Reborn in a daimyo’s court-Naruto SI

Chapter 67-To Slay a Dragon!

Chapter 67


"It's over," she told the Hachibi jinchuriki as she sensed the Raikage's chakra grow static, hence marking the end of his fight with Minato. The fighting had taken a toll on him as well, yet he seemed fine as she loosened her chains and jumped back as the Eight-Tails jinchuriki stood up.

"So, brother lost," he asked, and there was a hint of sadness in his tone.

"He did. He is alive and will be captured, but as per the daimyo's assurances and agreement, he will not be harmed or mistreated as long as Kumo bends the knee," she told him. The two years had come with a set of revelations that she had never imagined, revelations regarding the true nature of the bijuu, their origins, and most importantly their ability to allow instantaneous communication between the jinchuriki and the tailed beast themselves.

For the past two years, Akihito has engaged each and every bijuu and their jinchuriki in backdoor diplomacy, offering them and their villages a way out of the bloody conflict they have been thrust into.

There had been skepticism at first, yet two years of constant back and forth had mellowed down both sides, allowing for open dialogue eventually, which had borne its fruit given that right now, each of the pages of the five great hidden villages was either a jinchuriki or closely associated with one.

"I am counting on you and your leaders to keep their word, Uzumaki." He spoke seriously, and she nodded.

"I know. But that was the offer, we have spared your brother's life and in return you shall put an end to this useless war. Soon enough your own council of reagents shall call for a surrender, accept it and do not cause further bloodshed," she elaborated, and he nodded.

"I shall do what is necessary...."


Then suddenly, she felt herself still as she felt a visceral fear grip her and the bijuu lying inside her as she heard Kurama warn her.

"Watch out."

Hachibi must have done something similar to herself. Killer Bee jumped back as well, and yet there was no attack whatsoever as she tried to sense the cause of the distress.

"There in the trees."

And she followed the directions and stilled as she saw the person standing there.

His hair was dark, pitch black, and grown out like a wild mane covering half of his face. The other half of his face lay bare for her to see, the structure so similar to the statue built near the Valley of Peace, the very place where he was supposed to have taken his last breath.

"So, you are the new keeper of that nine-tailed beast," he taunted, his voice haughty and unperturbed as he gazed at her with no fear. A surprise, for she had gotten quite used to how everyone would cower at her sight and the feel of her sheer chakra.

And she could feel Kurama's anger and rage at the sight of him. The man, who had, in a way, set all this in motion, both the good and the bad.

"Oi, Oi, that face. It means young Akihito was not lying," Killer Bee gasped as sweat dripped down his forehead. She saw that eye turn towards her hair, as she saw his brows come together for a second.

"Send a message to Akihito and all other Bijuus. Tell them that he is here." She asked Kurama who growled yet nodded.

"I already have."

"Those red hair and that chakra. You aren't one of Hashirama's brats now, are you?" he asked with a taunting smile and she shook her head.

"I am not. I am Kushina Uzumaki..." she began.

"...and you should not be here, Uchiha Madara," she finished as she began gathering her own chakra.

"An Uzumaki, huh? No wonder I found your chakra to be rather familiar. You must be from Mito's clan. Though I wonder..." he began, still looking so nonchalant while addressing two of the strongest jinchurikis in the world.

"You do not seem surprised at seeing me, how?" he asked.

"We are not as oblivious to your plans as you would think, Uchiha Madara, and we will not let you succeed. Your time came to an end long ago. You should be in your grave, and we will make sure of that," she said as she pushed forth Kurama's chakra and reactivated the bijuu chakra mode as he raised a brow.

"The Nine tails chakra? How can you control that? No matter," and at that, she gave Killer Bee a nod as they both vanished in an instant.

"Double Lariattt!"
"Double Lariattt!"

They both tried to whack off his neck, yet before they could hit him, a blue skeletal rib cage appeared around him, blocking off their attack.

"I shall soon have you under my control..." and with that, an arm was swung at her, and she pushed out her chains as she blocked the attack just as Killer Bee brought out the Hachibi's tails.

She was sent railing back as she saw the blue hue rise and take the form of a skeletal figure

"You are strong..." he said as she saw him raise his hands.

"...but not strong enough." And at that, he brought together his hands.


And at that, she brought together her hands as she began to gather the bijuu's chakra in her hands, as a purple orb began to form on her hands, much like Killer Bee did.


"...Majestic Destroyer Flame"

"TAILED BEAST...!" they both shouted, yet before they could let go of their attacks, she felt herself blur as she appeared right beside the Uchiha relic much like Killer bee as the Uchiha frowned.



She screamed as, in another blur, another figure appeared right above him carrying a giant blue orb.

"Senpo: Odama Rasengan!"


And the whole area exploded.






Then all three of them jumped back as the forest around them burned away, covering the whole area in dust and smoke.

"Senjutsu...." they heard the voice, and she immediately felt herself still.

" has been quite some time since I have seen that," it continued, and she watched as the dust cleared only to reveal the form of Madara standing there, with not a single scratch on his body.

"Still, I never thought I would see a Konoha nin work alongside a Kumo ninja. The world has gotten quite interesting." He said as he smiled.

"No matter. I just came for a greeting, and as a payback for showing me this unique spectacle, I allow you all to keep your lives," he finished as she saw those red eyes spin.

".. for the time being, that is."


And then, in a puff of smoke, he vanished, showing that all that power was simply from a damn clone.



His most trusted counsellors sat infront of him as they gathered to act on the latest information they had just received, both the official and the unofficial one.

"As the victor of the war, I have called for a Grand Council," he announced and saw the Prime Minister nod.

"All the daimyo and the kages shall answer my call and shall gather in the land of Iron, where we shall hammer out the pathway for the future," he announced as he turned towards Gin and Miyuki, who sat beside the Prime Minster.

"The war is over. We have won," he announced and saw them all smile and rejoice. All except him and Miyuki, for only the both of them, knew of the true danger lurking for them in the near future.

"Who shall accompany you for this summit, Akihito-sama," Hyakuya Sosuke, the Prime Minister asked him, after all they would not want a repeat of what had transpired the last time.

"The Hokage shall join me along with Jiraiya-sama and Tsunade-sama. Though I will be accompanied by members from the Guardian Twelve as well, a privilege which the rest of the villages will not be allowed," he added and saw him nod.

"That is fair. Shall I make the announcement for the end of the war and victory," and he nodded.

"I shall address the nation as well, but Sosuke-san, I want you to continue the wartime measures. Keep the smitheries and the factories running. Come up with an appropriate excuse, but I do not want production to stop," he added gravely, and the Prime Minister frowned.

"But why, my lord? We have won. Why must we continue these measures? Our stores are full enough to arm Konoha twice over. Despite the war, we have not expended our resources too much," he added, and he gulped down.

"Because we are not done fighting yet," he said, and the man backed off.

"Because there is still one more war to fight."




The meeting continued for an hour after that, yet now both Gin and Sosuke had left, leaving him alone with Miyuki, his wife, who seemed much concerned and much like himself as she asked softly.

"Is he really back?" she asked, and he nodded.

"He is," he told her. After all, it was no use hiding it now.

"The Summit, you think he will come there?" she asked, and he nodded.

"I think he will," and she bit her lip.

"You just came back. And yet, you must march into another war. When will this end?' she asked, and he asked himself the same question. As much as he detested conflict, it had become part and parcel of his life ever since he had become daimyo.

And he wrapped his arm around and pulled her into his side.

"We are ready for him. This war was a pretext for this ultimate battle. This is the one Miyuki, the one battle that may decide it all.


Back near the cave, Madara opened his eyes once more. As he closed, he disappeared and smirked.

"The world has changed quite a lot since I was away," he said as he rose up from the crouch position and glanced back towards the Snake-sanin standing behind him.

"Now tell me how are the rest of the preparations?"

"Everything has been prepared as per your wishes."

"They are ready."


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