Reborn From the Cosmos

Arc 3-Initiate-Part 6

Excuse me, what? I raise my head again, ignoring Fen’s attempts to pull me back as I stare at my cousin. “Did you just say—”

“Yes.” Jac’s eyes are wide with excitement. “All of humanity gathered onto this continent after the Great War but our family isn’t from here. We’re from Green Mountain. There are records passed down through our family for hundreds of years. They talk about powerful elementals contracted not to a single summoner but to our bloodline, binding themselves to the land rather than to a person.”

“That’s…” I pause before saying impossible. If someone told me they could be swallowed by an elemental and gain six affinities out of it, I would have once said that was impossible. “That’s a very shaky foundation to use for traveling to a hostile nation. Green Mountain is ruled by the goblinoids. They aren’t going to let you skip around and find our family’s legacy, if it exists.”

“Which is why I need power and connections. The whole of Green Mountain isn’t the problem. The Guiness Company proved that through their trade.”

“What the hell are you expecting to find? Most likely, whatever creature was there has long since decided to move on or died, if this crazy story is even true. It’s been centuries.”

“How long can your succubi live? For that matter, your elven bride? Or any creature with a powerful amount of mana?”


Jac turned to the window. “Out there is our seat of power. I can feel it. And I’m going to find it.”

I turn to Kierra. Oh, good. She’s wearing her bloodthirsty smile. Hmm. Wait a minute. Isn’t Green Mountain the home of trolls? Saints’ damnation! “We’re not going with her.”

“It’d be a shame to not to visit your homeland, Lou.”

“Not a single one of them will reach you before I take its head off.”

“That almost sounds like a challenge.” Her smile stretches wider. Dammit, I just hit two of her buttons when I brought violence into this. Sigh. I knew I was getting into this when I married her.

New goal. Get strong enough to exterminate all trolls in the world before Jac is ready to sail across the sea. I could also outright deny her but her goal sounds interesting. Didn’t know she has such an adventurous spirit. More importantly, if there are all-powerful creatures who are contracted to our family, discovering them would be a great thing for me too.

“I assume you have a plan to make this happen?”

“Mm. In fact, it was considerably sped up due to your marriage. Marquis Guiness is the head of the Expansionists. They want to reconnect with the world but have to fight tooth and nail against the old nobility who established themselves in the war. I’d like to join with his side and help with gathering knights and sailors willing to make the journey.”

“And what of you, Matt?” Kierra asked, turning to my silent cousin. “What do you think of your sister’s plans for the family?”

Matt nodded his head. “Jac is capable. If she wants to do it, it will be done.”

“And what do you want to do?”

“…I am a builder. I do good work and I enjoy it. That’s enough. In the future, I’ll raise a good family. The Tome family is safe in my hands.” He looks sideways at Jac, giving her a faint smile. “Let her do what she wants.”

“Good enough for me.” I clap my hands. “You heard her, Junior. Make it clear to his Count Maroon—”

“Mareen,” Jac interrupts.

“Whatever. Let him know that the engagement between his son and my dear cousin is a terrible idea. And get comfortable with each other. Let’s make this exploration happen.”

Junior gives me a tired wave. He doesn’t even have the energy to make a weak grumble. Poor man. Not. You need another decade of hard labor to work off your own sins and you’ve got the redemption of your entire family resting on your shoulders. Sleep? Might as well forget what that is, hehe.

“…you just made my engagement disappear in a carriage ride.”

Hoho. What’s that I see in the eyes of my cousin? Could it be admiration? It’s buried under a good dose of confusion and sprinkled liberally with suspicion but it’s there. Look how the tables have turned. “Thank you, Lou.”

“It’s fine. More than anything, this sounds fun.” There are so many ways this can go wrong. If they force their way onto Green Mountain, they could start a war. Didn’t Cosmo mention something like hating peace? Marquis Guiness is a bit too sensible to let it happen but here’s to hoping.

And I can’t wait to see the look on Uncle’s face if she succeeds. Something tells me my cousin won’t be willing to share her newfound power. “We can talk with Maxine for you. Maybe you should start by apprenticing under the Guiness Company, build some trust.”

“Now you’re making smart plans. Marriage really changes a person.”

I’m not even angry with that comment because she’s right. Cosmo may have given me power but meeting Kierra gave me the confidence to use it. “Uh-huh. Who’s your favorite cousin?”

Jac raised her brows. “You want a hug?”

“Ugh. No.”

“Thank you, Lou. If you hadn’t…just thank you.”

She bows her head in raw humility. Ah, saints, if you don’t play along, I’m going to get embarrassed. I reach out and give her shoulder a friendly pat, smirking at the way she rolls her eyes. “Alright. That takes care of that. Time for everyone to head home. We’ve got an early start tomorrow. I’ll send letters from the Grand Hall.”

“Good.” Junior nudged open the door with his foot and threw himself out, hastily climbing into his own carriage.

Fen pouts. “It’s your last night. Won’t you let me stay with you? I want to give you a proper goodbye.”

Eh? No, no, you crazy woman. I’ve got two other succubi and an elf who want the same thing you want. That’s enough temptation as it is. Do you want me to die? I’m not sure what can kill me now but this definitely feels life threatening. “Sorry, but—”

“The pet can come.”

I whip around to my wife, giving her a helpless expression. There is no sympathy, only amusement. “You can still handle this much.”


“Can you people wait till you get home first?” Jac turns her head away, giving an exaggerated shiver. “This is so uncomfortable.”

You? What about me!? You can escape in a few minutes while I have to survive the night! Where’s the compassion? The empathy? After I just—


My thoughts are thoroughly derailed as Fen pulls me into a kiss. Her tongue slips between my lips and…saints, why is it so long? She’s practically licking the entrance to my throat. This is weird but…I’m starting to like weird.

I barely notice the carriage moving again as I push Fen against the wall.


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