Reborn: I'm A Dragon Girl With An OP System

Chapter 214 Seven Sins Part 2

“Master Sei has yet to wake up,” Grace replied, causing me to be a bit worried. By the time I finished my breakfast, Sei still had not come down from her room. Feeling even more worried, I decided to go check on her.

When I arrived at her room, I heard nothing from inside. I knocked softly only to hear a grunt in return. Puzzled as to what was going on, I knocked once more. “Stop knocking. Let me sleep!”

“Sei, we need to head to the castle,” I replied while opening the door. When I walked in, the room was still pitch black. Only the faint light of the sun that found its way around the edges of the curtain illuminated the room. I walked over to the large bed that was in total disarray to see Sei sprawled out in her nightgown. Her eyes closed, and her breathing steady.

“Sei?” I softly called out, only for Sei’s brow to furrow as she turned over and ignored me. Thinking about what has happened to Sophie, I decided to check Sei’s status as well. “Sei, I am going to use appraisal on you. Appraisal!”  I used it without waiting for her to answer. And sure enough, Sei also had a curse similar to Sophie’s..

[Curse Of The Seven Sins: Sloth]

I frowned, seeing the status effect. That was when a thought came to mind. “Diablo?”

“You called Master?” In a puff of black smoke, Diablo appeared next to me with his hand on his chest, bowing slightly.

“Have you ever heard of curses before? Ummm, the Curse of the Seven Sins?” I asked. As Diablo was a demon, who was long lived, I figured if I was going to ask anyone about it, it would be Diablo.

“Curse, hmmm? Curses are pretty tricky to deal with and need a dispel magic that is tuned to the type of curse that the person has. As this is the curse of the seven sins, it would be even harder to get rid of as it would need a lot of mana to remove…. Haha. I guess I shouldn’t worry about such a thing with Master here. Master, I can teach you how to dispel it, but as the name suggests, the curse of the seven sins means there are seven types of sin. Sloth, Wrath, Pride, Greed, Envy. Gluttony, and lastly Lust.”  Diablo explained before asking: “Is Lady Sei the only one with this curse?”

“No, Sophie has the sin of gluttony. These two are nothing compared to some of the others.” I pondered for a moment before turning to Grace. “Grace, go out and gather the others from our dungeon team here. Even if they were in the middle of explicit things, drag them here. Hopefully, I am not too late.”

Grace quickly left to do as I said. I went downstairs and had Annie send a message to the King that I would be late due to an incident and that I would explain it to him later. Now I am currently listening to Diablo’s lecture on curse dispelling magic. It was unlike a normal dispel. It had to be written to target that specific curse. This means I would need seven different magic circles for each type of the seven sins.

It also costs an absurd amount of mana to cast just a single spell. It was definitely not something that one could cast easily. One cast cost almost two thousand mana. After spending an hour learning the ins and outs of targeted dispel magic, Diablo and I came up with a magic circle for each sin and were now about to test it out. Sophie sat in front of us with a pastry in her hand and stuffed cheeks.

“Here I go. Dispel Gluttony.” I called out the activation word. Sophie’s body glowed with a golden light before black smoke began to rise off her body and turn into balls of golden light. Seconds later, Sophie suddenly hunched over and held her stomach.  “I will be right back!”

With these words, Sophie ran off towards the bathroom. I quickly cast appraisal on her to see that she was no longer cursed. I let out a sigh of relief before standing up and stretching. “Seems like it worked. Thank you, Diablo.”

“It was a pleasure to teach a genius like Master.” Diablo responded, making me scratch my nose in embarrassment. I headed upstairs and cast the dispel for Sloth on Sei, who still refused to get out of bed even though she was no longer cursed. So I had Annie do what she normally did to wake Sei up.

“Ahhh! Annie, stop pouring water on me every morning!” Sei yelled out. She now looked like a drenched cat. I chuckled and gave Annie a thumbs up. Annie gave me a wide smile. It seemed she enjoyed dumping water on Sei.

A few hours later, Grace came back with everyone in tow. Although a few were hog tied and flopping around on the floor. And Amanda seemed to be kept quiet with Leo’s finger in her mouth. I quickly checked her first to see if she was the one who got stuck with lust. And sadly for her, she was. I didn’t waste any time removing her curse.

Steven ended up with Wrath. Hailey had Pride. Blake was Envy, and lastly, Rick had Greed. After removing each of their curses, they all had embarrassed faces. But just getting rid of the curses was not enough. We still needed to figure out what caused all of this. “Everyone should stay here for today. I will be back after going to the castle and the academy. Try to think of how you all ended up with these curses.”

“Umm… Boss I think I speak for all of us when I say this but thank you for acting so quickly.” Steven spoke up first while everyone who was cursed bowed to me.

“It’s nothing, I just figured it had something to do with the dungeon. We still do not know alot about the dungeons or what can happen while in the dungeon. So we need to be more careful from now on. I will be back soon. Make yourselves at home.”

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