Reborn From the Cosmos

Arc 4-Royal Pains-Part 4

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I freeze. Normally, having someone like the dorm mother calling on me would make me giddy but…she gives me a bad feeling. The closest thing I can equate it to is someone going about their merry way when they spot a snake basking on a rock by the road. A beautiful snake with glittering scales that bewitches the watcher. You want to reach out to it, even though there’s a very good chance that it’s venomous. It’s fine because it’s sleeping and maybe it’s harmless. Then it nicks your finger and the world goes black.

I’m not dumb enough to reach out.

Earl easily reads my discomfort. “Shall I send her away?”

“No!” I practically shout. Saints, what would I look like turning her away? Can I even do that? I feel like there’s a rule somewhere saying I can’t.

And maybe a tiny part of me wants to see her. A super tiny part that isn’t going to make me do anything stupid. We can sit across from each other for a few minutes, have a nice conversation. Yeah, nothing wrong with that.

“I’ll see her in the welcoming room. Geneva, could you…”

“Of course.”

As she leaves, I take a moment to fuss with my appearance before following Earl to greet my guest.

Miss Talia is seated on the corner of a couch, posed like a portrait. She wears her normal basic attire, this time a simple white dress with long sleeves, the extra fabric draped over her knees with her hands in her lap. Her eyes are closed but the moment I step into the room, she turns to me, her lips turning up at the corners. “Lourianne. Thank you for seeing me on such short notice.”

“I’d hardly turn you away.” Swallowing, I fight the urge to take a seat beside her and sit across from her instead. “Though, I have to admit, I’m a little surprised to see you.”

“Ah. This is rather forward, isn’t it? Though I can hardly take all the blame.” She shifts forward, just a little, and leans toward me. Her face turns away as if to appear bashful. I say appear because there is no way she’s actually embarrassed. It’s like a dance, every move choreographed. It sends a shiver down my spine. Saints, this woman almost makes me as nervous as Geneva.

Eh, not quite that bad. Bell, maybe, if she weren’t so lovable.

“You’ve been avoiding me.”

“Avoiding? Never. I, uh, haven’t had much time for social visits. Being an initiate is tiring.”

“Not so tiring that you can’t slip out for a drink, I see.”

My eyes widen, jaw working uselessly. Oh, saints shield me, is she having me watched? Her eyes are closed but I can feel them digging into me.

Then, as if the saints hear me praying, Geneva enters the room carrying a tray of tea, followed by my salvation.

“Visiting a colleague’s home unannounced. Perhaps it is a human custom but where I’m from, it is quite rude.” My wonderful wife strides into room, dropping down next to me and pinning Miss Talia with her gaze. “Some would even call it…presumptuous.”

With her arrival, the mood shifts. Before, I felt like I was surrounded by a thousand eyes, trying to decipher my every breath and twitch. Now, it feels like a storm as the two women size each other up, me safely in the eye of the fierce wills.

Miss Talia is the first to break. She scoots back, shoulders coming down as she clears her throat. “I apologize. I was a little…hasty.”

“It happens. My wife has inspired mania in myself many a time.”

I flush. Jeez, this frickin’ elf, always…actually, hm. Considering the company, it might not be a bad thing if she talks me up. As expected of the greatest deviant in my life, nice assist. Though, I feel I might be biting off more than I can chew with the dorm mother.

There is a pause, one that Geneva spends pouring tea for everyone. I can feel Miss Talia’s focus shift away from me to focus on the succubus who pays her no mind, standing behind my couch when she finishes. Kierra sips her tea without a worry, waiting for the dorm mother to make the first move.

She does, letting out a large sigh. “May I speak plainly? I know you are the key to furthering my mastery over the mental affinity and I desire your cooperation. I am willing to offer anything and everything for the opportunity. Which is why I am so…frustrated with your evasions.”

Each word makes me cringe into the couch. For such a lovely voice, it is laced with, dare I say it, a fanaticism that makes me want to throw her out, barricade the door, and bar the windows. Maybe throw up a few barrier spells for good measure. Would it be too offensive if I put the couch between us?

A hand on my head pauses my mild panic, the familiar feeling of Kierra raking her nails over my scalp relaxing me. She chuckles. “You’re coming on a little strong, Umprieltalia. Let me clarify your situation for you. You want Lou to fulfill your deepest and dearest ambition and having absolutely nothing to offer.”

“I have—”

“Go on.” I let out an embarrassing yelp as I’m suddenly lifted onto Kierra’s lap, her arms going around my waist. Hm. I want to complain about this. I mean, it’s entirely unnecessary and I feel like a kid but on the other hand, I can feel her breasts pressing against my back and her warm breath tickles my ear as she puts her chin on my shoulder. Comfort or image? Hmm.

No contest. I settle in without complaint.

“Tell me what you’re going to offer.”

I’m sure everyone in the room can hear the unspoken ‘that I can’t’ at the end of her sentence. Geneva from her giggles. Miss Talia definitely gets the message from the way her shoulders slump. For a woman whose every action is so controlled, this rather obvious display must speak to a great amount of emotion, I’d guess a heavy mix of frustration and disappointment.

It clutches at my heart. She’s a little creepy and blunter than a blacksmith’s hammer but I do like her. I have from the moment I heard that beautiful voice. The last thing I want is to make her sad. However, Kierra’s got a point. One day, I’m going to be incredibly powerful. Saints witness, I could accomplish quite a lot at my current level with Geneva and Bell. I shouldn’t get into the habit of granting wishes just because someone has the voice of an angel and a pretty face.

Honestly, where would it end?

…probably in a ridiculously large harem and general chaos. I don’t want either of those.

Maybe a tiny harem. Really tiny. Enough to count on one hand.

Succubi don’t count either.

“Then I suppose I must give up.”

“I didn’t say anything like that. You give up too easily. If it were me, I would chase her down to the ends of the world if that were required for my supposed life ambition.”

I crane my neck to look at my wife, who gives me an unrepentant smile. Ah, right. Kierra’s definitely the crazier of the two, she’s just good at hiding it. Damn, already married this one. And don’t give my apparent stalker any more motivation!

“Perhaps I’d be more determined if there wasn’t a dragon guarding the treasure I’m after.”

“Ahaha! This is the first time I’ve been called a dragon. You at least know how to flatter someone.”

Annnd, I’ve been completely cut from the conversation. A conversation about me even. These two sound like they’re enjoying themselves too. It’s a much better atmosphere than the sea of tension when Kierra entered the room.

“Talia, ask yourself a question. What would make someone give away an incomparable treasure for absolutely no profit at all?”

The dorm mother tilts her head in the most adorable expression of confusion I have ever seen. Extra points for being a grown woman doing her best impression of a toddler. “That is completely illogical.”

“Affection. Tell me. In all this talk of trading and profit, have you ever considered being her friend?”

Miss Talia’s lips part the tiniest fraction. Her eyes don’t pop in surprise but they shift back and forth behind her closed eyes. I feel her focus shifting between me and Kierra. “I…didn’t.”

“And why not?”

“I don’t have friends. Colleagues, partners, contacts. Not friends.”

…okay. Alright. Very good.

Absolutely any resistance I might have had to this woman has been stripped away and shredded to ribbons. That hit right in the heart. Dammit, I want to hug her. The worst part is, she says those words without a hint of pain. Like reading the words from a book, she sounds like she’s completely divorced from the topic.

That only makes it sadder.

“I see. Then now is a good a time as any to make one.”


“Hm. I would suggest accompanying her to that twilighter’s bar. He pours a good drink and a little liquid courage will loosen that stiff spine of yours. A shopping trip. Or even a simple stroll. She’s surprisingly romantic.”

Yeah, we can do that. First round is on me. If we go to the market, I’ll get Maxine to get her the ‘we want Lou to connect us with the elves’ discount. For something nice to wear, as I really want to see her in clothes that do her justice. Then we’d—

Hey, wait a minute. Kierra’s teaching her how to seduce me! What, I don’t even know what to say to this.

“I wish I could take notes.”

“No matter. You can come to me. For example, I know she has a fascination with your voice, which I understand. With the right selection of material, you’d have her eating out of your hand. Literally, if you want.”


Are you telling her to read lewd stuff to me? You…you…saints blessed genius. That is something to look forward to. I’m not really a reader though. Ah, I wished I’d known. I’d have an entirely library dedicated to the subject.

[My summoner, if you like, I have a wealth of poems and stories of the kind. I would be happy to share them with her. It would also give me some time to examine her more thoroughly.]

You’re too good for this world. Probably why I had to summon you here.

“Then…if it wouldn’t be too presumptuous, might I invite myself to dinner? I…am enjoying our conversation and would like to speak with you more. Both of you. I will be sure to rein in my enthusiasm.”

Is it possible for someone to flash a pleading gaze without the use of their eyes? Logic tells me no. Reality and my thumping heart tell me yes. How cold-hearted would I have to be to kick her out?

“I don’t know. What do you think, Lou?”

Kierra grins at me. Damn you for knowing me so well.

“We’d be happy to have you.”



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