Reborn in a daimyo’s court-Naruto SI

Chapter 2-A wallowing Princess!

KATSUGAWA MIYUKI-The Princess of Land of Fire

Katsugawa Miyuki cared for little in this world. The last two years had taken everything from her, her mother, and her brothers. Everything.

The loss of her mother had hit her hard, her gentle heart unable to sustain the loss of her sons. She had lost her life to the thousands of those plotting against her, leaving her all alone now. However, the fact that she still lived was a miracle, a miracle that was running out of time.

Yet as her body withered away, she prayed. She prayed for this miracle to last just a bit longer. Prayed for a little more time so that she could fulfill the one purpose that kept her going despite the growing shadow of death that now hung over her.

Her father remained oblivious to the fact that her mother's death had been anything but simple. Rather, it had been the result of a sinister plot by her father's many concubines, all of them trying to curry favor and gain influence so they could sit their own sons on the throne.

Or he knew yet remained powerless to do anything. Or worse, unwilling!

The news of her brother's death had broken her down. A tragedy, two Princes killed in one fell swoop by rogue ninja. A farce! They had been killed, murdered by those who sought to replace them!

And then they had come after her mother. And herself!

She had survived through that. Her survival was nothing but a miracle, one which threatened to run out at any given moment. Sometimes, she wished that she had died as well that day. Yet her body lingered on, and so she dedicated herself to the one last purpose.

Revenge. It was perhaps all that kept her going now.

Miyuki was never the smartest, yet even she could tell that he would not make a move against them. And so, it fell to her to avenge her brothers, and avenge them she would. She maybe weak, but she was still a princess, a young one born to the daimyo himself, blessed with her mother's beauty, raised to be a perfect bride.

All she needed was the person who would exact her revenge, and for that, she would give herself to them, along with the key to her father's throne. She didn't care what became of her, whether she would be loved or cherished. All she wished was to see the murders of her mother and brothers dead.

And so she found herself sitting across the man who could help her achieve this. She was dressed in a red and white kimono as she sat there observing her husband-to-be.

He was young, younger than even her. He was jito, he had become one about three years ago, replacing his father who had been her father's aide once. And then had gone to transform his lands, much to the envy of several other nobles.

She had rumored about the boy, for there were many. Some called him the heaven-blessed child; others referred to him as a foreign spy. Some spoke of his virtue, while others told of debauchery, believing him to have many lovers.

Though she didn't know what to believe, she could understand the reasoning behind them now.


The same thing which had gotten her brother and mother killed. Akihito Shirahoshi was truly blessed with a beautiful face, sharp eyes, and chiseled jaw, and dressed in a red and black kimono, he looked regal, much like her own father. His own face gave little indication to what went behind those dark irises as he elegantly drank his time.

"You summoned me here Miyuki-hime, but I believe it was simply for tea?" he said with smile, and his voice was soft, each word said slowly and deliberately.

"Indeed, Akihito-sama, I wished to see the man my father had chosen for me. I seek forgiveness if this one has disturbed you, my lord," she apologized with a small bow, and the man was quick to intervene.

"No, not at all. Miyuki-hime. I was honored by your summon, you do not need to apologize," he said and she straightened up. He didn't seem as the rumors described him, he seemed cordial enough.

Or he could just be pretending. After all, there were many people in the castle who were rather good at pretending after all.

So, in the end, she decided to lay all the cards on the table.

"Akihito-sama must have heard about this one's brothers," she began with a slow tone and saw him still momentarily as he lowered his cup.

"Indeed, and this one grieves on their death as well. Young Kazuhiko and Inari-san were gentle souls," he answered, and she nodded.

"Then this one shall like to speak plainly," she said, and the young jito raised a brow, easing his posture.

"You may speak as you wish, Miyuki-hime," he said as he gazed at her with a quizzical expression.

She straightened up as she spoke up, losing the overly formal tone.

"Thank you, Akihito-sama," she said before she began.

"I know that this marriage has been forced on you, and so I promise that I shall perform my duties as your wife dutifully, as long as my lord wishes. You may take concubines as you wish as well, but I request that you avenge me and my family and bring justice upon those who have wronged them," she said as she bowed to him.

The room was quiet for a moment until she heard a rather foreign sound.


She didn't recognize the word, yet it sounded foreign. Then he finally addressed her.

"Please, don't embarrass me, Miyuki-hime, and sit up," he said rather forcefully, and her heart gave out as she straightened up. Was he rejecting? Was this all for naught? Had she made the wrong choice?

As dread and shame bubbled in her heart, the young jito looked at her with a piercing gaze.

"Miyuki-hime, may I ask if this is the only reason you are marrying me?" he suddenly questioned, and the room stilled. She could feel her heartbeat quicken as she felt his demeanor change.

Should she lie? No, she had begun telling the truth. There was no hiding from it.

So, she looked down in embarrassment and chewed her lips as she answered.

"Yes," she answered, and she could feel him sigh. Seconds passed in silence as neither of them spoke anything.

And then the man simply stood up and began to walk away, and with each step, her heart gave out, as tears welled up in her eyes.

She had failed. Forgive her mother, for she had failed.

"I shall avenge your brothers regardless of your choice to marry me, Miyuki-him," his voice suddenly cut in, and it took a second for the implication behind those words to register. She looked and found the man standing by the door.

"I won't have you trade away your pride for your revenge. You shall be my wife and the only woman who shares my life, yet only if you wish it were," the young man said, and as she glanced at him, she finally realized that though younger than her, his shoulders were broader, and he was much larger than her.

His gaze was piercing as he stared into her eyes, and she realized just what he was saying. He was offering to exact revenge without taking anything. Without demanding anything from her, refusing to even take concubines, a rarity for the men of their age.

She would have thought him to be lying if it wasn't for his gaze. It was powerful, too powerful, and seemed unwavering.

"If in your heart you have no desire to marry me, then tell of your decision by the full moon in two day's time, and I shall recluse myself of this match, in a way that would leave your honor intact," he finished as he slid open the door and walked out, leaving her at a loss for words.

And so, as a literal flood of emotions, emotions that she had buried deep down, flooded her, Miyuki could do little except curl up and cry. Cry and weep as she felt herself breather easily since her brothers' demise.


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Have ramen while reading! 😊

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