Reborn in 2000: Reuniting with the School Belle

Chapter 16

Chapter 16


I definitely added several spoonfuls of salt. How can he not taste it at all?

Gu Muxi was utterly baffled.

Could it be the wrong portion for him?

She quickly opened her own porridge pot, took a spoonful, and tasted it.


She spit out the porridge forcefully, her delicate face twisting in disgust.

“So salty!”

How could this be?

Why is mine so salty?

Wait a minute!

A flashback of the moment at the bike shed crossed her mind, with Yi Feng personally handing her the porridge pot.

“Ptui! Hahaha—! I knew there was a trick, this is hilarious!” Yi Feng’s teasing laughter came from behind her.

Gu Muxi turned around and glared at him, “You, you switched my porridge!”

Yi Feng smirked, “Trying to compete with me?”

From the moment she specifically instructed not to mix up the porridge pots, he sensed something was off.

Just to be cautious, he swapped the pots while parking the bikes.

Unexpectedly… this girl really tampered with the porridge. Good thing I was clever, heh heh!

“Damn it!”

“Give me back my porridge!” Gu Muxi lunged forward, trying to retrieve her breakfast.

Yi Feng quickly protected his food and dodged, “I’ve already eaten from this pot, still want to snatch it?”

“Aren’t you afraid of eating my saliva?”

Gu Muxi gritted her teeth, “I’m hungry, I don’t care! Give it to me!”

“Not giving it. What are you going to do, bite me?”


“Damn it! Are you a dog, biting me for real? Let go!”

“Give it to me!”

“Stop fighting, let’s eat it together!”


Gu Muxi, truly hungry, reluctantly agreed to Yi Feng’s proposal.

The two shared the porridge from the same pot, each with a spoon.

“Yi Feng, you’re taking too much, leave some for me!”

“That’s because you eat too slowly, can’t blame me!”

“Damn, you and your big mouth!”

“Little miss, got a problem with that?”

This scene left the rest of the class stunned.

“My God, Gu Muxi is actually sharing a pot of porridge with Yi Feng!”

“Uh… Are they that close now? Could it be… no way!”

“Are they together?! Wow! This is huge!”

“Wuu~ Muxi, don’t do this, I’ll buy you another portion!”

“My heart is broken! Dammit!”

The class was abuzz with comments. Wang Tie, standing by, was also shocked.

Yi Feng, you legend!

Is this even possible?

Has the great school beauty fallen for him?

Gu Muxi’s desk mate, Chen Jiajia, watched them with a knowing smile.

These two, seems a bit sweet~

I’m shipping them~

Soon, the porridge pot was emptied by the two.

“Burp~ Not bad, not bad, the porridge and fried eggs are delicious. Auntie’s cooking skills are really good.” Yi Feng belched contentedly after the meal.

“How about another meal tomorrow?”

Gu Muxi rolled her eyes, “Keep dreaming.”

“Good morning, Muxi!” Suddenly, a robust voice called out from the classroom door.

Everyone turned to see a muscular, broad-shouldered youth, Hou Zixing from Class 2, making his entrance and offering Gu Muxi a cream bun.

“Muxi, this is for you. Have some breakfast,” he said.

Gu Muxi frowned and pointed to the porridge pot, “No need, Hou, I just had breakfast. I’m full.”

Hou Zixing laughed awkwardly but insisted, “No worries, just keep it. Eat it when you’re hungry later.”

He placed the cream bun down, then noticed two spoons in the pot, “Huh, why are there two spoons?”

“One’s mine, heh heh,” Yi Feng chuckled, reclaiming his spoon.

“What?! Oh no!” Hou Zixing clutched his hair in shock.

Could it be… they shared the porridge?!

My goddess Muxi!

How could this be? How is this possible?!

Hou Zixing’s face darkened with rage and jealousy as he glared at Yi Feng, as if a storm was brewing.

Jealousy consumed him, fury bubbling within.

Just a few days ago, Yi Feng dared to kiss Gu Muxi in public, and now they’re sharing porridge!


“Yi Feng, you received my challenge letter, right?” Hou Zixing’s gaze was murderous.

“Challenge letter? What challenge letter? I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Yi Feng shrugged, feigning ignorance.

This kid is really taking it seriously?

Such a hassle.

“Huh? You don’t know? I clearly placed it on the desk!” Hou Zixing insisted.

“Regardless if you received it or not, let’s meet at the school’s back gate after school. Whoever doesn’t show up is a coward!”

“If you admit you’re a coward, then don’t come, hehe!” Hou Zixing sneered.

Yi Feng squinted, tapping on the desk, “I wasn’t planning to bother with you, but since you’re so eager to die, I’ll oblige!”

Damn it, am I supposed to be scared of a hothead like Hou Zixing?

I’ve dominated the business world for over a decade; if I can’t handle Hou Zixing, I’m not Yi Feng!

I usually avoid trouble, but when trouble comes knocking, I deal with it!

Yi Feng has always lived by one principle: don’t seek trouble, but don’t fear it.

“If others don’t provoke me, I won’t provoke them. But if provoked, I’ll retaliate!”

“Fine, you’ve got guts. See you at the back gate after school!” Hou Zixing glowered at him.

“Hou Zixing, what are you doing? This is a school!” Gu Muxi, sensing something amiss, stood up to scold.

Hou Zixing quickly put on a smile for Gu Muxi, “Hey, Muxi, don’t worry. It’s a matter between men.”

The bell for class rang.

“Muxi, I’ll go back first,” Hou Zixing turned to leave, but not without giving Yi Feng a contemptuous look at the door.

Yi Feng, just wait and see how I deal with you after school!

Hold on tight!

Yi Feng met his gaze unflinchingly.

After Hou Zixing left, Gu Muxi fumed, “Yi Feng, don’t be scared. Walk with me after school; I’ve got your back. He wouldn’t dare touch a hair on you.”

Yi Feng couldn’t let her get involved in such danger and brushed her off, “Sure, wait for me at the bike shed after school.”

This matter had to be resolved; otherwise, Hou Zixing wouldn’t let it go and keep causing trouble.

Only by settling this once and for all could he be at peace.

“Yi Feng, don’t worry. I’ve always protected you since we were kids, and this time is no exception,” Gu Muxi declared proudly.

Wang Tie looked on enviously.

Yi Feng had been protected by the school beauty since childhood?

How enviable.

Yi Feng smiled, recalling their childhood brawls where the two of them could take on four or five kids.

Gu Muxi has always been fierce…

Her father later sent her to judo training, where she developed her skills.

Since then, the neighborhood kids no longer dared to mess with her.

“Class is starting.” The class teacher, Zhao Xue, entered, bringing the classroom to order.

Gu Muxi turned back to her desk, ready to focus on the lesson.

Wang Tie whispered to Yi Feng, “Yi Feng, what do you plan to do about Hou Zixing? He’s physically much stronger than you!”

“He’s the sports representative of Class 2!” Wang Tie expressed his concern.

Yi Feng just smiled, “Don’t worry, I have my ways to deal with him.”

“If everything was solved with brute force, what’s the use of brains?”

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