benefits. In fact, if something like that happens, tell a teacher immediately. The Grand Hall severely frowns on that and they can bring in Interrogators for that sort of thing. I am simply pointing out that if such a service could be made available, then it would be worth quite a lot. One of the main ways a caster grows in the Hall is through an exchange of favors.”

“Ah. I understand and will keep your advice in mind.” An exchange sounds much better, though I can’t imagine what I could get from him.

Mano seems satisfied. “Thank you for your time, Lourianne. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“See you.”

I leave the field with a bit of a bounce in my step. Already making gains though they’re not quite what I expected.

Lou is finally learning!  Though she's a long way to go before she can do Cosmo proud.

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