Reborn in 2000: Reuniting with the School Belle

Chapter 73

Chapter 73

“Then I’ll take Boss Ning’s auspicious words!” Yi Feng laughed.

The two clinked glasses and drank up.

Yi Feng’s eyes flickered, and after a moment of contemplation, he said, “Boss Ning, you mentioned last time you were planning to renovate your store. I’ve already prepared the design plans for you. I’ll have Wang Tie send them over later.”

Ning Feipeng was delighted and thanked him, “That’s really kind of you, little brother!”

“Ever since I saw your store, I’ve been thinking about doing the same for mine, to have a store with style!”

“No need to mention it, it’s just a small matter,” Yi Feng chuckled.

Ning Feipeng was willing to help introduce him, so he was happy to return the favor with the store design.

Reciprocal favors deepen relationships.

After the meal, Ning Feipeng and Yi Feng set a rough time for the next day or two. Ning Feipeng would finalize the specific time with Feng Ze and then call him.

Yi Feng knew Ning Feipeng was efficient in his work. Since he had agreed to help, he would act quickly.

After the meal, Yi Feng saw Ning Feipeng back to his store, then returned to his own shop with Wang Tie.

At the shop’s entrance, Yi Feng slumped in a chair, slightly drunk.

“Brother Feng, how are you feeling? Any better?” Wang Tie handed him a juice drink, concerned.

Yi Feng managed a bitter smile, “I’m okay, just not used to it, feeling a bit dizzy.”

Seeing him drunk, Wang Tie was a bit worried, “Brother Feng, you and Boss Ning drank a whole liter of liquor each!”

“I think you better not go back tonight. Just rest here in the shop.”

He wished he could have drunk for Yi Feng, but it would have been impolite for him between Ning Boss and Yi Feng.

“No need, I’ll be fine after a while,” Yi Feng waved his hand, continuing to sit and watch the afternoon sun.

“Wang Tie, in business negotiations, you can never avoid the liquor table.”

“Of course, except for the top circle of businessmen, they don’t need to frequently engage in drinking for business.”

“What we aim to be is among those people. At that level, you don’t have to damage your health with drinking.”

“Before reaching that level, it’s unavoidable to face drinking sessions.”

Yi Feng spoke distantly, as if envisioning himself once at the pinnacle of business.

Wang Tie, thoughtful, nodded, “Is that your goal, Brother Feng?”

Yi Feng turned to him, smiling, “Shouldn’t it be your goal too?”

Wang Tie was struck by a sudden realization.

He pondered for a moment, then nodded firmly, “Brother Feng, I understand now!”

Yi Feng smiled, “Comrades, comrades, the same aspirations, the same path.”

“Only with aligned goals can we go further.”

Wang Tie laughed sheepishly, scratching his head, “Hey, I just hope to be of some help to Brother Feng, not to hold you back.”

“Brother Feng, I’ve witnessed your growth these days. I believe your achievements will be extraordinary,” Yi Feng said with a smile.

Wang Tie, feeling validated by Yi Feng, was pumped up, “Brother Feng, I’ll work even harder!”

Yi Feng, holding his forehead, felt dizzy from the liter of liquor.

“I’m going to rest on the sofa.”

Yi Feng stood up and laid down on the sofa in the customer resting area of the shop.

As sleep and alcohol overtook him, he dozed off.

He wasn’t sure how long he slept when he suddenly heard Gu Muxi’s voice.

“Stinky Yi Feng, how long do you plan to sleep?”

“Really, sleeping like a pig.”

“If you don’t wake up, I’m leaving, huh!”

Yi Feng was startled. Was this a dream?

He slowly opened his eyes, and everything gradually came into focus.

A beautiful, delicate face appeared before him.

With a melon-seed face, willow-leaf eyebrows, skin like cream, a dainty nose, and cherry lips, a pair of watery eyes stared at him, lively and spirited.

She radiated a youthful, tender aura, her natural beauty unadorned.

Yi Feng was momentarily stunned.

“Gu Muxi?”

Wasn’t I sleeping in the shop?

How is she here?

Gu Muxi puffed her cheeks, glaring at him, “Finally decided to wake up?”

Yi Feng gave an awkward laugh, quickly sitting up, looking around. It was already dark outside, and only Gu Muxi and he were in the shop.

“How long have I slept? How did you get here?”

Gu Muxi replied irritably, “You’ve been asleep for over four hours. It’s already dark.”

“Wang Tie had to go back to cook. He was worried about you and called me to take care of you.”

“Yi Feng, quite capable, getting so drunk in broad daylight!”

“If Auntie hadn’t asked me to look after you, I wouldn’t bother with you.”

Yi Feng chuckled, “Is that so? Thanks a lot, Miss Gu. I have nothing to repay you with, how about I offer myself to you?”

Gu Muxi glared at him, outraged, “Stinky Feng, how can you be like this, thinking of repaying kindness with ingratitude?”

Yi Feng: “(;?_?)……”

“Cough, Gu Muxi, is it necessary? After all, I’m also considered handsome and charming, right?”

Gu Muxi sized him up and down, “Neither of those adjectives fit you in the slightest.”

“Get up and go home!”

“Reeking of smoke and alcohol, just finished high school exams and already so indulgent?”

Though Gu Muxi spoke like this, she still handed him a bottle of milk.

“Drink this to sober up, don’t hurt your stomach.”

Yi Feng accepted the milk with a grin.

Sometimes Gu Muxi was tough on the outside but soft on the inside; she must care about me, right?

After gulping down a big swig of milk, Yi Feng asked, “Miss Gu, will you take me home?”

“If I don’t, you might end up in a ditch riding your bike,” Gu Muxi rolled her eyes at him.

This stinky Feng, really a handful!

But… he really did go all out, Wang Tie said it was to secure help for a smooth opening.

Stinky Yi Feng, all about work, totally reckless, drinking so much without worrying about his health?

Well, well, who asked me to deal with such a fool.

I’ll just generously look after you for a bit.

Gu Muxi thought to herself, but seeing Yi Feng rubbing his temples, frowning in discomfort, she asked concernedly, “Yi Feng, are you okay?”

“It’s nothing, just a headache from the hangover. It’ll pass,” Yi Feng forced a smile.

Gu Muxi had seen her father drunk before. If the headache started, it was torture.

She remembered her mother would press her father’s head to relieve the headache.

“Alright, let me help you rub it,” Gu Muxi sat next to Yi Feng, gently massaging his head.

To Yi Feng’s surprise, Gu Muxi’s touch was soothing, making his headache less severe.

“If you could be a bit gentler, you almost rubbed my skin off.”

“Is this pressure okay?”

“Yes, now it’s good. A bit faster.”

“So demanding! Is this speed okay?”

“This speed is fine, quite comfortable.”


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