Reborn From the Cosmos

ARC 7-Cursed Fates-95

[I bring troubling news, my summoner.]

As expected, Geneva returns safe and sound, having successfully completed her errand. With Kiera preoccupied with Lancecain, Yulia distracted catching up with the Stars, Talia monopolizing Fen’s attentions for her studies, Earl busy “educating the Teppins”, and everyone else settling into the estate, I’m alone as the Geneva settles at my feet as an invisible cat, a vague outline and her startling green eyes all I can make out of her. “Alright, let’s hear it.”

[The store that was bombed did indeed belong to One For All and it was a storehouse. A large one. Much of the merchandise was destroyed by the fire but they managed to recover the sturdier materials. Bones, scales, potions stored in iron crates or enchanted chests. Affinity stones, only of the common variety.]

I sigh in relief. If the guilds are really hiding a secret stash of greater affinity stones, and Victory tries to claim a share, there’ll be no avoiding war.

[The possibility still exists, Lou. They are undoubtedly hiding something and something that valuable would be hidden in a much more secure place than a secret basement.]

I’m not thinking about it. Get on with your report.

[There were a total of seven casualties. Four in the store, three in the lower floors. I believe the guild was so stringent about controlling the scene because of one of the victims. Slaid was amongst the dead.]

Abyss take it all. “How do you know it was him?” A fire strong enough to ravage a building has more than enough heat to char a man’s flesh until he’s unrecognizable.

[Hm. Every creature has different…markers in their blood and bones that make them unique. Even twins have different markers. It is one of the best ways to identify those that cannot change their form. I’ve long developed a habit of cataloguing the markers of any individual I meet. I checked all the corpses—]

“Just for the hell of it I suppose?” I ask, my lingering annoyance with her and her outrageous competence inspiring an urge to snark.

[These markers are responsible for the physical characteristics you develop. I examined them to learn a general description about each of the victims.]

“And one of these corpse’s markers matched Slaid’s.”


“…there’s no chance you’re wrong?”

[Changing a person’s markers permanently, what you have done with your prime form, in such a short time no less, takes incredible power. To do so with such precision to fool me takes incredible knowledge. Unless there is a being with my knowledge and coefficient as well as Kierra’s pure affinity walking about, I can confidently say that was Slaid’s corpse.]

“Don’t suppose it’s a coincidence he’s killed after giving us information about his rivals?”

[I would assume not.]

This isn’t good. I thought the situation was desperate when Slaid sold out his opposition to the “enemy”, but the Swords have taken it to the next level by directly attacking the Shields. If they eliminated an influential voice speaking for peace, they must be planning something. Something big and violent given their stance on the situation. I suppose Quest has more fire and destruction to look forward to.

Crashing that meeting might not just be about making my life easier anymore. It might be the only way to save the city.

Or it could be a trap.

Slaid could have been targeted for giving us the location of the Swords’ meeting. I don’t know how they would have find out, he didn’t strike as someone stupid enough to run his mouth about such a sensitive matter but I could be wrong. If they know I’m coming, they’ll set an ambush. I’m not worried about myself, but if they try using bombs, or worse, the city, and a lot of innocents, are going to suffer.

Or they could re-schedule.

I don’t know which would be more troublesome.

“How is your mana?”

[Less than half. Lucas remained suspicious about my absence and routinely checked the scene for my presence. Remaining undetected demanded a lot of mana.]

He struck me as the type. And thank the saints I trusted my instincts and didn’t try to reach out to her. “Rest up.” I’m not comfortable sending her into the city without a full core. “Hopefully, the city can survive two days without imploding.”

[Hopefully. The house has filled up in my short time away.]

“That it has.” Thank goodness Lord Teppin had the sense to have an outbuilding set up as housing for the knights. It isn’t comfortable, most of the knights having chosen to live off the property rather than endure the cramped space, but in a pinch, it can sleep two dozen, giving us more than enough space.

[Our visitors are full of energy. Especially one who is popping in and out of every room in the house.]

I freeze, sour dread and sweet satisfaction mixing in my gut. “Let me guess. Lancecain?”


I knew he was suspicious. Abyss take that idiot and whatever he’s up to. I don’t need more problems right now!

With a growl, I set off after him, following the mental guidance of my succubus, Geneva’s chuckles echoing in my mind as I stomp through the halls.


“Lady Tome!”

I catch up to Lancecain as he exits a closet, a space only a servant would have any use for. He smiles unrepentantly as I watch him with suspicious eyes. Has this worked before? I can imagine his good looks getting him out of a lot of trouble. He should know it’s a pointless gesture with me, which goes to show it’s a matter of reflex, motivated by his sudden spike in heart rate and the faint hint of fear I can smell coming off him.

“Lance.” I cross my arms as he fidgets under my glare. “I don’t think you’re a bad person and that you sincerely think of Alana as a friend. For that, you get one—" I raise a finger to demonstrate my point. “—chance to explain yourself. And I do mean one. Lie to me, I’ll know and I won’t ask again. Understand?”

He nods reluctantly, his guileless smile turning into a wan smirk. “I see what attracted Alana to you now.”

Hah! If only. “Flattery only works when it comes from a beautiful woman.”

“Couldn’t agree more.”

“What are you doing?”

The young knight sighs, shoulders sagging with the force of it. “It’s a long story,” he grumbles, running a hand through his messy hair. “And a complicated one. A bit unbelievable and definitely liable to get me executed if taken in the wrong light, haha. If it’s fine with you, I’d rather we have this discussion somewhere more private.”


He blinks at my sudden response. “Thank you for your trust.”

“Trust? Don’t be ridiculous. Going somewhere alone with you isn’t asking for much. If you try anything, it’ll fail, and then I will hurt you, scoop out your secrets, and decide the rest of your punishment from there.” I motion for him to follow as I head for my temporary bedroom. “This way.”

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