Reborn From the Cosmos

ARC 7-Cursed Fates-112-Fendelheim

“You missed a spot, dear.”

Fen grinned as Lord Teppin stiffened and went back over the shelf he had just finished cleaning. She had to admit, it was a fun punishment. She was a logical creature above all else, but that didn’t preclude her or any other succubi from having interests. Most of them would be considered unsavory by human standards.

The more powerful succubi enjoyed manipulations, the grander the better. Geneva had a strong liking for making her toys sabotage themselves, forming her plans around it even if it wasn’t the most expedient route to success. As she said, no creature was infallible.

The younger and weaker succubi were more mischievous than anything else, with a fondness for certain emotions. Benedial enjoyed making intelligent creatures fall in love with her and using that love to upend their lives. That was why she was chosen to seduce the prince. Hopefully, they could convince Lou to return her to her assignment. She’d made a fair bit of progress wooing Dowager when Lou ordered all succubi to retreat from the capital. For now, they’d made the excuse that Benny the maid had gone home to care for her sick mother and it would be a waste for her to disappear into the countryside, nothing but a pleasant memory.

Fen was a much simpler creature. She enjoyed humiliation. Particularly, bringing low the arrogant, especially those undeserving of their arrogance. That was why she had taken Junior’s contract. She could practically taste his anxiety and ineptitude when she stepped into his summoning circle, but he’d forced himself to stand straight under his father’s stern gaze. She knew she’d have him in a few years, a handful of decades at the most. Her victory would be especially sweet, his fall that much more painful, if he dominated her for half his life.

She wasn’t upset with the way things turned out. While one, great humiliation was wonderful, a lifetime of degradation was its own treat. It offered her the chance to get creative, as she wouldn’t want her puppet becoming numb to his situation. And with Junior properly under her heel, it left her time to enjoy other bits of entertainment, like the lord made to dust his own furniture.

Lou might have a talent for these things. She wondered if the summoner would like a proper education in the art of shattering egos. It might be a good way for Fen to get a few pieces of her wonderful flesh. The thought made the thrall’s tail flick with anticipation.

Someone knocked at the door. Fen laced her fingers and placed her chin atop them, letting the seconds tick by, amusement growing as the person on the other side of the door grew more agitated. Right as their frustration was beginning to shift toward defeat, she called “Come in.”

The oldest Teppin daughter entered the room carrying a tray of tea. She pointedly didn’t look at her father as she placed it at the end of the desk and started to serve. It was a bit of a pointless gesture, making the girl a servant. All the family, truly. Lou didn’t need their service, but it kept them busy, too busy to get any ideas or start any trouble.

Rey, the poor woman, had spent the last few days of her home’s occupation doing nothing but brewing tea. She was improving, slowly. Too slow to ever reach the standard she was being measured against before dying of old age. It was hilarious. Lou’s disdain for her efforts weren’t faked or intended to harm but the young woman had a competitive spirit that was being rubbed raw by her constant failures.

A cup was pushed toward her. Fen took a sip, put it down with a scoff, and pushed it away. “Terrible.”

Rey grit her teeth but did her best to smoothen the expression before asking, “What’s wrong with it?” Fen turned her head just enough to quietly glare at the woman until she swallowed nervously. “…please instruct this incompetent one how she can improve.”

Fen’s glare turned into an amused smirk. “It’s the steeping. A minute, a few seconds for some, can make all the difference. This wasn’t steeped for long enough. What you served tastes like dirty water with a hint of milk.”

Her amusement rose as Rey swallowed her anger. “I followed the instructions—"

“You followed the same instructions for the Royal White Blossom, yes. That is your biggest mistake. No two teas share the same optimal method of preparation. Hmm. I would go as far as to say no two cups.”

“Then how am I supposed to get it right?”

“Practice. One doesn’t become a martial master or a master caster overnight, do they? No. It takes dedication. And a little initiative wouldn’t hurt. You aren’t actively trying to learn, are you? No. You put a half-assed effort into it and are mad when we tell you that you’ve done a terrible job. A little silly, don’t you think?”

The young noblewoman’s anger slipped into her tone. “Why would I put any effort into being someone’s servant?”

“Perhaps because your life directly depends on how satisfied the one you are serving is with you? You greatly underestimate your situation.”

Rey’s jaw worked and Fen could practically hear the woman’s mind churning as she searched for a polite way to express herself without cursing. “I don’t think the situation will last as long as you think. It’s only a matter of time before that…Lady Tome is apprehended. If not by the guilds, then by the crown.”

“Silly girl. You know—"

Fen paused, straightening up in her chair. There were a few things that succubi always instinctively did to protect themselves. The first was mentally attacking anyone that attempted to watch them shift forms. It was a way to safeguard their nature from prying eyes.

The second was muting their thought emissions. All minds gave them off and the residents of Burning Earth could read them as easily as breathing. The same went for any other sufficiently capable mental affinity user. A succubus’ greatest asset was her mind. Mana intrusion could be defended against in any number ways. An enemy would have to work for it. However, allowing one’s thoughts to leak into the world unchecked was basically begging someone to steal secrets.

The third was to habitually scan their surroundings for hostile intent. Forewarned was forearmed. All succubi were excellent fighters, martial strength paired with the ability to read an opponent’s intentions, powerful casting abilities, and the ability to heal themselves made them terrible opponents. That did not make them immune to ambushes.

Her usual scan, a spell that increased her sensitivity to thought emissions by several folds for a single moment, a precaution to mitigate the cost, she detected three minds full of violent thoughts and cold hostility heading for the estate. She repeated the spell and it confirmed what she sensed, the minds having moved closer. “Earl!” she shouted, making the two other people in the room jump.

With his usual swiftness, the young steward appeared in the doorway. His gaze bounced between the two Teppins, ensuring they weren’t slacking, before settling on the succubus. “Yes, Lady Fen?”

“Grab the members of the house and leave the estate going southeast. Find somewhere safe, preferably the Golden Feathers if can go that far without drawing attention.”

The way he immediately departed was a testament to his training, though she expected nothing less from a mortal molded by a don. Compared to the dull souls trying to hide their rampantly mounting curiosity, he was a diamond amongst common rocks. Fen rose from behind the desk and addressed the room. “It appears a group is preparing to seize the estate. Perhaps to rescue you?”

“It was only a matter of time,” Lord Teppin said, his tone carrying traces of hope and vindication.

“Aren’t you going to run with the others?” Rey said, not even trying to hide her smugness at the thought.

“Of course. Right after I kill the two of you.”

Her words killed their jovial moods, replacing them with shock and fear. Fen laughed out loud. “I’m kidding. But maybe now you understand how lenient our Lou has been with you? Something to think about while you are cowering in the cellar. Ah, that wasn’t a suggestion, dears. Move. Now. And grab the other two Teppin ladies.”

They hurried from the room. Fen left at a more sedate pace, heading for the front door. Mentally, she called out to her summoner. Amusingly, it wasn’t even a compulsion. Her control over him was so complete, she rarely gave him orders. His mind was so accustomed to following her orders, she didn’t need to force him to do anything.

He wasn’t as prompt as Earl, but he arrived as quickly as he was able, yawning as he scratched at his thick hair. “Why are we outside?” he asked.

“I am outside as I am preparing to greet a few guests. You ran outside for my amusement.” He only sighed at the answer. “Now, go back inside and wait in front of the cellar.”

“What’s going on?”

“Nothing you need to worry about. Go on now.”

There was a time when he would have continued to question her. Or stared at her with quiet indignation. But now, he did what he was told with only the slightest grumble. Everything was in place and the stage was set. Though, if she were honest, this was not a part she was thrilled to play. Nevertheless, it was her duty. A succubus lived to serve.

And they served until they died.

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