Reborn From the Cosmos

Arc 4-Royal Pains-Part 17

So, big announcement! After considerable thought, I will be merging my highest tier with the runner-up. That means, come Dec.1, you'll be able to get the most up to date chapters of RFTC for, that's over +40 chaps, for $10. Not to mention patrons get five chapters a week. There's no better time to join. On the 1st though, don't want anyone being charged twice.

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“Welcome back, Lou.”

At the end of a long day, Geneva waits in the doorway with her usual smirk. It’s a sight I’m accustomed to as she makes a point of greeting when whenever I return but this time, I pause, drawn into contemplation. Despite the complications surrounding the annoying prince, I can relax because I know I am protected. Kierra is a significant deterrent but Geneva, with her centuries of experience and the many legends surrounding her, is the one who truly puts me at ease.

The first summoner, if stories can be believed, was a desperate man who desperately called out for a higher being to save him. It is an art based upon the meek relying on the strong, a humble practice of those who know how truly insignificant people are in the face of the creatures who rule the greater realms. Summoners are nothing without their elementals but I am amazed how much I have truly come to rely on Geneva.

She cooks, she cleans, she teaches, she protects, and she’s my own personal spymaster. More importantly, she does her duties with a competency that can’t be compared to mortal hands. Honestly, I don’t know how I’d function without her by now. Which is all a part of her dastardly plan to get more pieces of me.

Hm. Maybe it’s the whole prince scare, but I’m feeling oddly appreciative.

I quickly close the distance between us and pull her into a hug. I’m so conscious of letting her manipulate me that I rarely get physical. Bad decision. She’s so soft and just the right height to squeeze. All the women I’m interested in are taller than me and I naturally wind up being led, with a few notable exceptions.

Her arms come around me as her tail wraps around my waist. “Someone’s happy to see me.”

“Mm. I don’t think I’ve told you lately how happy I am you accepted my contract.”

“It was quite impossible to turn away. Though, if we are being open, you are one of the most pleasant masters I’ve served.”

“You’re just saying that to get more pieces of me.”

“Please, order me to tell the truth. Power is a funny thing, especially power over another being. When there are no consequences to influence them, you see what people are truly capable of. I am your slave for as long as our contract lasts and yet you treat me kindly. Dare I say it, like a mistress you’re particularly wary of. It is rather refreshing as I’d prepared myself for much worse.”

Sigh. How am I supposed to stay wary of her when she says things like that while beaming up at me with the cutest grin in the world? Okay. She did ask me to. “Geneva, tell me the absolute truth, leaving nothing hidden.”

“Of course, my summoner.”

“Do you honestly care for me or are you saying these things for to get more benefits?”

“Both,” the little devil replies with no hesitation, grin stretching wider. “I am fond of you. Not like Master’s love for you. More like the amusement of watching a bumbling child. And yes, I am inserting myself into every aspect of your life and seducing you for benefits. Feeding for one, but pleasure and becoming close to you are benefits of their own.”

Wow. I asked for it and she didn’t sugarcoat a tiny bit of that. “Eh, good enough for me.” Giving into a desire I’ve been fighting for a long time, I gently cup her face and lean down to kiss her.

This is my first time leading in a while and she lets me. She melts into me like a swooning maiden, small hands gripping my shirt as her tail wraps around me tighter. Saints, she must be the best actress in the world because even knowing she’s doing it on purpose, I fall for it, pulling her closer.

“Coo coo.”

I pull away and look down to see Bell crouched at my feet, looking up at me with pitiful eyes. Ah. I hadn’t been cradling her so I forgot about her.

“Interfering with my prey. You’ve certainly grown bold, Belolial.” The imp backpedals as Geneva gives her a look, hanging her head. “Hm. I guess I shouldn’t be too hasty.” She releases me, stepping back with a sigh. “I’m happy you’re opening up to me, my summoner. Dinner will be ready soon. Master is in the back garden if you want to see her.”

“Yeah, thanks. And hey, you can tell me if there’s something else you want. Besides me. It can’t be enjoyable lounging around this place doing nothing all day.”

“No need to worry about me. I always find ways to amuse myself.”

That I don’t doubt.


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