Reborn in a Succubus’s Harem


Albus let me go early with a last remark about seeing me again in a day or too. Upon exiting the room, I found that nobody was waiting for me. I had nobody to tell me what to do. I debated what to do with my newfound freedom. Ultimately, I decided that exploration would serve me best. If I ever hoped to escape, I would need to know all the pathways and secrets in the manor.

I set off in a random direction. The idea that I might get punished had crossed my mind, but I tried to ignore it. Mistress wasn’t here right now, and Cinila and Amaya probably wouldn’t punish me as harshly as Mistress. 

My eyes were drawn to two girls making out on the floor. They weren’t the first I had seen it today. It was actually the tamest show of ‘affection’ so far. That was all the slaves seemed to do: work and fuck. It was probably a harsh judgement, as it was probably because that was all they were really allowed to do.

"Well who's this cutie?" A husky voice said behind me. I felt a large hand grab my wrist and turn me around so I was staring right below a pair of breasts covered by a maid dress. Looking up, I was greeted by an orc's face. She smirked down at me as she said, "Looks like fresh meat."

I was too slow to react, so she pushed me against the wall with relative ease. Even if I had had the foresight to try and defend myself, it's not like I was strong enough to stop her. 

The jolt of pain as my back slammed into the wall and I fell to the floor was enough to make me alert. My eyes looked around frantically. There were the two girls who had been making out early now looking at the orc with apprehension and one other girl who was just ignoring us as she dusted the brick wall. None of them looked like they were about to jump to my rescue anytime soon. The orc advanced on me.

"Not even gonna fight back? Maybe you want-," she cut off her sentence when she looked between my legs. Her eyes widened for a moment before she started laughing. Behind her, the two girls were also snickering. In a mocking voice, she said, "Awww, does the baby need to go potty? Well, I guess it's too late for that."

In my shock, I had failed to noticed the growing warmth between my legs. And it wasn't from arousal. My face light on fire with my blush. I must have been so frightened that I lost control. 

My instincts took over and I tried to push myself up and run away, but I didn't even make it five steps before I felt a painful tug on my hair throw back down onto the ground. The orc slave grabbed both of my wrists in one of her hands and held them above my head. She used her other hand to grab as little of my diaper as possible to rip it off. I desperately tried to headbutt her, but my attack only seemed to make her amused. 

"What, you don't like it? Too bad, bitch," she said with a sneer. 

A small voice piped up from one of the girls. "Wait Grilia, isn't that Mistress's personal slave? Won't she punish you or something?"

The Grilia's head whipped around to the source of the voice. With a vicious glare, Grilia said, "Would you rather offer yourself up in her place?" 

The speaker immediately tried to make herself as small as possible. But for all her show, I could see that the orc had gained some doubt in her eyes. Maybe she would see reason. 

My hopes were shattered when that one girl who looked like she didn't care at all said, "Actually, she can't talk on her own, and it's not like Mistress is going to ask her 'Hey, did anybody rape you?'. As long as none of us say anything, she'll never know."

I doubted it was really that easy. Mistress didn't seem like the type of person who was okay with not knowing everything that was going on in her own house. But Grilia definitely wasn't thinking about that. 

"You heard her, girls," she said, "Nobody tells, nobody gets hurt."

And then she grabbed a double-ended dildo from who knows where, flipped up her skirt and shifted her panties to the side, and filled herself with the dildo. I couldn't tell what material it was made from, but it looked suspiciously like stone. It was also ridiculously big, as long as my forearm and as wide as my thigh. It was even decorated with little ridges.

I gave one last push against her in the hopes that I could squirm my way out of her grip. It was no use. She grabbed one of my legs at the calf and pulled it over her shoulder to open up my legs, and with no reservations, she shoved the large dildo into my pussy. She had thrust it in with so much force I felt my body bounce backwards. Despite myself, a loud and obscene moan escaped my lips. The moment I made the noise, I shut my mouth and tried to look away to avoid my embarrassment. Grilia brought her hand from my calf to my chin and turn my head so I was looking straight into her eyes. 

“That's right, take it, you little whore. You may have a cock, but no one in their right mind would actually let you bang them. All you're good for is being a fuck toy. And that's all you'll ever be," she said. With each word that left her mouth, her fury seemed to grow just as fast as my arousal. More moans left my mouth despite my shame. She was probably right. I would never escape. To the very core of my being, I was just meant for sex. And that was all. 

I felt myself subconsciously going limp as the fight left me. The orc grinned when she noticed. She had won. She increased her speed, constantly pushing and dragging me along the floor. I had a brief moment of panic as I thought the dress would be ruined, but to my surprise, the worse it did was bunch up.

Even though Grilia was assaulting me, I couldn’t help bet admire how strong her vaginal muscles must have been to easily be able to hold the large stone dildo in her pussy.

"What's going on here?"

I turned my head to see Penny standing at the end of the hallway, an angry expression on her face. Her intervention came too late. Pleasure surged within as my juices squirted out. The few splatters of semen from my dick went straight to my chin, and a little even went further to land over my left eye. My climax blocked out almost all the shame and pain. I kept my eye contact with Penny the whole time, unable to move my head away.

As I came down, I noticed Grilia quickly pull out the dildo and stand up. Now left a quivering heap on the floor, embarrassment flooded back into me. Penny had just seen me orgasm in the middle of being raped. Maybe she had been through the same thing, but I hated that she had seen my like that. I was also pretty sure that Penny would be able to tell where the diaper laying next to me had come from. Whether she did or not, she said nothing about it. Instead, Penny marched over to where I was and jabbed her finger against Grilia's chest. In a chastising voice, she said, "If I recall correctly, you were told to stop doing things like this. I didn't realize you were so eager for another session with Shiva."

It was comical. Penny, who was small and always cheerful, disciplining the large orc who was much taller. Said orc even looked anxious, as if she was actually afraid of Penny, of all people. 

Grilia managed to stammer out, "N-no! Of course not! Th-this was just a big misunderstanding. That's all!"

Penny huffed and bent down to help me up. She brought my left arm around her neck and wrapped her other arm around my waist. Grilia really had done a number on me. Even though my hp was healing me, it only healed open wounds instantly. Things like bruises would take longer, and it did almost nothing for soreness.

As we walked off, I notice that the two girls making out refused to meet Penny's eyes. The lone girl sneered at us and muttered something under her breath that sounded suspiciously like 'bubbly bitch'.

Penny just kept her head up until we rounded the corner. Once we were out of sight, she stopped and turned to me with a worried expression.

“Are you okay?” she asked. Concern laced her voice. 

“Y-yeah. I’m fine,” I said quietly, knowing how weak it sounded. I don’t know why, but what had just happened seemed to hit me harder than anything else so far. The pure anger that had been in Grilia’s face… the way she seemed to only care about demeaning me. Sure, what Mistress had done to me so far was arguably far worse than what Grilia had done, it was at least for her own pleasure. Grilia just wanted to make me hurt.

Penny frowned, definitely able to detect that I wasn’t exactly telling the truth. Nevertheless, it was quickly replaced by a smile. 

“Well, even if that’s true, I think you still need a hug,” she said, cheerful as could be.

She leaned forward and wrapped me in a hug. Her arms squeezed against my sides, as if trying to assure me she was there. I happily reciprocated it. Penny then broke the hug wiped the solitary tear from me eye. With a small smile, she said, “Come on. Apparently we have to be at the dining hall early for some reason.”

I nodded mutely. Penny grinned and grabbed my hand before turning around and walking toward the dining hall. I didn’t feel like mentioning that I technically didn’t need my hand held. Her happiness was just so infectious, even more so with the physical contact. Who cares what those other slaves think? I could see most of them sneering or backing away from us as we passed. If I was with anyone else, I would have felt self-conscious or sad, but Penny seemed to just melt all that away. The bounce in her step, the joy in her voice as she talked, the sway of her hair, maybe the tantalizing view of her butt, it was all so… pure. And despite having only talked to her, like, two times, she had apparently decided we were best friends. I wasn’t objecting. Wait, wasn’t she talking about something?

I noticed just in time for Penny to stop and look at me expectantly. “Well?” she asked.

I blushed at having been caught not paying attention. Way to go me.

Penny giggled. The bubbly sound washed away my regret at not listening. 

“I asked if you think a fire-breathing goose would make a good pet,” she said. I blinked. The question was even more confusing because Penny said it in a perfectly neutral tone, making it really hard to tell if this was a joke.

When Penny didn’t crack and just kept waiting for an answer, I hesitantly shook my head ‘no’. Any kind of fire-breathing pet sounded like a really bad idea, let alone a notoriously aggressive creature like a goose.

Penny gestured exaggeratedly to the roof, saying, “That’s what I tried to tell Amaya, but nooo, she just goes and asks Mistress to bring her back a fire goose.” 

Penny shook her head. “I swear, she can be ridiculously immature sometimes,” Penny said. She must have noticed my shocked expression, because she followed up with, “ What?”

“A fire… goose.”

She nodded. “You know, a goose that can shoot fire out of its mouth. They aren’t that uncommon, but they definitely aren’t house pets. Have you never seen one?”

“Not exactly. So you have fire-breathing geese here?” I asked, trying not to sound too disbelieving. This was a whole new world after all; one where life was basically a glorified video game for some people.

Penny furrowed her brow. “What, did you not back on your world?” When I replied in the negative, Penny gasped.

“Well, what kind of normal stuff did you have back on your world that was normal to you? Let’s see if we have it.”

She sounded so eager, I couldn’t wait to start telling her all about Earth. And I knew just where to start.

“Tell me, have you ever heard of a smart phone?”

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