Reborn in 2000: Reuniting with the School Belle

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

Gu Muxi’s entire body tensed, frozen in place.

She stared with wide eyes, shocked at Yi Feng, feeling the hot breath spraying from his nose.

Besides that, there was the warm sensation from their lips, a feeling like electricity, numbing her over and over again.

Indeed, her whole body was numb, dumbfounded.

She remained stunned for a long while before slowly coming back to her senses, her cheeks as red as ripe apples.

She, again, was kissed by stinky Yi Feng!

How infuriating!!!

This was the second time!

Such a detestable jerk!

She suddenly broke free from Yi Feng’s hands, stepping back several steps, both embarrassed and annoyed.

“Stinky Yi Feng, damn it, taking advantage of me again, I’m going to strangle you!”

Gu Muxi was so angry that she bared her teeth, ready to strangle Yi Feng and put an end to his wicked life.

“Don’t leave, Gu Muxi…” Yi Feng murmured in a low voice, frowning tightly, seeming in great pain.

Seeing this, Gu Muxi’s anger subsided significantly.

“Leave? This is my house, you’re the one who should leave! Hmph~”

“Forget it, I’ll spare your life! I’ll deal with you when you wake up!” Gu Muxi withdrew her hands, said haughtily.

Looking at Yi Feng’s frowning brow, which was furrowed into a “川” shape, her heart softened.

Was this stinky guy having a nightmare?

She bent down and reached out her hand, gently rubbing his furrowed brow with her index finger, trying to smooth it out.

Sure enough, Yi Feng’s brow relaxed, his expression gradually returned to calm, and his breathing stabilized a lot.

“That’s it, I’m also tired, we’ll talk tomorrow!” Gu Muxi yawned, collected Yi Feng’s clothes and shoes, then went back to her room to sleep.

But as soon as she lay down, that embarrassing scene flashed through her mind.

That scene played over and over in her mind like an endless loop, making her restless.

“Damn stinky Yi Feng!” Gu Muxi, blushing, picked up a plush pig and started to violently knead its cheeks.

“I’ll rub you to death, pinch you to death! Damn it!”

Gu Muxi seemed to treat the plush pig’s face as Yi Feng’s, tormenting it for a good seven or eight minutes before feeling satisfied.

Unconsciously, sleepiness overcame her, and Gu Muxi hugged the plush pig, trapping it tightly with her legs, and slowly fell asleep.

Sometime later, Yi Feng woke up feeling the urge to urinate, groggily got up to go to the bathroom by instinct.

After using the bathroom, he yawned, staggering through the darkness, opened the room door, and went back to bed to sleep again.

The night was a bit chilly, he subconsciously reached for the blanket, pulling at it.

In his daze, he muttered, “Share some blanket with me…”

“Don’t steal my blanket…” Gu Muxi muttered back.

Yi Feng couldn’t pull the blanket over, so he turned over and burrowed into the blanket himself, falling into a deep sleep.

The next morning, a ray of golden sunlight pierced through the gap in the curtains, falling onto the bed.

“Ring, ring, ring—”

The alarm clock on the bedside table rang.

Gu Muxi, holding onto something, felt warm and comfortable all over, reluctant to wake up.

The alarm continued to ring, she wanted to sleep more, nudging her head, trying to reach out to turn off the alarm.

But her hand touched something that felt like hair, a human head.


“Stop it… I want to sleep some more…”

Yi Feng’s murmuring voice sounded in her ear.

This voice instantly scared away her sleepiness, making her completely awake.

She had a bad feeling, slowly opened her eyes, first seeing a neck and chin.

She was shocked, her expression astonished, she slowly lifted her head, and a familiar face came into view.

It was Yi Feng’s face!

Hmm? What’s happening?!

Why is Yi Feng sleeping next to me?

Where is this? Where am I?

She was completely baffled, still unclear about what had happened.

The alarm kept ringing, also waking Yi Feng up.

Yi Feng opened his eyes, regaining sensation, smelling a familiar fragrance entering his nose.

Hmm? So fragrant, such a familiar scent.

He slowly lowered his head, also seeing Gu Muxi.

In that instant, their eyes met, both were stunned!

“Yi Feng!”

“Gu Muxi!”

They exclaimed in unison, then simultaneously lifted the blanket, looking down.

Gu Muxi’s white arm was wrapped around him, her long legs also tightly entwined around Yi Feng, like an octopus…

But thankfully, aside from Yi Feng being shirtless, their pants and clothes were still intact…

“Damn it!”

Gu Muxi’s cheeks flushed, she withdrew her limbs from Yi Feng, then kicked Yi Feng off the bed as a reflex.

“Ouch! Damn!”

Yi Feng fell under the bed, crying out in pain.

That kick completely exposed his sleepwear.

He held his waist, struggling to get up again.

“Damn, Gu Muxi, why are you sleeping on my bed?!” Yi Feng asked loudly, feeling wronged.

“Hmph, your bed? Take a good look, whose bed is this?” Gu Muxi said through clenched teeth.


Yi Feng was stunned, then looked around, pink walls, pink bed, large desk…

He was completely baffled.

Damn! How did I end up in Gu Muxi’s room?!

Could it be I sleepwalked here last night?

Ah! My head hurts!

Yi Feng rubbed his temples, feeling the aftereffects of a hangover.

“Stinky Yi Feng, how did you get in here last night? Damn it!” Gu Muxi, her cheeks as red as apples, demanded.

Thinking of herself hugging Yi Feng all night, her cheeks burned, her heart raced.

Although they had slept together many times as children, they seldom slept together after middle school, and never shared a bed again after high school.

“Cough, cough, Gu Muxi, listen to my excuses, oh no, listen to my explanation, there must be some misunderstanding, there must be a reasonable explanation!” Yi Feng awkwardly smiled.

Gu Muxi crossed her arms, waiting for his explanation.

“Maybe… I was drunk last night, sleepwalked, I vaguely remember as if I went back to my own room…” Yi Feng laughed dryly.

“Hmph, you still remember you were drunk last night?” Gu Muxi glared at him.

“Last night you were dead drunk, making me take care of you all night!”

She suddenly realized “take care of” might not be the right word, quickly corrected, “Looked after, looked after you all night!”

“You owe me a big favor this time!”

Yi Feng recalled, he had been drinking with Zhao Fatty and Huang He, then returned to the community with Wang Tie.

But he couldn’t quite remember what happened afterward.

“Yes, yes, consider it a big favor I owe you.”

Owing Gu Muxi a favor, really wasn’t a big deal, he was even willing.

“Do you remember, you stank so bad last night it was almost unbearable!” Gu Muxi glared at him.

“Uh… I don’t quite remember, Gu Muxi, I, I didn’t do anything stupid last night, did I?” Yi Feng asked uncertainly.

Gu Muxi recalled the moment she was kissed by him last night, her heart pounding.

“Cough cough, no, nothing, didn’t do anything, it’s fine if you don’t remember.” Gu Muxi hesitated.

“Hmm?” Yi Feng scratched his head, unsure why she looked that way.

Suddenly, footsteps approached from outside.

“Xixi, Yi Feng didn’t come back last night, do you know where he went?” Meng Xiaoyun’s voice came from outside.

Meng Xiaoyun’s voice made both of them break out in a cold sweat!

“My mom!”

“Don’t say I’m here!” Yi Feng whispered urgently.

Suddenly, Yi Feng felt a thrill of sneaking around…

Meng Xiaoyun approached, about to open the door, Gu Muxi quickly locked the door, hurriedly said, “Ah, Auntie, I’m changing clothes!”

“Yi Feng said he’s staying at Wang Tie’s house for the night, I’ll go pick him up later, then go to school together, don’t worry!”

Hearing this, Meng Xiaoyun’s hanging heart was relieved.

“This child, staying at Wang Tie’s house and not coming back to inform, really.”

Meng Xiaoyun complained, then said, “Xixi, I’m going out to set up the stall, I’ve already cooked porridge, you take two boxes later, also bring one for Yi Feng.”

“Uh, okay! Auntie, I know!” Gu Muxi hurriedly nodded.

“Then I’m leaving.”

Meng Xiaoyun’s footsteps gradually faded away.

Gu Muxi and Yi Feng both let out a sigh of relief, then looked at each other.


Both couldn’t help but laugh, laughing at each other’s embarrassment.

“Gu Muxi, we slept in the same bed last night, you have to take responsibility for me!”

“Take responsibility for your big head, do you believe I’ll smash your dog head? We’ve slept together so many times since we were kids, why haven’t you taken responsibility for me?”

“Alright, I’ll take responsibility!”

“Yi Feng, scram quickly, or I’ll roll you up and throw you out like a bowling ball.”

“Understood, received!”

Yi Feng, seeing Gu Muxi didn’t seem upset, was somewhat relieved.

She probably felt they were too familiar, thinking sleeping together wouldn’t lead to anything…

Sigh, drank too much last night, missed a great opportunity!

Yi Feng shook his head regretfully, opened the door, and left.

Gu Muxi closed and locked the door again, leaning against it, her heart still pounding.

Stinky Yi Feng, actually climbed into my bed to sleep!


Really, truly shameless~

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