Reborn in a daimyo’s court-Naruto SI

Chapter 53-The Dreaded Sirens!

Chapter 53


Darui knelt infront of the Third Raikage as he gave the leader of their village his report, a report about some crucial intel he had received through quite an obscure source.

The Raikage-sama was quiet after he received the report, as he rubbed his chin.

"Are you sure the intelligence is credible?" the man questioned.

"I tried to be as thorough as I could be, everything held up to scrutiny," Darui reported.

"Cee, what of the man who provided the intelligence? Were you able to confirm his origins?" the lord turned to his companion, who knelt beside him.

"I cannot be sure, my lord, but his chakra signature quite reminded me of an Iwa nin," Cee added, and he could see Ay-sama frown.

"I do not like it. It all seems a bit too fishy, all this could be a trap from Konoha" Ay-sama added and that was indeed a possibility specially after what had become

"It could be that indeed, but what if it is not," added Samui-sama representing their daimyo-sama.

"Our daimyo-sama has managed to form an alliance between us and Iwa, yet despite that, if Kiri joins the Konoha-Suna alliance, the power balance will tilt heavily in Konoha's favor, and that is without their recent venture in Ame," Samui-san added.

And this was the whole crux of the matter. Konoha had become too strong. The Third War had culled their power quite a bit, yet the behemoth that was Konoha had managed to turn the tides at the last moment with that damned Yellow Flash demolishing an entire Iwa platoon singlehandedly.

Now, peace had been achieved for quite some time. The skirmishes had ended about a year ago, and even in peace, Konoha seemed to be progressing ahead, forming an alliance with Kiri and supporting the elevation of Ame to a full-fledged province associated with a Hidden Village.

"If this intelligence is correct, then this shall be a major opportunity to strike at Konoha and cripple their strength," Samui-san added, and Ay-san hummed as he closed his eyes.

According to the intel, the two daimyos are being escorted by their respective Kages and so forth, which means he will be there as well.

And there was no need to elaborate on who 'he' was.

"Lord Tsuchikage bears him a heavy grudge he will wish to strike at him. And the only person who could face him on even footing would be either myself or Ohnoki. I doubt anyone else would even stand a chance against that yellow devil," the Raikage-sama added.

"So, you mean that if we are to attack them, then we must do so with you and Tsuchikage both involved," Samui-san questioned, and Ay-sama nodded.

"If this folly is to prove its worth, then that is what must be done. But do make it clear to the daimyo Samui that if we are to do this there will be no half measures like the last time. If we do this, then we will plunge the continent into another Great War," Ay-sama warned, and Samui-sama nodded.

"I will convey your words to the daimyo-sama, but I believe it is prudent that we begin preparations for the attack in the meantime," she advised and Ay-sama nodded.

"Darui, Cee make the preaprations. But keep it discreet."

"As you say, Raikage-sama."



Minato sat in his office, reading the latest report from their intelligence division. He had a very impassive face as Shikaku Nara sat in front of him. The jounin commander, who would usually have a lazy behavior, sat straight as well, showing his own concern over the matter placed infront of them.

"This is concerning," he commented as he closed the file.

"It is. We have just begun recuperating from the disaster of the Third Great War, and now this. Another useless war," Shikaku said, frustrated, his tone eking out as he shook his head. Minato agreed with their new jounin commander.

"I had hoped that we would have learned our lesson, that the losses of the Third Great Ninja War would have made everyone reconsider their choices, yet it seems I was wrong," he spoke, frustrated himself.

"The daimyo-sama received a similar report earlier and has issued edicts to reinitiate wartime measures," Shikaku added, seeing Minato stiffen momentarily at the mention of the daimyo.

"So quickly," Minato questioned, and Shikaku nodded.

"Yes. Grain is already being hoarded, a strategic reserve is being built up, and supply lines are being cleared up. Smitheries in the country are now running day and night to produce weapons. Though he did mention that Konoha must strive and expend every effort to maintain peace until all such efforts prove fruitless," Shikaku added, and Minato nodded.

This was a prudent measure, yet he couldn't help but feel apprehensive. Given what he knew of their daimyo, did he already suspect that a war would happen? Yet still, the measures enacted by him were timely and adequate and would ensure that Konoha would not be caught off guard.

"That is prudent. Enact similar wartime protocols in the village as well. Call back Shinobi on far-away missions and secure our borders. If Iwa and Kumo are to attack, they shall do so before we reach an accord with Kiri. Since I will be with the Daimyo-sama, I want you to oversee all such matters yourself during my absence," Minato commanded.

"I will see it done," Shikau replied, yet he did not miss how his Jounin commander seemed hesitant for a second.

"What do you wish to say, Shikaku?" he asked and saw the man tsk before he spoke up once more.

"Don't you think that it would be prudent to abandon this parlay with Kiri? Controversial, it may be, but if making peace with Kiri and Water country thrusts us all into another war, then what good is that alliance?" Shikaku questioned.

And the same thought had run through his mind. And such a dichotomy it was that an effort at making peace was thrusting them into a war.

"We are doing nothing wrong," he replied, Shikaku's lips thinning.

"We are not, but are we doing something essential?" he questioned.

"I guess the definition of that would differ from person to person," he replied. He saw the jounin commander nod as he sighed.

"I will do as you say," he added, and Minato nodded as he stood up from his chair and reached for his cloak and hat, and then, before vanishing, he took out one of his special kunai and handed it to Shikaku.

"Keep that with you and push chakra into the seal if an emergency arises," he mentioned. He already had markers at a few other places in the village, yet he felt it prudent to leave one with Shikaku Nara as well.

And then, with a final nod, he pulled on the cloak and reached for his chakra as he pulled on the hat, and then he felt the world shift, and then in the blink of an eye, he was out of his office and infront of a massive and ornate castle.

His sudden appearance startled a few of the guards, who stepped back.

He turned back and saw the full retinue of the daimyo-sama ready to depart. His eyes met with the young Lord Akihito as they gave each other a subtle nod.

"Let us depart."


Back in Konoha, a pregnant Kushina found herself being hosted by her other pregnant friend, the Lady Mikoto Uchiha, the matriarch of the Uchiha clan.

Both of them had been friends from their time at the academy, and though chances for both of them to sit down and talk for hours had become scarce over the years as each was beset by their own slew of responsibilities, the friendship remained strong to this day.

And so, with the Uzumaki redhead set to welcome her own child, she turned to her friend for advice, hoping to learn from her experience with her first child. Yet she was not alone in her visit.

"I cannot believe that we are being forced to reengage the war time protocols," the Uchiha matriarch recommended, and it was a shame indeed.

"Indeed, it is such a shame," Kushina agreed as she sat besides her.

"But it was necessary. With Kumo not backing down and their recent activities being what they are, we cannot afford a misstep," Kushina defended the decision despite how much she loathed it.

"Ahh, here he is," the Uchiha matriarch added as the door was slid open, and a child walked into the room. His face resembled Fugaku quite a bit.

"Come in, Itachi-kun," beckoned the Uchiha matriarch as the young child stepped into the room and gave their guest a small bow.

"It is good to see you, Uzumaki-san. Mother has mentioned you quite fondly," he greeted perfectly and Kushina gushed out the manners of the child.

"I have heard much about you as well, Itachi-kun," she said as she smiled.

"Itachi, Kushina-san has brought a relative of her and had hoped that you would be willing to become friends with h...."

And as she was saying that she halted as she turned her head, slowly as loud sirens began to ring all over Konoha. Both Kushina and Mikoto gasped, in worry at the sound as they heard those all too familiar sounds, and the Uchiha matriarch instinctively reached for her son, and held him in his ear.

"How could this happen?" she gasped as a confused Uzumaki Karin came back to Kushina Uzumaki.

"What are those sounds Kushina-nee?"

But the Uzumaki was too awestruck to answer, and it was Uchiha matriarch who answered.

"My dear, those sirens mean that Konoha is at war once more."


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