Reborn From the Cosmos

ARC 7-Cursed Fates-67

“I’m glad that you’ve returned from your journey safely.”

As expected, a Guiness daughter is waiting in the lobby of the hotel when we enter, though only one, which is a bit of a surprise. Especially because it’s Marcella, the older daughter and new manager of the Quest branch of the Guiness Company.

Marquis Guiness is the wealthiest merchant in the kingdom. Inheritance is always nasty business, but it is especially so in the golden family, as the stakes are higher and the participants more numerous than usual. The marquis has over a dozen children. Each one is eligible to run his empire and he doesn’t follow traditional rules of inheritance, that is handing over control of the family to his oldest son and giving the rest of his spawn a little money to build their own futures. His heir will be decided by whoever can prove themselves the most able.

I would think that Maxine would deny her elder sister any chance to speak with us alone, as her father is so interested in us, but only the voluptuous Marcella is waiting for us, dressed as scandalously as usual. Several of the male patrons follow her with their eyes as she passes and I can’t help but notice how charming her smile is.

“Marcella.” I stiffen as she approaches, trying to make myself as unapproachable as possible. Thankfully, she gets the hint and doesn’t come too close, keeping her charms at a respectable distance. Normally, I would be happy to let such a beautiful woman get as close as she pleases but Kierra rejected her. Being too nice risks both my marriage and her life. “We need four, no, five rooms. And some place to store a few things.”

“Of course. I’ll have someone take your things to one of our warehouses if you don’t mind. Would you like to retire immediately? Or can I interest you in dinner? I doubt it can compare to the cooking of a succubus, but our cuisine is famed throughout the kingdom.”

“…sure, dinner sounds great. Though we should get cleaned up first.” I doubt the other patrons will appreciate a bunch of fluffballs bouncing around in the dining room.

“I will arrange it immediately.”

“If she can arrange rooms and dinner,” Jac whispers while leaning toward me, “then she must be someone important.”

“Marcella Guiness,” I say in answer to the unspoken question, keeping my voice just as soft.

“Ah. The one in charge of the local Guiness branch?”


“Despite Maxine Guiness coming out this way?”



It certainly isn’t a pleasant circumstance for Max. I hope she hasn’t given up. As little as we have in common, I do consider her something as a friend. It would pain me to watch her give up and fade into obscurity, though I understand the impulse. Marcella is a fearsome opponent.

It doesn’t take long for Marcella to return with several keys. She motions for us to follow her, quickly guiding us to a stairwell at the end of a hall. “Forgive me if my words cause you any offense, but I would like to make a suggestion.”

“I didn’t think you cared about causing a little offense,” Alana scoffs. I guess the seductress isn’t making a good impression on my future wife.

“It depends on the person, Lady James.”

“Don’t call me that.”

“Of course. It could get a little confusing, seeing as the hotel is graced by the presence of two James daughters.” She briefly glances over her shoulder, gray eyes flicking to Yulia before she turns back around. Guess I shouldn’t be surprised she’s well-informed. “This is a sensitive topic. I think it best to tread carefully.”

“Go on.”

“If you need a neutral ground for conversation, I would recommend the hotel. The guilds are loathed to offend my father and the Guiness knights will ensure all attendants conduct themselves in an orderly manner.”

“How much do you know?” Yulia asks before I have a chance to respond.

“I know that the hunters have invoked the traditions of the north. I also know that if the situation is not handled with care, we will all suffer, the kingdom most of all. My family’s interests are closely tied to the prosperity of Harvest, my own to this city. I am vested in the kingdom, or any part of it, not being razed so I’m offering my assistance. Here we are. This entire floor has been reserved for your party so feel free to divide up the rooms as you please.”

Marcella hands me a ring of keys. “When you’re ready, you can find me in the dining room. Enjoy your stay at the Golden Feathers.”

She departs with a coy smile and swaying hips. I chuckle as I catch my future wife’s eyes briefly locking onto her backside before she turns her head while grumbling. “This is a lot more space than I expected,” I say while twirling the keys. “Pick a place and let’s meet our hostess for dinner.”

Junior doesn’t hesitate, pushing past the rest of the group to find the closest room. He lets out a sigh of relief when he finds the door open and disappears inside.

“Forgive his rudeness, Lou.” Fen sidles up to me and extends a hand for the key ring. I hand it over and she deftly removes one. How’d she know which one she needed without even glancing at the lock? Oh. On the head of the keys are numbers that match painted gold numbers on the doors. Smart. “He hasn’t had a proper rest since we set off from the capital. If you don’t mind, I would ask that he be allowed to skip dinner.”

“Sure.” Doubt the gorilla could make for decent company anyway. “Do you want to stay behind to look after him?”

“If you permit it.”

I wave her off and she disappears into the room. The siblings take the next room, Yulia and Allen the one across from them. Alana, Talia, and I take the room at the end of the hall. It’s nice, with plenty of space, neutral white walls, and tasteful decorations. A level of luxury expected from the Guiness. Yet, as I stare at the large bed with over a dozen pillows scattered across it, anger blooms in my gut.

I shouldn’t be in an admittedly nice hotel. I should be at home, relaxing in my large bath with my lovers. I should be enjoying a meal out of this world, not sitting down to eat in a dining room with…with…

Cool fingers caress the back of my neck, distracting me from my dark thoughts. “Shall I help you undress, Lou?” Talia’s beautiful voice whispers next to my ear and my bad mood is banked, the embers not quite extinguished but no longer threatening to blossom into flame.

“Mm.” Her deft hands get to work after I hum my agreement. In moments, my clothes are arranged in a neat pile beside my feet. There’s no time for a bath but a damp cloth wipes the dirt and sweat from my face. I spot a half-naked Alana in my peripheral as she hands a stack of folded clothes to Talia. She picks what she wants from the pile before turning back to me. Her focus and joy are palpable as she dresses me to her liking, the shirt and jacket still casual but suitable for the company of a high noble.

“How do I look?”

Talia brushes out miniscule wrinkles in my jacket. Then she meets my gaze with her exotic eyes and whispers, “You are beautiful.”

Heat flushes my face as a wave of profound embarrassment washes over me. It’s so bad I reflexively look away from her. Saints. I know exactly how I look, I designed this form after all, but I rarely receive such direct compliments. And coming from someone that looks like Talia, well.

“We should get going,” Alana says, shattering the moment. She’s changed clothes but didn’t bother dressing up, wearing the same simple shirt and pants she’d wear while training.

That’s my northern bride. Nobility means something entirely different to Victory. The James aren’t ones for pomp and circumstance, besides when it comes to their traditions. Marcella certainly isn’t enough to inspire greater effort. “Unless you two want me to deliver an excuse to our hostess?”

I’m tempted but… “No. Let’s get going.” Unfortunately, business comes before pleasure once again.

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