Reborn From the Cosmos

Arc 3-Initiate-Part 26

“What’s your full name?” Abel immediately demands.

Oof. Right off the bat with the name dropping. Here we have a lower noble or, at the very least, an aspiring one. “Lourianne Tome.”

“Tome?” He scoffs at me. I swear, with that kind of attitude you better be some long-lost cousin to the royal family. This place is full of annoying people. “Why did you pick up this trash?”

“Saints enlighten this boy who thinks it’s good form to hurl insults at people before so much as greeting them,” I throw back. “You don’t even know me.”

“I know enough. Tome family, nobles in name only. Haven’t made any substantial contributions to the kingdom in years and rely on minor achievements at the time of the kingdom’s founding. Am I wrong?”

“Minor? We helped settle the damn kingdom. And I’d like to see you make contributions with a greater house doing their best to strangle you. Just because we’re not well-known doesn’t mean we haven’t done anything.”

“Are you talking about Luke Tome’s thesis on non-affinity elementals?” He grins at my surprise. I’m really terrible at hiding my emotions. “The knowledge of elementals may have provided insight into a new land but the art of summoning has dwindled in power in the face of human innovation. Truly, it is a dying art and a method casters with poor skills must rely on rather than build their own strength.”

Beside me, Alana winces. My anger must be showing now. It’s one thing if you don’t like me, it’s another thing if you don’t like my family, but to go so far as to insult summoning itself, something we’ve dedicated generations to? Know-it-all bastard has taken it too far. And the rude goblin still didn’t bother saying a damn greeting! “Can’t wait for you to wow me with your bloodline.”

He puffs his chest out. “I am a servant of House Pottoculli, a great vassal of the Rosefield family. The patriarch himself noticed my ability and sponsored me to the Grand Hall so that I may realize my potential.”

I don’t believe this. This guy has the nerve to insult my entire lineage and his dad polishes silver? “Is this some kind of joke?” It’s got to be. Picking on the new face at the table, haha.

His sneer tells me otherwise. “The servant of a dragon is better than a king of rats.”

“It sure didn’t take long for the nobles to start measuring.”

I look down the table. A redhead glares at us from the corner of her eye. “It doesn’t matter. Titles don’t matter here. You only get as far as your own ability can take you.”

“Hmph. True nobility is not something you can choose to acknowledge only when it suits you.”

“Oh, yeah? What are you going to do, shiny? Throw some of your owner’s gold at me? I can’t be bought.” She snaps. Her eyes look like they would shoot fire and burn us to ashes if she could.

I hold up my hands, hoping she understands I don’t want any problems. I thought I was going to make friends but now everyone’s picking a fight with me.

My feelings are a little hurt.

“Ignore them.” Alana slaps the table. She doesn’t glare like Marthe but her look is enough to make Abel turn away. “Eat. We have more work to do today.”

Sure. Not like conversating with this group is getting me anywhere. I grab the first bowl of what looks like a thick stew and take my first spoonful.

It’s…not bad. Mostly bland, with a few flavorful chunks of meat. Not something a noble would accept but I’ve had much worse. With the way the building looks, I thought they might be using half-rotten ingredients and I’d have to transform to eat it all but this is nothing. Kierra didn’t exactly have much to work with in the forest and I’ve had much worse eating amongst the villagers.

I quickly become engrossed in the food, shoveling down spoonful after spoonful. I don’t stop until it’s all gone, sitting back with a satisfied sigh. A quick glance shows the table is looking at me. Even Marthe, shock replacing her disdain. “What?”

“…do you always eat so much?” Alana asks, looking pointedly at the four small bowls.

“Usually? I’m quite active. You should consider eating more. With the way K—Teacher worked us, you’re going to need to keep up your energy.”

“That damnable elf.”

“Elf?” Across the table, one of the two who’ve remained quiet the whole time perks up. Michael, I think. He’s young, even for this place. Can’t be older than fifteen. “Did you just say elf?”

“Ah, you haven’t heard? The Hall has a new Foundation teacher for initiates. A green elf named Kierra.”


“Ridiculous.” I’m really starting to hate Abel’s voice. “Elves are incredibly reclusive. A few of their traders may pass through on occasion but sightings are rare. One wouldn’t just come to the Grand Hall to instruct humans of all things. It’s more likely someone with elven blood or a hybrid. Goblinoid of some sort if she has green skin.”

Shows how much you know, know-it-all. Kierra is a hundred percent elf. I’d rub it in your face right now but it might be better to let this simmer for a while. And I’d feel petty dragging my wife into the conversation just to prove him wrong. I’m above that.

“That’s still cool. She must have the best stories. It’d be so great if we had her as our teacher too, aye brother?”

His brother nods. Not a talkative one then.

“Don’t get too eager,” Alana says. “Her teaching methods are…difficult.”

“Yeah, thought I was going to die for a minute there,” I throw in.

“What would you know about dying?” Marthe said. “Shiny is ready to cry because the teacher was a little rough with her. Bet you’re not used to pain protected by your big knights and bigger walls.”

“Perhaps she had a particularly life-threatening bruise,” Abel throws in.

Now they’re ganging up on me? Is it because I have an actual title? Alright then. We tried the friendly way. Now the Kierra way. “You,” I say pointing to Abel. “For someone who cares so much about nobility, you’re an embarrassment to your lords. I wonder how they would feel if I tell them their proud servant is going around insulting other nobles while throwing around their name?”

“You wouldn’t!” he gasps, staring at me with wide eyes.

This is like running home and telling your parents the mean kid is bullying you. What? Shameless? Who cares! It’s worth it to see his troubled and annoyed expression. Didn’t expect that, did you? Too bad I’m too shameless to defend the Tome family’s tattered reputation honorably.

“And you,” I say, pointing at the redhead. She bares her teeth at me. Seriously, are you an animal? I feel like my wife would like you. “Do you see any knights or walls around me? No. So don’t make up excuses. If you’ve got a problem, we can handle it anytime.”

“Say that, sure. Have all your fancy spells from your private tutors.”

Ha! If only you knew. “No magic. Just these.” I raise my fists, the knuckles callused due to my wife’s loving attention.

She watches me for a long moment, gauging my sincerity. Then she gives me a savage grin. I haven’t seen someone who so blatantly wishes me harm since Crowley Cain came at me with a bloody knife. Not even the assassin. “You’ll get yours, shiny.”

“One thing first. Why do you keep calling me shiny?” I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to be an insult but I don’t get it so I’m just confused rather than offended.

“Nobles have shiny jewels. Shiny clothes. Shiny skin.”

So, you’re basically calling me…clean? Guess anything can be a curse if you say it in the right tone. “Got it. Thanks.”

“Don’t run away, shiny.”

“When I kick your ass, you have to call me Lou. That shiny crap is annoying and annoyingly stupid.”

She sneers before hopping up and stomping away. “Progress,” I say with cheer.

Alana shakes her head and goes back to her food.


The rest of the day passes smoothly. As the sun is beginning to set, I drag myself back to our house. I’m glad we have such a nice place but the one disadvantage is that it’s much farther away from the teaching buildings than the dorms. No gains without pains.

Earl opens the door for me as I reach the highest step. “Welcome back, milady!”

Aw, look at him. During our stay in the Myriad Zone, we decided on the providing my new servants with uniforms. He’s wearing it now, a long sleeved, bluish-purple shirt, praise Cosmo, with a high collar and a series of polished golden buttons, matched with dark pants. Clean and trimmed, he looks far more respectable now. He looks rather proud of his new position, back ramrod straight. Geneva has done good work with him.

“Are you adjusting well?”

“Yes. You can count on me! Geo is teaching me how to take care of the house. When I’m ready, I will inherit the position of steward.”

“Then you have to work hard.” I reach out and ruffle his hair. The boy is clearly startled but he doesn’t fight, surrendering to it with a slight flush of embarrassment. “Make sure to take care of your sister.”

“Mm. She’s working with Nomad to become security.”

That’s…rather reassuring. I have no doubts the little bandit wouldn’t hesitate to tear apart anyone she deems a threat with her bare hands. Give her a few years and I’ll have quite the little defender.

As for Nomad, the man’s lack of regard is so off-putting, that could work as a deterrent itself.

“What about Gajin?”

“He is very happy with his new role as a gardener. At the moment, he is in the process of procuring seeds.”

I look over my shoulder at our, as the marquis put it, generous yard. Are all these grasses going to be replaced by poisonous flowers? “Should be fun. Keep it up.” I step past him into the house. I follow my nose to the dining room. Kierra is already seated, Geneva standing at her shoulder. Another plate has been set for me. I wordlessly take my place and dig in.

“Long day?” Geneva asks with some amusement.

I swallow before answering. “From your smile, I take it you’ve got all the details already.”

“Master certainly has some innovative ways of teaching.”

“Lou performed exceptionally, of course.” Damn it, when you sound so proud about it, it makes it hard to be annoyed with you.

“Yeah, I was a bit surprised. I mean, you work me hard but I outran a girl whose been training to become a knight since childhood. Felt good.”

“I expect nothing less from someone trained by me. Keep working hard, Lou. You’ve set some rather…lofty goals for yourself.”

You’re talking about Aurelius, aren’t you? Frickin’ elf making fun of people. I’ll show you one of these days.

I stab at my food viciously, ignoring the smiles directed at me.

Catch these hands, Marthe.



Soooooo, for Lou, I tried doing a scene rather than a straight portrait. I think it really captures her essence. I'm getting really excited about this art stuff and budgeting a, probobaly, unhealthy amount toward it. Can't be helped. It's just so awesome watching someone take your ideas out of your head and put them on a screen.

Some will be surprised, some will be confused, some will say "yeah, that's her!" I welcome all discussion. Ask any questions.

Without further ado, I give you Lou 1.0, before her faithful meeting with the glorious and gloriously glossy Cosmo!


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