Reborn: I'm A Dragon Girl With An OP System

Chapter 187 Forced Underlings

I watched as everyone walked up and dripped a drop of blood onto the blood seal. Each time it would glow slightly before dimming once more. Once everyone had finished, Adel continued: “Okay, now say activation word, and it will start the end of the binding process. But everyone should know that it is slightly painful.”

I looked at Adel with a look that said couldn’t you have said that earlier!? But I guess if she did, someone might have chickened out. I sighed and looked at everyone, and asked: “Are you ready?”

“Boss, do it! We can take it! This pain will be nothing compared to what you had to take when you saved us.” Steven spoke up first. He was already gritting his teeth, waiting for the pain. It was so obvious how tense he was even before he felt anything making his expression kind of funny to the point that I almost laughed.

“Yes, Boss, Steven is right. We can take this.” Even Hailey was saying the same thing. I closed my eyes and as I said: “Seal!”


I watched as everyone fell to the ground in pain. Even Adel was curled up on the ground, her brow full of sweat. Only Sally was still standing there, but she was barely holding on. Sophie and Sei were also in bad condition as well. But I think out of everyone, Grace was suffering the most, her whole body seemed to be drenched in sweat.

The magic circle on my hand, as soon as I said the activate word, had risen into the air and began spinning. It glowed brightly before shooting a beam of bloody light at everyone. It was only after the beam of bloody light hit them did I notice that their brows eased up, and their cries of pain had stopped. The magic circle then slowly lowered back down to my hand before merging into my skin and disappearing without a trace.

“Is it over?” I whispered as I looked at everyone.

“That was worse than I thought.” I heard Adel mumble as she slowly and unsteadily crawled up from the ground. “To think the blood seal would be that painful. My father made it sound like it was not that bad.”

“Wait, so you have never seen it performed before?” I asked, feeling slightly shocked. Just how willing was this girl to throw herself into these things!?

“I have not witnessed it. My father always made me leave the throne room when a blood seal was about to take place.” Adel, oh Adel. Please realize that your father was just trying to keep you from seeing such a scene! I mean, seeing people curled up crying out in pain is not something a girl her age should be seeing in the first place. Just watching it from the side was painful!

“So this means we are now Boss’s underlings?” Steven asked with a wide grin.

“Huh? No! You are not slaves!” I yelled out. Why did it seem like he wanted to become my slave!?

“But we are now bound by the seal, never to betray you in this lifetime! That means we are now your underlings! The Dragon squa… Ouch! Damnit, Amanda, why did you hit me!?” Steven yelled out while holding his head. Thank you, Amanda! He was saying embarrassing things just now!

“You are bothering Boss. We can decide on a name later on once Boss gets used to it.” Wait, you too, Amanda!?

I hung my head. Why are people deciding things on their own without asking me first? “Not bad! You already have your own mini army.” Adel came over and hugged my arm. I could only shake my head. I am wondering if this was something she had planned from the start or not. Because for them to suddenly start talking about this seems to be a premeditated event.

I sighed and sat down on the ground. They could do as they pleased. They all seemed happy. “Anyway, we need to make plans for the upcoming floors below. If there are weaker versions of the shaman goblin on the floors to come, we will end up having a harder time, unlike before.”

“Boss, what if we made a two strike plan for them? If they use barriers like the boss just now, we can have you and Sally destroy the barriers while we take them out.” Leo suggested.

I thought about it for a moment and nodded my head. “This might work only if they have much lower health. Our next boss is probably going to have many min bosses around it. If I remember correctly, it was called the Goblin Chief. After that is the big monstrosity that is protecting the core of this dungeon, it is called a Goblin Ancient and has the ability to speak. And well… It seems not all there in the head.”

“Faith, will you use your full dragon form on these two bosses?” Sophie asked.

I nodded my head as I answered: “More than likely. My dragon form is much more powerful than my current self. Although, I am not sure how well I will be able to fight in it as I have never used it for fighting before. I only tested a few things out since I have been able to transform.”

I hated to say it, but I really was not sure how good my fighting ability would be when fighting in my dragon form. I kind of wish I had more practice with it than having to just throw caution to the wind and use it. But if I can make use of it and overpower the bosses, then it should work out fine. At least, I hope.

“Either way, I am sure as long as we work together, we can overcome all odds.” Sei spoke up while pumping her fists. She was the oldest here so she had been calm this entire time but now she looked more fired up than ever.

I shook my head and glanced at everyone. But as my eyes passed by everyone I noticed something wrong. “Grace are you okay!?”

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