Reborn: I'm A Dragon Girl With An OP System

Chapter 226 David Part 2

“I am not understanding. So why are you telling me all of this if this is all supposed to be a secret?” I asked while holding my head. I could feel the headache forming.

“You are Adel’s friend. And before she moved in with you, you were all she talked about, Faith this Faith that. Even her secret room has nothing but… Ooooff!” I sat there stunned as I watched Adel do a beautiful punch to David’s stomach.  I mean, it was so quick and powerful that it even dented his armor! I guess this is proof of Adel’s level rising.

“You have grown stronger, I see….” David’s brow twitched as he tried to compose himself.

“Don’t say unnecessary things, Uncle,”  Adel said with a snort..

“Ahem… Anyway… Now tell me what that was all about. I know for a fact that no one can kidnap you, so why are you suddenly like this?” David asked.

“Ahh, that was my idea. I was taking down Count Freedman. He has messed with me so much that I finally had to deal with him. Plus, he is part of a faction that I can not forgive.” I replied.

“Hmmm? Well, you sure did make it so that he will never be able to talk himself out of this one.” David replied with a sigh. “But now what do you plan to do? His whole family will be executed along with him.”

“About that. Can you do something about the children?”  I asked.  I did not wish to see kids die for no reason.  “Like erase their memories or something?”

“If that is what you wish, I can do that. But they will be the only ones able to get a pardon like that. They will be able to live lives as commoners, but they will be orphans.” David answered.

“Well, about that. They can do odd jobs around my factory to better their lives, and there are quite a few single childless women who work for me that I might be able to have them take a few of them in. This way, they can grow up to have a loving family.” I just did not want to see the young kids who were younger than me end up in a worse situation. Yes, I know this is my fault that they will end up like this, but at the same time, I had to deal with Count Freedman. I just never thought about what would happen after, so before they are sent to die with their family, I wanted to do what I could to keep them alive and help them out if possible.

“Alright, we will contact you once they have been processed. Should I send them to your estate afterward?” David asked.

“Yes, please. I will contact Thurul and see if he can set them up at the factory. The older ones can make a living, and I will see what I can do for the younger kids who can not work.”  I was not sure if everything would pan out, but I could try. I could even add a few incentives to those willing to take in some of the kids, like higher pay. There were not many, just six kids. Two of which were very young.

“Okay, I will do that then. To be honest, it also did not sit well with me to have the kids killed with the rest of the family.” David replied as he let out a sigh of relief.

The carriage came to a stop at the front door of my estate’s manor. With Adel in tow, I walked through the doors where Annie was waiting for me. “Young Miss, you have many people waiting for you out in the garden.”

“I know. Please offer them some snacks and drinks while they wait. I still have a few things to finish up.” I answered as I motioned to Annie to look behind me. When she saw Adel and then the knight, she bowed her head and went to do what I asked. She didn’t even flinch at seeing Adel covered in dirt with a torn dress. “Adel, go get changed. I will talk with Sir David.”

“Okay…. But….” She turned to David and narrowed her eyes: “Say anything you shouldn’t, and I will….” She shook her fist at him before turning around and walking upstairs.

Watching her leave, I chuckled and looked back at David: “So you are her uncle, huh?”

“Yeah, it may be hard to believe, but most think I am dead. Luckily I was not seen by many in my younger days.” David replied.

“So the Prime Minister?”

“He has no idea who I am. In fact, he still tries to order me around to this day. Not long ago, he even tried to pull me to his side. But sadly for him, I have never had an interest in power. My duty and my only love in life is my lifestyle as a knight. So you can feel reassured that I will not be doing anything that will go against my brother. I wouldn’t dare do so, or my cute niece and nephew might get angry with me.” I can see that David was the type to hold family bonds close. I just never thought that I would be told a secret like this, to begin with. I mean, why me of all people?

“You do not need to feel confused as to why I am telling you all of this. My brother has asked me if anything were to happen that I support you at all costs. I am actually here to be your guard to make sure you do not run away during your house arrest as well.” David replied, causing me to hold my head. Was this king still trying to stick me with the role of an heir to the throne!? I could only sigh. From the moment I met him he kept mentioning things about me taking the throne.

“That man is just…” I let out another long sigh.

“Haha! He is just like that. He sees talent and wants to nurture them. But from what I have heard and seen, you do have what it takes.”

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