Reborn From the Cosmos

Arc 4-Royal Pains-Part 10

“Mm. There’s an idea.” Dammit, now Kierra’s giving me a similar look combined with one of her vicious smiles. I don’t like where this is heading but the slowly accumulating dread isn’t enough to make me break away as Kierra moves off me and waves Bell forward.

The imp stalks forward, tail swishing behind her. Right before she reaches me, her form starts to change. It’s not as headache-inducing as Geneva’s transformations, but I still shut my eyes. A touch on my cheek makes them flutter open and a woman of stone is crouched over me.

“How cruel, Master Lou,” Bell whispers in that deep alto completely opposite from my cooing imp. Her lips press together in a pout. “Don’t leave me out of the fun. I’ve been good, haven’t I? I’m your little saint, aren’t I?”

Not so little now. I swallow heavily as her glowing eyes bear down on me. “Yeah.”

“I want to be closer to you.” Stone fingers work at my pants, pulling them down and tossing them aside. My shirt comes off next, her hand leaving trails of fire across my skin. It’s a pleasant heat, similar to bathing in the sun.

“Closer.” I feel a nervous flutter in my belly as she works on my underwear, disposing of them in short order, and sigh as she presses our bodies together. “Would you like that?” she whispers against my lips.

“Mm.” Saints, she’s comfortable. She’s lulling me to sleep with her body heat alone but I’m jolted back to wakefulness as she kisses me. I don’t understand how she can look the way she does and still feel as soft as she does. Her tongue snakes between my lips, playing with my own with languid strokes. She tastes like smoke, which sounds ridiculous even while I’m thinking it, but it’s the first word that comes to mind.

I could just melt into her.

“This is why I love coming to this realm,” she murmurs as she pulls away, tracing her lips down my neck. “The females here are so sublime and you are such a wonderful specimen. Strong, but still so soft. The little sounds you make. I want more.”

Her hands follow her desires, roaming all over. I moan and jump in her grip but there’s nowhere to go. I push on her to get her to move faster but she ignores me, going at her own torturously slow pace. Is she trying to drive me mad? “Dammit, Bell.”

She groans in response, preoccupied kissing her way down my stomach. My heart thumps hard in my chest as I feel her breath on my clit but my hopes fall when she skips over the goal and runs her tongue on my thigh, licking up the signs of my arousal.

“Oh, come on…” What is with the women I sleep with and teasing me? I swear, I’m…wait a minute. I’ve already been through this. I know what she wants me to do. “Bell, that’s enough playing around.”

She lifts her head and crawls up to kiss me again. I let her have her way for a few breathless moments before pulling her away by one of her horns. “You’re the one who wanted this. Get on with it.” Hehe. I think I channeled my inner elf for a moment. Didn’t sound at all like a quivering girl so desperate to get off she’s this close to doing it herself.

“Yes.” She pulls my legs apart, forcing them around her waist. “I want to feel more of you. All of you.

Her thigh presses against my center and I grind into it thoughtlessly, the delicious friction only stoking the fire in my belly. I know she’s excited as well as she feels hotter than before, hands grabbing me by the waist to move me against her as she rocks her hips.

It doesn’t take long before I reach the limit of what I can stand. I open my mouth to end her stalling…and the words slip away as I look at her. More precisely, what exactly is rubbing up against me.

I don’t have a lot of intimate knowledge of men but I know what it looks like when they’re aroused. Some people lose all control when they’re drunk and I’ve got my own experience pleasing my wife to draw on. So, I know what that is. I’m just surprised to see it where it is, right now.

Though, as expected of shapeshifting masters, it’s a flawless transformation. The shapely form of a woman flows easily into the erect cock between her legs, orange-red molten lines of fire running along it mimicking veins, all beautiful black stone. Damn, don’t tell me she wants to put that thing inside me? I’ve never…would it even fit? Saints shield me. “Bell—”

“Oh, no you don’t.” My attention is drawn to the side to find Kierra lounging on the bed, head resting on a hand as she snacks of a slice of apple. Geneva is standing by her side of the bed, wearing a smile with a tray in hand.

My wife bops my nose with a finger. “Let her have her way. You’ll both get what you want.”

“I can personally attest to her ability, if you’re worried about that,” Geneva adds.

While I do want to know what you mean by personally attest, that is not helping! “That’s not—”

“Don’t try to pretend you don’t want it. Your excitement is practically choking us.”

Keep your nose to yourself, elf! It’s not my fault. My brain is doing somersaults about this whole situation but my body is having no such compunctions. It wants satisfaction, no matter the form. I’m not really opposed to it. It’s Bell. My lovable little imp. A damn succubus, masters at manipulating lust.

It’s just…so sudden. Just like that? Right here, in broad daylight with an audience of two? We were having a normal, if tense, conversation and a few minutes later, I’m losing my virginity of a kind. Shouldn’t there be, I don’t know, some kind of theatre about this? Where’s the candlelit room and bed covered in flower petals? This is…I can’t—

“Should we put it like this?” Kierra says, cutting into my thoughts. “It’s more amusing this way.”

For you, maybe! And that is a great argument, bringing in the decree of my divine father. Why does she have to be so devious?

“And look at Bell,” Geneva adds. Why are you two teaming up on me? It’s not fair. “Poor girl is practically drooling over you. Didn’t I tell you? She’s always been more of a giver and that bastard Gordon Grimoire Senior made her abstain. She has waited for this for years. Isn’t she your favorite? Besides Master, of course.”

Ugh. You are evil. Using both my hatred for Gordon Senior and my affection for Bell at the same time. I look at Bell. She has been grinding herself against me this whole time, eyes shut, her face a study of control. She’s not pushing for it herself, letting me decide. Even though she could seduce me easily.

…screw it. My first time with Kierra was in a saints be damned tree on top of an animal pelt and I regret nothing. “Okay,” I say, my voice coming out a bit shaky despite my best efforts.

Bell freezes like a statue, heh. And then she smiles. A smile that eases all my worries. Aw, you’re just a big softy.

Damn, not every part of her is soft. I gasp as she pushes into me. Slowly, eyes glued to my face to watch for any reaction.

I’m not really prepared for this. I’ve never been attracted to the hairy sex and I didn’t have any female friends to gossip with about this. I know the basics but my mental image of this event is weak, practically nonexistent.

I’ve heard it’s supposed to hurt. It does, but…it’s not too bad. It aches a little when she pushes deeper but Bell sees it before I say a word, pausing to let me get used to the feeling. Just when I get accustomed to the ache, she moves again. Claiming each inch until she bottoms out with a heavy sigh.

This is still a bit uncomfortable but not unpleasant, I guess? I can say having her in me, this feeling of being filled and stretched…that’s not bad at all. And there are little twinges of pleasure as my walls squeeze the hot pseudo-flesh.

Bell leans down, my legs crossing over her lower back as she plants her hands on either side of me. A deep, shuddering breath. Then she pulls out and thrusts back in.

“Hgn!” A strange sound comes out of me, something like a strangled moan as what I want to call pleasure mixes with my discomfort. She does it again and again, starting a slow rhythm. The discomfort starts to fade and pleasure increases. It starts to feel good.

It starts to feel really good.

Kierra has magical hands, literally, and has finger-fucked me into oblivion more than once, but this feels different. Places in me that have never been touched are being stroked and it’s causing a whole different brand of pleasure. An electrifying kind that arcs it as it spreads to the rest of my body, making me twitch and shudder as I lose control of my body. And the more I start to enjoy it, the faster she thrusts into me.

Faster and harder, the strength of her pumping hips forcing me into the bed. “You’re so tight, Lou,” Bell rumbles over me. “So wet and warm. I could fuck you forever.”


Damn. I can only speak in moans apparently.

“More.” She pauses, shifting between my legs. “Deeper.”

I can’t see what she’s doing but I can feel it. The next time she moves within me, I throw my head back as my toes curl. The pressure that was slowly building in me starts to intensify. “B-Bell, aah, aaaahh’m gonna—”

She quiets me with a kiss, fucking me with abandon. I can tell how much she’s enjoying this from the way she pants in the brief moments our lips part. Her eyes are pits of fire and she never closes them, refusing to miss one moment of what she’s doing to me. She won’t have much more to see. My legs are shaking with the urge to hold back the inevitable but it’s a battle I’m losing.

A wave of pleasure rises up and pulls me under. For a moment, everything is tense, my breath stilling as my fingers dig into her shoulders. Then I come undone with a long, languid moan, shivers wracking me from head to toe. At the same time, I can feel a heat spreading through me as the virtue bottoms out with a groan. Oh, saints, she just—

“Ooooooh, yes.” Bell rises above me. “That’s it. Feeling them squeeze and pull on me as they lose all reason. To watch my own master fall to their desire…there is no pleasure like it.”

Ah. I think she may be saying some dangerous things…mm, nope. Worry about that later. My eyes are half-shut as I feel her moving me, hands grabbing me by the waist and lifting me up. They snap open as she thrusts into me forcefully. “Hngh!?”

“We aren’t finished yet.” Huh? Who is this devil and where is my sweet Bell? “I’ve seen you with the elf. You can take more. Much more.”


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