Reborn From the Cosmos

Arc 3-Initiate-Part 28

Much later, I’m stumbling up our walkway after another long day when a gust of wind sends my hair billowing. Spitting the strands out of my mouth, I glare up at Aurelius who slowly floats down to hover in front of me. “Evening,” I say softly, trying to keep the hostility out of my tone. Knowing me, I probably fail.

“Lady Tome. I hope I didn’t startle you by dropping by so suddenly.”

“Startle me? No. Always happy for your visits.” You know damn well you aren’t welcome here.

“I heard you had a bit of trouble today.”

“Wow. Coming all the way here for a little disagreement between students. I’m touched. Though are you sure it’s fine? People might get a little jealous at your overflowing concern.”

“We take the safety of our initiates and acolytes very seriously. Simple disagreements can quickly escalate into something more…dangerous. I just wanted to remind you that violence of any kind is frowned on, even if you think you are the wronged party. Report any problems to a dorm caretaker and they will settle it.”

“Of course. I’m not the type to settle my problems with a brawl.”

“No, summoners prefer having others carry their burdens. A thrall can cause plenty of damage if left to run amok. Keep a close eye on your elementals lest something happen to them.”

Oh, I’d love to see you try. “They aren’t wild dogs. Though I will keep them close. Pest deterrent.”

“That’s good then.”

We share a moment of shared disdain before he powers back into the sky. As he disappears, Geneva steps out of the shadows to stand by my side. “Were you seen?”

“Please, my summoner. He is hardly capable. I sensed his intention and shrouded my being from his perceptions. He was rather frustrated at not being able to catch you in the act, so to speak.”

“He went personally? Doesn’t he have anything better to do?”

“If I had to make a guess, it was probably to personally guarantee your embarrassment throughout the Hall. If he has spent any time with Master then I’m sure he’s come to the realization that raising himself above you in her eyes is impossible. Therefore, the next best thing is to lower her opinion of you.”

What an amazingly bad idea. Kierra has seen me in far more pitiful states than a little embarrassment and she married me anyway. Heh. I might not be able to fight you directly just yet but maybe I can annoy you to death. “Did you find out anything useful?”

“Mm. Your would-be attackers went into the Gold Dorm. Unfortunately, the most stringent security surrounding it are enchantments rather than people.” She shrugs lightly. “I could have broken through of course but not without being noticed.”

“It’s fine. This is the greatest center of magic in the kingdom.” Wouldn’t it be rather embarrassing if they allowed powerful creatures to just waltz in whenever they wanted?

“I did, however, get a face. The only name in his mind was ‘money-grubbing weasel’.”

“That can describe at least a third of all nobility. But if you see it again—”

“I can identify them.”

“Never doubted you.” Giving into an instinct, I lean forward and steal a kiss before heading for the door. I can see her tail whipping in amusement from the corner of my eye. At the bottom of the stairs, I feel a tugging on my pants leg and look down to see Bell looking up at me imploringly.

What the hell. You’re a circle 5 virtue from Burning Earth. If you wanted you could bring this whole estate crashing down with a flick of your fingers and snap apart the kingdom’s strongest warriors, yet she’s acting like a puppy that’s been ignored by its owner.


She only makes that sound to cover when she speaks to me. Obviously, there’s no need for it in private. It’s a ploy because she knows how cute I find it. And damn me if it doesn’t work.

I scoop her up and kiss her nose. “And one for you too~”

“Do I get one as well?”

Kierra is leaning in the doorway. Ah, she looks nervous. Good.

“Maybe,” I say passing by her while trying to keep my voice neutral. Let her sweat a little.

She catches up to me before I get far, gently grabbing my elbow to change my course. “Not the dining room. I thought we’d eat out on the balcony.”


She guides me into the bedroom, which for a noble estate is rather large. There’s a greeting area for private meetings with the balcony attached. The balcony is attached. Last time I saw it, it was empty and only good for enjoying the breeze.

Now, there is a long couch positioned to give the best view of our yard and the taller buildings of the market in the distance. A small table is set up in front, decorated with platters of snack foods. Beside it is a drinks cabinet with several familiar glass bottles and two crystal glasses. Several potted plants and tasteful vines twined on the banister add color and fill the air with a sweet scent.

“I thought I’d go for something relaxing rather than a cold dining table,” she says as she guides me to the couch, sitting me right beside her. Geneva is apparently playing the role of server as she hands us each a glass and pours. I breathe in the heavy, almost pungent scent of mushrooms mixed with a whole lot of things I don’t want to know the name of. “You went to Howie.”

“I went to Maxine. It was meant to be a surprise.”

“You’re pulling out all the stops,” I say while snatching up two finger-sized sandwiches, gobbling one and handing the other to Bell. It’s fun watching her eat. She nibbles on things like a squirrel. Probably something else done for me. “If you’re trying to butter me up, it’s not working.”

“Really? Then…”

I let out a wordless sound of disagreement as my glass is taken out of my hand and sat on the table alongside hers. “How about this?”

I barely take in her words before she roughly drags me toward her, kissing me. Normally, she likes to tease but she gets right to the point, forcing her tongue past my lips and claiming my mouth. I can’t even pretend to be tough in the face of it, melting against her like snow under the warm sun.

My face is flushed when she lets me go and is soon enveloped by softness as she pulls me down to lay on her chest. “Okay…” I say between panting breaths. “That worked.” Any anger lingering in me has been swiftly overcome by my rising lust.

Maybe I really am that easy.

I can feel it as she laughs. “Good. Now we can have that conversation.”

Boldly admitting to manipulating my emotions. Damn you for knowing me so well. “You’ve been melding me, haven’t you?”

“Not in the strictest sense. To elves, melding refers to the manipulation of the body. To be honest, it is a grotesque art that often causes more harm than good. A warrior gaining inflated muscles and great power by sacrificing speed and flexibility. Leaving people in constant pain for a few enhancements. What I do is use my magic to strengthen and empower what is already there. And perhaps…stimulate your body’s potential.”

Still sounds suspicious. “Why?”

“Why do you think elves are such powerful warriors? Unlike humans, the physical affinity is rather common amongst us and those who possess it are almost always given positions of leadership. The reason my unit and I were so famous was because I personally ensured they were the strongest. I was the best melder in the Dusk Province, though admittedly only about eighth on the continent. Those High Noon fanatics are talented.”

Hm. I’m sure I had some concerns but they’re hard to remember right now. Kind of just sounds like a top-notch healing job. This is really comfortable… “Um, why are you bothering though? My elemental form is much stronger and far more durable. There’s no need for the hellish training.”

“It may not be a need but it would definitely be useful. We’ve already agreed it’s best to stay in your human form as much as possible while you’re here, which means you won’t be able to rely on your stronger form. More interestingly, that ooze you turn into…I’m not sure what it is. It’s not affected by my magic which means it has no potential to grow organically, like plants and animals. However, your human form can. And, if you haven’t noticed, your transformations are recorded from their last state.”

“Ah! I see where you’re going with this! You don’t just want to meld my human form. You want to try melding all of them to make them stronger.”

Kierra gives me her best manic smile. “Can you imagine the devastation an elven melded troll could wreck? Or better yet…” One of her hands trails up my neck and twists in my hair, yanking my head back so I’m forced to look up into her eyes. They’re that dark green they get when she’s really excited. I shudder as she bends down to run her tongue along my neck.

“Imagine what one could do in bed.”

“That’s what this is all about!?”

“Ehmm. I’m getting wet just thinking about it.”

“…damn deviant.” I pull her down into a kiss and take my time exploring her mouth, lightly biting her lip before I pull away. “Now I’m thinking about it.”

“As expected of my beloved wife.”

“So, what do you want me to do? Do I—”

“You just keep doing what you’re doing. Don’t think I haven’t noticed how hard you’ve been working.” She nuzzles against my cheek while squeezing me tightly.

I huff. Now that’s she’s given me such a good reason, I really can’t say anything about it. “We’ll need to set a time and find a place to work on my troll form I suppose. And I need to find more forms.” My shapeshifting is the greatest card up my sleeve. If I really want to make the most of my potential, I should have one for every eventuality.

“The masters of the beast sanctuary are rather adept at capturing manabeasts. I shall see if I can put in a…personal order. Several teachers have made attempts to connect with me.”

“I bet they have.”

She hands me back my glass. “Ah. We’ve got a good mood going. Don’t ruin it with unnecessary thoughts. You’ll handle him when the time comes, yes?”

The saints as my witness. No, with Cosmo as my witness. “Do you have anything to do on Restday?”

“No. Did you have something in mind?”

“I want to go to the library and the Summoning Hall. If we have time, the market as well.” I promised to build a certain someone a shrine and I want to do it properly. The Summoning Hall is the center for summoners at the Grand Hall. They should have their own summoning records. Perhaps I can find a clue about Cosmo in there and even if not, new summoning records to study is always a good thing.

After that, I have to get some materials to support my research. Besides, I should visit Maxine. No use letting my only connection here stagnate. “It’ll definitely be easier moving around with a teacher with me.”

“Alright. Since you’ve persisted so well, you can have use of me for the day.”

Filled with anticipation, I lean against her and grab another tasty morsel, enjoying the view of the last rays of sun disappearing under the horizon.

Let me just throw this out there. Kierra is manipulative. She is not a good person. She enjoys power games and pushing people beyond all reasonable limits. Besides that, she sees conflict and pressure as the keys to growth. This chapter was soft by her standards but don't forget how easily she made Lou forgive her for essentially doing reconstructive surgery without her permission. Sure, it wasn't bad in the sense of being harmful, actually being quite helpful, but you see where our elf's morals lie. Or don't, for that matter.

Also, what does it say about Lou that she was so quick to forgive? Is it love? Or something else?

Double also, remember, there's two of them. Three really, if you count Bell, but she is a pawn of Geneva's, and usually a part of the greater succubus' schemes.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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