Reborn in 2000: Reuniting with the School Belle

Chapter 120

Chapter 120

Gu Muxi’s statement was like an arrow piercing through Ding Bo’s heart.

His heart shattered into pieces.

The goddess actually had a boyfriend!

Oh heavens, why do you play with me so?

If she already had a boyfriend, why did she appear in my world?

Ding Bo clutched at his chest.

The pain was too much to bear!

“Do you really have a boyfriend?” Ding Bo asked again, nearly in tears. Gu Muxi nodded seriously, “Yes, Senior Ding.”

Suddenly, Ding Bo thought of something.

He had never seen her boyfriend come to pick her up at the company.

With such a beautiful girlfriend, isn’t it normal to keep an eye on her every day, to pick her up and drop her off?

Hmm? No, could it be… Gu Muxi made up an excuse just to reject me?

Very likely!

Ding Bo suddenly saw the light and became suspicious.

He squinted his eyes, staring at Gu Muxi and questioned, “Oh? But I’ve never seen your boyfriend pick you up.”

Gu Muxi was momentarily at a loss for words, her eyes betraying her panic.

When you tell the first lie, you must cover it up with countless others.

It’s most deadly to make up lies on the spot.

Gu Muxi had only come up with an excuse on the fly, not expecting him to keep probing.

Gu Muxi gritted her teeth.

If Ding Bo wasn’t the boss’s nephew and a high achiever in the company, someone you couldn’t afford to offend, Gu Muxi would have already thrown him over her shoulder.

But this internship was hard-earned by her mother’s pleading; getting fired because of offending Ding Bo would waste all her mother’s efforts.

Therefore, Gu Muxi had to endure, knowing that acting on impulse would make it difficult for her mother among her friends.

She didn’t care what others thought of her, but she feared her family would be wronged or criticized because of her.

“Cough cough, my, my boyfriend is usually very busy, he doesn’t have time to pick me up.” Gu Muxi made an excuse.

But her hesitation and contemplative expression were caught by Ding Bo, further convincing him that she was making up an excuse.

“Oh? If your boyfriend doesn’t have time to pick you up after work, doesn’t he have time to drop you off?” Ding Bo questioned.

Gu Muxi paused, at a loss for other explanations when she suddenly saw Yi Feng parking his bike and coming towards them from a distance.

“Ah, well, who says not, today my boyfriend did drop me off at work!”

“Look, there’s my boyfriend!” Gu Muxi turned and pointed towards Yi Feng as he approached.

Ding Bo followed her direction and saw Yi Feng.

“What? Him?”

Ding Bo could hardly believe it because, although Yi Feng was handsome, he wasn’t tall or muscular, certainly not as handsome as himself, and dressed in a very ordinary shirt and trousers, nothing remarkable.

At first glance, you could tell this young man didn’t have much money.

How could Gu Muxi, so beautiful, choose such an ordinary guy?

No, I don’t believe it!

I absolutely don’t believe it!

Ding Bo was skeptical about their relationship, feeling he was at least better than this kid in every aspect.

“Uh, yes, yes, that’s him, he is my boyfriend.” Gu Muxi said seriously.

“Gu Muxi, I’ve parked the bike, are you going to treat me to pig offal noodles now?” Yi Feng called out as he approached, then noticed the unfamiliar man.

“Gu Muxi, who is this?”

Yi Feng looked Ding Bo up and down with curiosity.

Ding Bo was also sizing him up, his eyes filled with a hint of hostility.

“Hello, I’m Gu Muxi’s colleague, Ding Bo, are you her boyfriend?” Ding Bo asked with a fake smile, offering his hand.

“Boyfriend?” Yi Feng was taken aback.

Gu Muxi quickly grabbed his arm, cutting off his words, and laughed awkwardly, “Yes, yes, darling, aren’t we going home to cook dinner today?”

As she spoke, she wildly signaled with her eyes to Yi Feng.

Yi Feng was no fool and instantly understood what was going on.

Damn, so I’m being used as a shield!

But… this feels pretty good, hehe!

When he heard Gu Muxi calling him darling, his heart almost soared with joy.

“Ah, right, right, darling, I’ll cook tonight, make you something delicious.” Yi Feng suddenly wrapped an arm around her waist.

This sudden move made Gu Muxi’s cheeks turn red as an apple!

Her heart began to race uncontrollably!

Damn it! Damn it!

Stinky Feng is taking advantage of the situation!

This is outrageous!

Yi Feng’s hand seemed to carry countless tiny currents, making her feel ticklish around her waist as if ants were crawling on her.

Gu Muxi turned her head and glared at him secretly.

But Yi Feng pretended not to see, secretly chuckling to himself.

He instead looked very engaged at Ding Bo, “You must be Gu Muxi’s colleague, right? Hello, hasn’t my girlfriend caused any trouble at the company?”

Ding Bo, seeing the waist of his beloved goddess being held by another man, felt his head explode with a bang!

He clutched his heart, howling inside!

Oh heavens! Oh heavens! He’s actually holding Gu Muxi’s waist!

Lord have mercy!

His heart, just mended, shattered once again.

Pain! The pain was unbearable!

Even though his heart ached like being cut by knives, he still tried not to show it on the surface: “Hehe, no, no, Gu Muxi has always been doing well.”

“Haha, that’s good.”

“Darling, it seems you’ve been very diligent!”

“I’ll reward you well tonight!” Yi Feng winked at Gu Muxi, his words carrying a double meaning.

But to Ding Bo, it sounded like thunder, leaving him utterly confused on the spot.

Tonight… reward?!!

A scene popped into his mind.

Oh no!!!


No, I can’t accept this!

How could the goddess be with such an ordinary guy?!


I won’t give up!

“Stop it~” Gu Muxi blushed, pretending to be shy, but secretly pinched Yi Feng’s waist hard.

Yi Feng: “!!!”

Yi Feng’s eyes: Gu Muxi, have you lost your mind? I’m helping you!

Gu Muxi’s eyes: Can’t you tone down your flirtiness?

Yi Feng’s eyes: If I didn’t say that, would he back off?

Gu Muxi’s eyes: Just be normal!

The two exchanged looks, their eyes furiously communicating.

But to Ding Bo, it seemed they were “lovey-dovey” eye-flirting, publically displaying their affection.

That sweet gaze felt like blades stabbing into his heart!

No, I won’t give up!

Since Gu Muxi’s boyfriend is so ordinary, it means I still have a chance.

After all, I’m more outstanding than this kid!

“Cough cough, Gu Muxi, haven’t you had breakfast yet? Let me treat you to the teahouse nearby?” Ding Bo tried to maintain a gentlemanly and elegant demeanor, planning to show off in front of Gu Muxi, highlighting the difference between Yi Feng and himself.

“Teahouse? That’s not good, right? That place is quite expensive, just breakfast costs dozens of yuan, there’s no need for Senior Ding to spend so much.” Gu Muxi declined.

“Hey, hey, it’s not expensive for me at all, and since it’s still early for work, I also want to eat breakfast at the teahouse. If I don’t eat at home, I usually go there. Bringing you guys along makes it more lively, let’s go, let’s all go.” Ding Bo adjusted his clothes, a bit arrogantly.

His words subtly revealed his comfortable living conditions, casually eating breakfast at the teahouse now and then, something an average family couldn’t afford.

This was a bit of a “casual flex.”

Seeing him so persistent in inviting, Gu Muxi really didn’t know how to refuse properly.

If she declined too rudely, it might lead to trouble at work or even getting fired.

What should she do?

Suddenly, Yi Feng took her hand and smiled, “Since Mr. Ding is so kind, it would be rude not to accept, haha!”

“Darling, then let’s go together.”

Gu Muxi was taken aback, surprised at Yi Feng’s sudden agreement.

“Why did you agree? I don’t want to eat with him!” Gu Muxi whispered.

Yi Feng chuckled, “Silly girl, of course, it’s for a free breakfast!”

Gu Muxi: “( ̄w ̄;)……”

Stinky Feng… truly, shameless!


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