Reborn in 2000: Reuniting with the School Belle

Chapter 29.1

Chapter 29.1

At this moment, the young man in the blue T-shirt had completely lost his reason, his mind clouded by anger.

As he was about to bring down the knife, suddenly a hand grabbed his wrist.

“Calm down. If you kill him, you’ll end up in prison. If you have family, think about them,” Yi Feng said in a deep voice.

The young man in the blue T-shirt turned to see who had grabbed him, and upon seeing Yi Feng, he was stunned.

After a moment, the madness in his eyes gradually dissipated, and he regained some semblance of reason.

“You’re still young, with a whole future ahead of you. It’s not worth it to ruin your life over a thug,” Yi Feng said soothingly, seeing him come back to his senses.

Killing the thug might bring momentary satisfaction, but he would then become a murderer, bound to be arrested sooner or later, possibly even facing the death penalty.

Adding such a burden to one’s life for a thug is not worth it.

“I understand,” the young man in the blue T-shirt calmed down and spoke quietly.

Yi Feng sighed in relief and then released his wrist.

Suddenly, the young man in the blue T-shirt stabbed the youth with the chain in the thigh again.


The youth with the chain screamed in agony, now with four knife wounds in his thigh, bleeding profusely, staining the ground red.

Yi Feng was startled, realizing this kid was a desperate and ruthless person.

The young man in the blue T-shirt pulled out the knife, stood up, and walked over to Big Wasp, who was curled up on the ground.

“No, no, don’t! I, I was wrong! Don’t stab me!”

Big Wasp, seeing his comrade’s condition, was terrified and pleaded for mercy.

But the young man in the blue T-shirt, expressionless, stabbed him repeatedly in the thigh.

Big Wasp screamed in pain, his face contorted with terror.

“I’m keeping this knife. If you dare bully me again…”

“I will definitely kill you.”


The young man in the blue T-shirt’s voice was eerily calm, devoid of any emotion, but the murderous intent sent shivers down one’s spine.

Big Wasp was terrified, crying and begging, “No, it won’t happen again. I, I swear! Big brother, I was wrong!”

“Don’t kill me, please!” Yi Feng smirked and said to Wang Tie, “Wang Tie, remember, never underestimate any seemingly honest person.”

“They can be fiercer than anyone when provoked.”

Wang Tie was dumbfounded, nodding repeatedly, “Uh… I understand!”

“What are you doing?”

At that moment, someone poked their head out of a window and shouted loudly.

Yi Feng quickly pulled the young man in the blue T-shirt up from the ground and whispered, “Quick, leave this place!”

The young man in the blue T-shirt took off running, with Yi Feng and Wang Tie quickly following.

The three of them sprinted away from the Tianhe City shopping district, eventually stopping under a bridge near Guangxi City’s Second Bridge.

Once under the bridge, the young man in the blue T-shirt finally stopped.

Wang Tie, exhausted, sat down on the ground, gasping for breath, “Brother Feng, we’re not going to be targeted by the police, are we?”

Yi Feng, also panting, took a moment to catch his breath and laughed, “No, those two are probably habitual robbers themselves. They won’t go to the police.”

“Phew, that’s a relief!” Wang Tie chuckled, relieved.

“Brother, you’re back~”

Suddenly, a crisp voice of a little girl echoed from a dark corner of the underpass.

Yi Feng and Wang Tie turned to look, seeing a ragged, disheveled little girl timidly stepping out from the darkness.

She appeared to be only about seven or eight years old, petite and malnourished, but her eyes were large, bright, and full of innocence.

The little girl, seeing Yi Feng and Wang Tie, hid behind the young man in the blue T-shirt, her face showing fear.

“Nannan, don’t be afraid, they… are brother’s friends.”

“Are you hungry? Look, I brought you back some bread. Eat it,” the young man in the blue T-shirt took out the half-eaten bread he found in the trash and handed it to the little girl, his face showing a hint of a smile and affection.

The little girl took the bread, her big eyes asking, “Brother, have you eaten?”

“I’ve eaten, see, I’ve already eaten half of it. The rest is for you.”

“Brother, why are you hurt again? Were you bullied?”

“No, I fell on the road. No one bullied me.”

Wang Tie, listening to the siblings’ conversation, felt a lump in his throat, his eyes welling up.

Such a pitiful pair of siblings.

Yi Feng patted his shoulder and remarked, “Wang Tie, there are people in this world who are having a tougher time than us.”

Wang Tie managed a bitter smile, “Compared to them, what’s our little bit of hardship?”

Yi Feng stood up, approached the young man in the blue T-shirt, and asked, “What’s your name, buddy?”

“Han Ping’an.”

“I’m Yi Feng, and this is my brother, Wang Tie.”

Han Ping’an turned and bowed deeply to Yi Feng and Wang Tie, showing his gratitude.

“Thank you for just now.”

He looked up at Yi Feng, his eyes full of gratitude, “Thank you.”

His words were simple, but Yi Feng could feel his sincere gratitude.

A man of few words, but very genuine.

“It’s only right to help out when seeing injustice. I couldn’t just stand by and watch you being treated like that,” Yi Feng began, but noticing the little girl watching him with wide eyes, he decided to hold back his words.

“Let’s talk over there.” Han Ping’an, aware of his sister’s presence, didn’t want her to know about the bullying, to avoid worrying her.

Yi Feng nodded and smiled.

Yi Feng asked Wang Tie to go out and buy some candy and food to bring back, while he and Han Ping’an sat down near a bridge pier.

Han Ping’an, not much of a talker, shared his story in a straightforward and plain manner.

He was eighteen, and his sister, Han Nannan, was ten.

The siblings had lived at the bottom of society since childhood. Their parents were workers at a paper mill, managing to get by on their combined wages.

However, the paper mill was ordered to shut down due to severe pollution, leaving hundreds of workers, including their parents, laid off.

Being laid off was like a bombshell for them.

Afterward, the siblings dropped out of school. Their father developed a gambling addiction, accumulating huge debts.

Eventually, their mother couldn’t stand it any longer and left them.

Three years ago, their father committed suicide by jumping from a building due to debt collectors.

Since then, it was just the two of them, living alone and dependent on each other.

Over the last three years, they lived under the bridge. Han Ping’an tried to find odd jobs, but with the economy in bad shape and many laid-off workers, it was hard to secure work.

The siblings’ income was meager and unstable, living from hand to mouth.

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