Reborn in 2000: Reuniting with the School Belle

Chapter 60

Chapter 60

In the room, Gu Muxi scratched her head in confusion.

“What was with mom’s look just now? Why was it so weird?”

Yi Feng secretly chuckled, guessing Auntie must have misunderstood something.

“Hey, maybe she was surprised to see you willing to give me a massage.”

“Let’s continue!”

Yi Feng lifted his waist, finding a more comfortable position.

Gu Muxi suddenly realized his waist seemed to have no problem at all…

Was this stinky Yi Feng deceiving me?

“Gu Muxi, stop dazing, let’s continue!” Yi Feng said with a playful smile.

Seeing his expression, Gu Muxi almost guessed what was happening.

Alright, stinky Yi Feng, deliberately making me serve you!

You want a massage, right? Then I’ll give you a good one!

A sly look flashed in Gu Muxi’s beautiful eyes.

“Hehe, alright, let’s continue.”

“Then lie down properly, I’ll give you a Thai massage!”

Gu Muxi grabbed the soft flesh around his waist and pulled it inward.


Yi Feng cried out in pain, his face changing color.

Then Gu Muxi bent his legs upwards, almost folding him in half.

“Damn! That hurts!”

“Gu, Gu Muxi, what are you trying to do?!”

Gu Muxi huffed, “I’m using Thai techniques to massage you, just bear with it.”

“No, no, no!”


After being “tortured” by Gu Muxi for about fifteen minutes, Yi Feng found an excuse about needing to urinate to finally escape, sprinting back to his room.


“That girl has some real strength in her hands!”

Yi Feng lay on the bed, gasping in pain, thankful she hadn’t disassembled his entire body.

“Yi Feng, didn’t you say you were going to the toilet? Why did you run away?”

Gu Muxi’s bell-like laughter came from outside the window.

Yi Feng got up, went to open the window, and saw Gu Muxi leaning on the windowsill, her face full of proud color.

“Cough cough, it’s too late today, and tomorrow is the exam, let’s not massage anymore!” Yi Feng said with a dry laugh.

“Aw, but I haven’t finished showing off my Thai massage skills yet, how can we just stop like this?”

“Gu Muxi, some other time, okay? Some other time!”

“Alright then, Yi Feng, you’re welcome to come over again~”

After saying this, Gu Muxi gave him a “flirtatious” glance, then closed the window.

Yi Feng felt goosebumps all over his body.

Let you massage again, do you think I don’t want to live anymore, huh?

Definitely no next time!

The night passed without incident, and the next morning, Yi Feng was woken up as usual by the knocking on his window.

“Yi Feng, time to get up!”

Yi Feng opened his eyes, rubbed his sleepy eyes.

Ever since Gu Muxi started waking him up every day, he had thrown away his alarm clock.

Why not enjoy a unique wakeup service from the school beauty?

“Got it.” Yi Feng responded and got up to open the window.

Gu Muxi was as usual at the window, tying her ponytail, her beautiful face radiating youthful vitality.

“Morning, Gu Muxi.”

“Morning, stinky Yi Feng.”

They greeted each other.

Gu Muxi finished tying her hair, “Today is the first day of the college entrance exam, my mom made a rich breakfast, come over and eat.”

“After eating, we’ll go to school.”

Today’s Gu Muxi was especially serious, not joking around with Yi Feng as usual.

Yi Feng could tell, she was feeling pressured.

The arrival of the college entrance exam inevitably made most students a bit nervous and pressured.

However, Yi Feng, not his first time taking the college entrance exam and quite confident, was not nervous at all.

“Okay, I’ll come over after I wash up.” Yi Feng smiled.

Closing the window, Yi Feng hurried out to wash up, took a few minutes to get ready, changed into new clothes, grabbed his backpack, and then knocked on Gu Muxi’s door.

The door opened, and Gu Muxi was still wearing her usual loose school uniform.

Although she looked youthful and pretty in her uniform, it completely concealed her perfect figure.

If she wore a JK uniform…

That would be a knockout!

Yi Feng’s heart stirred, somewhat looking forward to seeing Gu Muxi in a JK uniform…

“What are you dazing for, come in.” Gu Muxi saw him grinning foolishly, drooling, and even grinning so lewdly, she rolled her eyes at him.

“Hehe, okay! What rich breakfast did Auntie make today?”

“Seafood porridge, scallion fried eggs, and deep-fried dough sticks!”

“Wow, so rich, I’m drooling!”

“My mom specially went to the seafood market early in the morning to buy shrimp and crab for the porridge, she really went through a lot of trouble!”

They sat down at the dining table and started to feast.

“Take your time, there’s enough time.” Li Wan came out of the kitchen, smiling.

“Auntie, your cooking is so good, this breakfast is delicious!” Yi Feng praised heartily.

“Eat more if it’s good, there’s plenty more.” Li Wan said happily.

“Doo doo doo——”

Suddenly, the landline phone rang.

Li Wan went to answer it, then called out, “Little Feng, it’s your dad.”


Yi Feng put down his chopsticks and quickly went over to take the phone.

“Hello, Dad, what’s up?”

“Son, today’s the first day of the college entrance exam, you have to do your best!”

“Do well, but don’t be too stressed, as long as you’ve done your best, no matter the score, it won’t be regrettable.”

On the phone, his father, Yi Jianbing, earnestly advised.

Yi Feng knew the college entrance exam was probably the biggest expectation his parents had.

A good score would justify the three years of high school.

Attending a good university would offer a chance for a brighter future.

“Okay, Dad, I know, don’t worry, I’ll do my best.” Yi Feng nodded earnestly in response.

“That’s good.”

Father and son talked a bit about his mother’s surgery.

After yesterday’s consultation, the doctors decided to operate on Meng Xiaoyun the day after tomorrow. That day was also right after the college entrance exam.

After a while, Yi Jianbing hung up the phone, not wanting to worry Yi Feng too much and affect his performance in the exam.

Yi Feng returned to the dining table, finishing the remaining porridge.

“I’m full, Gu Muxi, let’s head out!”


The two went to school together, collected their admission tickets in the classroom, and prepared exam tools like pens, erasers, and rulers.

“Brother Feng, which exam site are you going to?” Wang Tie leaned over, curious.

“Tianhe School exam site, you?”

“Great, me too! Haha! This way we’ll have company!” Wang Tie was delighted.

“Then let’s go together later.” Yi Feng nodded, then looked towards Gu Muxi sitting in front of him.

“Gu Muxi, which exam site are you at?”

Gu Muxi seemed a bit distracted, not hearing Yi Feng’s voice.

Yi Feng reached out to pull on her blouse strap, “Gu Muxi?”

Gu Muxi then snapped back to reality, glaring at Yi Feng, “What!”

“Why are you so distracted?” Yi Feng asked curiously.

“I, I’m a bit nervous.” Gu Muxi admitted with a wry smile.

She had felt her parents’ expectations early on, hoping she would score well.

But the greater the expectations, the greater the pressure, to the point where she was somewhat absent-minded today.

“Give me your hand.” Yi Feng smiled and extended his right hand.

Gu Muxi hesitated but placed her hand in his.

Yi Feng held her hand, saying, “You gave me luck last time, today I give you confidence.”

“Gu Muxi, you’re the best.”

Gu Muxi’s heart skipped a beat, then she chuckled.

“Of course, I’ll definitely get into a first-tier university!”

She immediately regained her usual confident and spirited smile.

“Thank you, Yi Feng.” Gu Muxi sincerely thanked him, feeling less nervous now.

“Hehe, no need to thank me, who are we if not each other?”

“Then… can you let go of my hand?”

“Ah, I forgot.”

“Hmph, don’t pretend, stinky Yi Feng, you did it on purpose!”

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