Reborn in a daimyo’s court-Naruto SI

Chapter 58-Tsunade’s Gamble!

Chapter 58


Ohnoki watched his technique rip through the very air, leaving in its wake a path of absolute destruction.

The one attack from Hiruzen's student had been a surprise, he had expected little from her, despite her name and heritage, for she was famous as medical ninjutsu specialist, and he had not expected such strength from her.

"Huhh. Huhh," he huffed as a dust cloud covered the area, and watched carefully for any hint of movement, yet as the dust cleared his eyes widened, as he found himself staring at the victim of his technique.

A blonde, yet not the one he had been facing this entire time. No, what he saw was half the remaining body of the Kumo's jinchuriki, the one who was to attack alongside them.

"It couldn't be," he gasped, and his fears were proven correct as a person blurred and appeared right behind the Kumo nin's falling body, and a sealing formula erupted all over it, containing the massive bijuuu chakra that was beginning to come off of it.

"You!" he snarled as he straightened up and watched the man who had destroyed Iwa standing there, infront of him.

The Kumo jinchuriki's body vanished into a puff of smoke as Minato Namikaze, leaf's infamous Yellow Flash, looked him in the eye.

"You have some nerve showing your face to me!" he snarled as his feet lifted off the ground, and the young Hokage looked at him.

"Do not worry. You will not have to see it for long," he said as he took out his kunai and narrowed his eyes at him.

"You have made a mistake today, Tsuchikage. Konoha offered you all generous terms at the end of the war. We showed mercy when we did not have to. But this, this goes too far," the Hokage said solemnly as his chakra roared.

"You have plunged us into another war, and this time, there will be no mercy," he said, and he grit his teeth.

"You think that just because you are a little bit quick, you can spout nonsense," he snarled as he roused up his own chakra, bringing together his hands.

He saw the man cycle through a set of handseals as well.

"I had thought better of a shinobi such as yourself. Yet you have only disappointed me. But this will go on no longer," and with that, he leaned down.

"Doton: Fighting Blade Rod," and at those words, a literal ragged mountain erupted from the ground, reaching far into the skies, blocking his vision of the yellow flash, and so he pushed forth his chakra rather quickly.

"Particle Style: Atomic Dismantling jutsu," and his technique ripped through the mountain making nothing of it, leaving behind only a dust cloud, when suddenly he saw a figure blur past his right, and he felt a shiver run down his spine.

"I told you, didn't I," and he ended his technique as he saw him racing towards him, a blue orb of chakra glowing in his hand and he tried to move away, yet the yellow flash was faster and appeared right behind him.

"Ninpo:...." and just as Ohnoki braced his chakra and formed a thick cover of Eart to protect himself from the technique, he felt the air ripple with electricity, and in the blink of an eye, the Fourth Raikage appeared above him

"Raiton: Killer Guillotine!" he shouted as he brought down his heel at the young Hokage's face, and so without any movement or hand sign, the young blonde vanished once more as the Raikage went barrelling into the Earthen Mountain.


The Whole mountain collapsed from the sheer force of the attack, which had missed him by an inch, and he landed on the ground.

"Where is sheee!" he heard Riakge shout as cut through teh dust cloud with a swing of his arm.

"Answer me Namikazeeee! Where is Yugitoooo!" and he did not miss the exhaustion and the injuries on the man.

The young Raikage was strong, nearly as strong as his own father, with much faster than his old man, but he was young and had taken upon himself the hardest task.

The young Hokage, and yet somehow he had failed. His cloak was nowhere near as thick as it had been at the beginning of this operation, and his arm lay limp by his side, and the man bled from his abdomen.

He was in a bad situation, not that he himself was much better. His chakra reserves were depleted, and he was injured, and it was only through sheer will that he kept going.

Yet, on the other hand, their opponent was seemingly unbothered. The young Hokae stood there with a poise he had only ever seen in his predecessors, the Sandaime and the Nidaime Hokage.

"I will rip you to pieces!" the Raikage snarled as his chakra roared once more, the last vestiges of his reserves probably as Kumo nin appeared behind him.

"Raikage-sama, you need to be cautious. Let me heal you!" they said.

"GO AWAY! DARUI, CEE. I NEED TO KILL THAT DAMNED BLONDE!" and with that, the ground beneath his feet cracked.

"I had hoped that we could make a better world than our ancestors," the young Hokage began.

"Then you are a fool," he said as he stepped forward.

"We are shinobi, men bred and trained for war. We have only one purpose, and that is to fight. You were naive to think that you could change the world all alone," he said, and the young blonde nodded.

"Yet I never said I wished to do it all alone," he said, and the words cut across him, as teh blonde turned towards the Raikage.

"I had hoped that we could have done that together so that we would have left the world in a much better position than the one we had found it in," he added.

"Yet it was not meant to be. But no matter, if it is war Kumo and Iwa want, then it is a war they will have," and with that, he leaned down as the Raikage rushed through him.

"Earth Style Grand Earthen Prison!" and with that, two giant walls rose up around him, cutting off the Hokage's retreat paths as the Raikage barreled towards him in the blink of an eye.

"You may have caught us by surprise. But that is over. Goodbye, Raikage, Tsuchikage," and with that the blonde vanished.

And He felt the blonde's chakra vanish as an explosion shook the whole ground.

Yet when the dust cleared, what remained was but the unconscious form of the Fourth Raikage.



Tsunade stared at the pale form of the young daimyo and gritted her teeth as she listened to Katsuyu's damaging report about his injuries.

"We have done all we could, but he is not stabilizing. His injuries are simply too severe," the slug said, and she shook her head.

"No! I am letting him die on my watch," she said as she leaned down beside him and began to supplant his chakra, trying to aid his body in the recovery as she waited for Minato.

And then he felt it happen, as she felt the air shift behind her as a sealed body appeared before Minato appeared as well.

"I have her, but she is heavily injured, and the seal I have could break any second," he said as he pointed towards what remained of Kumo's jinchuriki.

Katsuyu had told her about Akihito's situation during the fighting. Tsunade had spent several minutes thinking of a solution, knowing that neither Konoha nor the world could lose Akihito as things were right now.

And yet, to save him, she had no options except one. A Gamble, a massive gamble that she hoped would pay off.

"Tsunade-sama, you do understand that this is very risky. Turning someone into a jinchuriki at that stage in life is always a risk, let alone allotting such a valuable power to a politically sensitive entity. Either way, the ramifications of your actions could be massive," Minato warned.

"I know!" she shouted as Katsuyu brought forward the Kumo jinchuriki's body.

"But Konoha needs him. The world needs him. I cannot let him die, and if there is anyone who can survive this, then it has to be him," she said as she stood up and turned to face him.

"Minato, you must trust me on this," she said, and he nodded.

"Alright," he said after a minute.

"Then teleport back to the village. I know you must be on your last legs as well. Jiraiya is on the way back right now, as soon as he arrives send him here. He will assist me in the sealing process. Until then, I will keep them both alive and make the necessary arrangements," she told him, and he nodded.

"But your own reserves," he asked and she shook her head.

"In here, in the summoning realm, Katsuyu can heal me without using my own chakra. I will be fine. Leave things here for me. You go back to Konoha and lead the village as a Kage should," she ordered, and he acquiesced.

"Good luck, Lady Tsunade."



Katsugawa Miyuki had been plagued by an ominous feeling for hours. The sensation reminded her of times when her own brothers had been assassinated, and this ill feeling made her restless and anxious as she sat there in her room.

Akihito had left for the parlay a few days ago, and the whole castle had lost much of its buzz with his departure as courtly matters slowed down.

In his absence she was to rule the province alongside the Prime Minister, ye...

And then she heard a knock on her door, and her heart sank as she turned towards it.

"Who is it?" she asked.

"My lady, it is Hyakya Sosuke. I bring urgent news," and those words amplified her anxiety as she stood up.

"Come in," she said, and the servants opened the door, and the Prime Minister walked in. His face was marred with worry and anxiety, and she felt her heart race as she asked even before he had given her his respects.

"What happened?" and his gaze lowered at her words.

"I bring grave news, my lady," he began, and she felt her heartbreak.

"The peace summit was attacked by Iwa and Kumo...."

"Noo!" she gasped out and felt her head spin, and only the helping hand of her servant stopped her from falling down.

"The attack was unsuccessful, and both the Kage and the daimyos were able to retreat, but..."

"....Akihito-sama was heavily injured during the ambush."


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