Reborn in a daimyo’s court-Naruto SI

Chapter 62-A War Unlike Any Before!

Chapter 62


Minato Namikaze had little desire for war, yet he had been thrust into one not even a year into his time as the Hokage of the Leaf. The Fourth Great Ninja War, a war that had stakes unlike any other war before it had begun with the attack on the parlay between the water and fire daimyo, had become an all-out war.

Despite its scale and stake, it proved itself to be a shorter war than any before it, and it was all because of their daimyo.

Early into the war, when the whole of Konoha was nervous about entering a new war so quickly after the previous one, direction came from the daimyo about a plan to keep the casualties minimal during this.

Rather than seeking a swift victory, Konoha decided to fight a war of attrition and exhaust their enemy's supplies. Of all teh five main provinces, Konoha was the most fertile and well-endowed, and they were going to leverage that.

The declaration of 'Crimson Sky' had been met with skepticism, for such a thing had not been done in centuries, for all the provinces to align behind one man, proclaiming him Shogun and yet if the reports from the other provinces were accurate, it was seeming more and more likely.

"Is this accurate?" he asked Shikaku, who nodded.

"It is, the situation with the Earth daimyo is rapidly deteriorating. There are open riots over lack of food and famine. And rather than placating them, he ordered his own ninja to slaughter all the protestors," and that was Konoha's true power.

Something that had never been employed by their daimyos for trade between the provinces was a necessity, for each area provided something valuable, and for Earth, that was weapons, steel, and precious stones. Nobles before the current daimyo cared greatly about these things, though Akihito Shirahoshi was not his predecessors.

"He ordered the ninja to slaughter them?" he asked. Involving the ninja in provincial politics was a big taboo, something that was both a said and unsaid rule, especially in internal matters.

"Yes, because according to the reports, even the guards of his own castles joined the riots, for their own families are starving. There is a faction there that supports making peace and holds the current daimyo responsible for the mess they are in," and that was just as their own daimyo had predicted, that soon enough, with enough scarcity of resources, factions against the war will form in the nobility's court.

And given that it had been Iwa and Kumo and their subsequent provinces who had initiated this conflict, the Fire daimyo had declared terms of ending the conflict a mere day after the beginning of the war.

"Crimson Sky," the acceptance of a Shogun.

"What is the situation within Kumo? Are they behind the daimyo or this new faction?" he asked, and given the poverty, there spies and information had been easy to come by.

"It's mixed. There are many grievances among the shinobi forces as well, and they feel as though the daimyo has thrust them into a conflict without much thought. Especially with casualties being what they are and us and the allies fighting as we have been, they are aggravated with their own leadership," and that was the thing that needed to break.

It was now an open secret that the attack on the parlay had been a ploy of the Earth daimyo, and hence, all the blame for the subsequent events now lay with him.

"And what of Kumo?" he asked; that was another side of the war. However, interestingly, their last daimyo died a year ago, and a much younger one took his place.

"While their forces are eager for war. Their daimyo, or more specifically, his council and advisors, are averse to war as well. Their economy has been hit hard, and with no money, they are barely hanging on. They do not have open riots but do understand that if Iwa and Warth fall, Kumo will have to join in as well," and so it all depended on Iwa and Earth kingdom.

"What of our own forces?" he asked.

"The morale is high. Our casualties are only two-tenths higher than peacetime numbers, the new medical corps is showing its usefulness, and with the daimyo's offer providing ample funds despite being in wartime, one could argue that the village is thriving," and it was indeed.

Konoha was not planning sweeping attacks. After the initial onslaught, they had backed off, set up supply lines, and pushed slowly, and one could say that both Kumo and Iwa were now prisoners in their own villages.

Kumo had already lost one of their jinchurikis, and Iwa's two jinchurikis were spent as well, with one of them currently in Ame's custody. There was speculation that the ninja had defected and had gotten captured on purpose.

And he leaned back, ignoring the mountain of work on his desk.

"What do you think of it all?" he asked, and Shikaku sighed.

"When this war began, there was a part of me that wished to say 'I told you so,'" and indeed, Shikaku had voiced concerns over the parlay and its relative need.

"Despite being a shinobi, I understand very well the trade relationships between the provinces and how necessary they are for a functional village and such, and so when the call for 'crimson sky' was made, I thought it a rushed move, but I can easily say that I am thankful that I was wrong," he said bluntly admitting his own mistake.

"In that way, I have to give it to you. You were right to trust the daimyo. This," and that he raised a folder.

"This is not a war. This is an annihilation, and the rest of the villages, kage, and the daimyos can see that. Akihito Shirahoshi has decimated their economy and their morale without taking any drastic steps. He has dismantled them all systemically," and that was the truth.

It was one thing to fight an enemy on battlefield and defeat them, it was another thing to orchestrate the things the way he had. Through manipulation of information, battles, and other such means, he had turned the people of Earth and Lightning against their own establishments, and that included their shinobi as well.

"Honestly, even I would find it hard to battle an enemy like our current daimyo," Shikaku added and that was high praise from the man who was regarded as the genius tactician throughout the continent.

"I do hope that we can play shogi one day."



The world had changed a lot in the last two years; the hegemony of the Five Great Villages had essentially been broken, and now a new nation had taken center stage. A war had begun, one that was set to change the very face of the world.

He had changed much. Neither becoming a jinchuriki nor the Shogun had been his intention, and yet both things had been thrust upon him. Given what he knew of the disaster coming, he had no choice but to accept the burden.

The Tsuchikage's attack had left him nearly dead, and he had thought he would never wake again, yet here he was, alive after two years of constant effort and support. He had survived through the efforts and sacrifices of many people, and now it was his turn to pay them back.

He saw the enemy still as he made his first public appearance after two years. The enemy had more or less used his absence as an excuse to further his own goals.

"Gin," he turned towards his once trusted advisor, who now served as governor of his lands.

"Yes, my lord," the man bowed.

"Tell the men to hold their fire. I will take care of this myself," and after issuing that order, he jumped once more. All the time and effort he had spent showed its effectiveness as he glided through the air and landed infront of the rebellion encampment.

"I recognize those banners, Lord Saegusa, Lord Hattori, Lord Bansho," he spoke, recognizing those banners and watching as three lords heading the rebellion stepped forward. There were others of course but these three were the leaders of the rebellion.

"You are alive then, you peasant," the old Lord Bansho insulted him, and he did not react as he focused his gaze on the old man.

Lord Bansho Chiaki was the leader of the conservative faction. He had been rather perturbed by his ascension and was the son of the daughter of the Earth Daimyo, with whose behest and support he had arranged this coup.

"And you are a traitor, Lord Bansho," he challenged, and the old man smirked.

"We are no traitors. It is you who seeks to disturb the balance that has existed for a hundred years. Your ascension and actions are a disgrace to the tradition and honor of the Land of Fire itself, and it is time that we end it," and at that, he raised his sword, and the men gathered behind him.

"Even now, your hubris shall be your downfall. You, in your arrogance, came down to face us all by yourself, you fool!" he taunted, and Akihito sighed, lamenting what he was about to do already.

For despite the years, his dislike for violence and killing had not lessened, but if he was to unite the provinces and end this cycle of wars and hatred, then he must first clean house.

"To all those gathered here, I offer a final chance at clemency. Run to the forest on the side, and you shall be spared," he offered, using his chakra to enhance his voice so it could reach everyone.

"Stay, and none shall find even your remains!" he finished threateningly, hoping that there would be men smart enough to take his warnings, though alas, very few were.

"You stand here alone against the might of all these men. And yet you think you can win. You are as delusional as they say you are," Lord Bansho taunted as he raised his sword, and the men readied behind him.

"Senf one of your men to the side, Lord Banso," Akihito ordered as he let go of his chakra. The years spent in the Skihhotsu under the tutelage of Tsunade Senju and the Slug Sage had done him much in achieving his full potential, especially now that he had access to the power of a bijuu.

"So that he may tell the tale of your demise to your backers," and with that, he took out his sword and raised it straight up.

"ATTACK!" the man roared, as his face twisted realizing that Akihito knew of the truth behind this campaign, and so the army rushed forth, as a sea of men crashed towards him with their weapons ready to kill him.

Akihito closed his eyes and reached into the depth of his chakra.

"Matatabi, lend me your strength," he whispered, as chakra burst forth.

"As you say," and with that whisper, he felt chakra bubble inside him, and he focused it all into his blade as a literal firestorm erupted, and flame roared into the skies, and he could feel the sword creak in his hands, as the massive chakra was channeled through it.

And then he reared it back, enclosing all that chakra into his blade, and watched as it became charred and black in color, with flames running all over it.

"Ninpo:..." he whispered. He used all his training to control and contain the chakra, and he brought down his blade in a single, slow strike.

"...Kyokyujitsujin." (Blade of the Rising Sun)

And the tip of his blade touched the ground as he let go of his chakra.


And immediately, the ground cracked, a chasm forming and devouring the whole rebellion army, which screamed and raved as they fell to their deaths. The chasm left behind only a crumbling sword, such that as the screams died, only the hilt remained in the hands of Akihito Shirahoshi.


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