Reborn From the Cosmos

ARC 7-Cursed Fates-104

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“Gather around everyone. No need to be shy, we’re only plotting mass murder.”

“You don’t have to sound so damn happy about it,” Alana grumbles. She doesn’t see how strained my smile is as she raises a towel to wipe the sweat from her brow. I’m not happy at all. The whole situation is aggravating and a little sickening but pretending it’s another crazy adventure, treating as something to laugh about, helps. A little. Tomorrow is Saintsday, the appointed hour. I’ll take whatever I can get.

We’re currently gathered in Lord Teppin’s study, the account books and I assume other important papers across his large desk cleared to make room for a map of the city. Joining me is Kierra, Geneva, Alana, and the unexpected addition, Little Water.

When I explained to the lady lizard that we haven’t begun our work on Khan because we’re preoccupied with the hunters, her logical mind offered her assistance after a short moment of deliberation. The quicker we conclude the March, the quicker she gets what she wants, and that’s the end of it. Saints, I’d say she’s the most eager of us. After all, we are working on behalf of Victory and helping us could help further her ambitions of a human-estrazi alliance in the north.

I wonder what the king will think when he hears of it?

“The Swords’ meeting will take place here.” I jab the map with a finger not far from the city’s eastern gate. “According to our sneaky imp, we know that the building is a warehouse used by the Richard & Sons merchant group. Who are they? Irrelevant.”

“No detail of an enemy is irrelevant,” Little Water says. “If not useful today, it may be tomorrow.”

“They are not enemies, they are nuisances. Nevermind them.” Little Water bows her head and holds her tongue. “Good. Anyway, these Richard & Sons are hosting a party tomorrow night for something or other. It’s being used as a cover for the meeting that will be taking place in their basement.” The guilds really love their basements.

“Getting in should be fairly easy,” Alana says as she drapes her towel over her neck. “We’ll simply blend in with the rest of the party—ah.” Her eyes cut to Kierra who grins at her. “On second thought, we’re going to have to force our way in.”

“You wound me, star. I am capable of subtle means.”

“Getting in isn’t the issue,” I say, wrangling their attention back to me. Saints, it’s like trying to focus a bunch of cats. “The issue is the surroundings.” My finger traces a circle around the building in question. “Not a block away are residences. Considering we are about to ambush a force of several experienced casters, the fighting is likely to spread. Like…” I trace another, wider circle that includes several more buildings. “The goal of our attack is to break the back of the Swords but it’s pointless if we turn the entire city against us in the process.”

“There’s no quicker way to turn people against you than killing innocents,” Alana adds. “Even accidentally.”

“Exactly! Which is why we need to do something about the people likely to be caught in our crossfire. As such, I suggest we split into two teams.” Initially, I was torn between who should do what but with the inclusion of the estrazi, things are made much simpler. “One group shall interrupt the meeting. While they do, the second shall rally the residents in the area to leave. As for how, my best suggestion is fire.”

“Burning down people’s homes isn’t going to make them happy,” Alana says. “We are trying to avoid that, aren’t we?”

“It doesn’t have to be a big fire.”

“If it’s a small one, they’ll try to put it out.’

I pause, considering the point. “Then what do you propose?”

She shrugs. “I’ve no clue. Victorians don’t run from anything.”

Point. “Anyone else?”

“A gang of strange creatures terrorizing the neighborhood will certainly cause them to flee,” Kierra remarks with a look to Little Water. “As the estrazi have never been seen before, the city would not connect their appearance to us should we keep them hidden until the negotiations are done.”

“It will also draw the attention of the guard,” Alana adds. “I don’t think they’d want to be anywhere near us but since they won’t know, they’ll swarm the area. There’s also the matter of the hunters that’ll be lurking about.”

“You think there will be?” I ask.

She nods. “The Swords launched an attack against the Shields, causing expensive damage and claiming the life of a prominent member of their rivals. Retaliation is expected under these circumstances. Besides, they might also know that Slaid leaked the location to you. If I were them, I’d have sentries posted in the neighborhood with some means of alerting them about enemies and a large force standing by in case a battle breaks out.”

My finger taps the map as I think on the matter.

“My summoner—"

“Shush,” I tell the succubus without looking at her. If she’s surprised by my action, she doesn’t show it and obeys the order completely, quieting both her voice and her thoughts. As Talia said, the only revenge against a succubus is to be better and deny her any hold on my future. I’m far from that but what I can do now is set stricter boundaries upon her. Such as quieting her until I ask for her opinion.

I’ve been thinking on many of Talia’s words. Particularly, that succubi are creatures of intention. Every word spoken, every twitch of their fingers, and every breath is within their control. I know they are schemers by nature but, despite that understanding, I still found myself underestimating them. Or perhaps it would be better to say I haven’t given them the attention they deserve. To contemplate every move as a perfectly executed manipulation and wonder at the motives behind it.

It isn’t unusual for Geneva to offer a suggestion while I’m contemplating a problem. I merely saw it as the actions of a servant ingratiating herself to a master, working to earn my favor and larger pieces of myself. But could it have a deeper meaning? Of course.

When she is around, I find myself not needing to contemplate problems deeply. Why should I, when I know the succubus already has a flawless plan prepared, one that has taken into account every circumstance and variable I can imagine and many I can’t? However, there is nothing more dangerous than to stop thinking while in the presence of a succubus.

I’m no scholar. Neither are any of the people gathered around the table. But, we are not useless. This is a problem we can solve without supping the poisoned wine that is Geneva’s wisdom. Or, if we must call on her, it will be with directed intention. She will learn that she is not in charge. It is not enough to contract her. She, and the other residents of Burning Earth, must be tamed.

Otherwise, they’ll simply have to go.

I hope you’re paying attention to my thoughts.

“The short time frame is a problem,” I grumble. “Otherwise, we could lure them out.” Advertise a free show? A spontaneous festival even. I would much rather be known as the noble who throws parties for commoners than the noble who unexpectedly razes neighborhoods. “Unfortunately, we are stuck utilizing fear. It’s a risk but fire is the best option I think.”

There’s something instinctive about a giant blaze that can strike fear even in grown men. Besides that, a large enough blaze will stymie the hunters too. “The city won’t be happy about us burning down homes but we can take steps to preserve life. That’s where you come in.” I nod to Little Water. “As for our reputation, it’s going to take a hit either way. The best we can manage is to try and sway the story. Make sure people know that the guilds have driven us to violence. Saints, we can say that the Swords are the ones responsible for the fire. They’ve already done that kind of thing.”

“One of our recognizable members should help with the evacuation alongside the estrazi,” Kierra says. “It will be easier to sway them if they come to trust us rather than attributing their safety to faceless strangers of heroic disposition.”

She smiles at the look that I give her. “My kin are exceptionally straightforward in important matters, but I can think of no culture completely free of such tactics. Especially amongst women. I am no, hm, how you would say social butterfly, but I am familiar with the principles. I recommend that our star take on the role of savior.”

And with a flash of insight, I realize what she’s doing. The direct assault on the Swords isn’t very dangerous for the powerful members of our family. It certainly would be for Alana. However, there’s no way I can convince her to stay behind or at least not without greatly hurting her feelings. This plan gives her something meaningful to do while keeping her mostly out of harm’s way.

“Better, it will combat the Swords’ recruiting methods. They’re gathering support by asserting that Victory is full of lunatics come to ransack the city. The tale of a James daughter heroically battling flames to save the poor commoners disregarded by the guilds in their prideful defiance is going to hurt those efforts.”

Alana narrows her eyes. For a moment, I think that sharp gaze is going to pierce our little deception and she will demand a more bloodthirsty role. I don’t know if she figures us out, but she decides not to combat the issue, turning those dangerous eyes away to stare at the map. “Fine. I’ll also stop anyone from coming too close. The guard’ll be easy enough to convince. The problem will be the stronger hunters.”

“I don’t expect you to hold back guildmasters. In fact, please don’t try.”

“I won’t but, they’ll come. Soon. With the state of the city, they can’t ignore any crisis.”

Saints, this is tough. “I trust you’ll be able to handle it.” The thought of leaving her to face master casters that aren’t very happy with us alone, or at least without me to protect her, makes me queasy but her shining eyes are almost enough to make up for it. “Then the group in charge of the distraction will be Alana, Little Water, and Bell. Any objections?”

My eyes go to the lady lizard, but she simply stares back dispassionately. “Good. That will leave myself, Kierra, and Geneva for the actual assault. Fen will remain here to watch over the house. May the saints bless our endeavors.”

“Ancestors willing.”

“The Great Spirit blesses those that do for themselves.”

“By the guidance of the majesties.”


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