Reborn in a Succubus’s Harem


The girl Mistress brought me to was sewing clothes. Three completed maid dress, all in their full pink and slutty glory, laid next to her. Currently, it seemed like she was working on a red dress. In contrast to the bright garments, the room she was in was barren and gray, with a magical fluorescent light in the middle of the ceiling.

The most surprising thing was her choice in clothing. Or rather, lack thereof. The only adornment on her was a lacy white collar. Not that I was complaining, of course. I quite liked looking at her admittedly large breasts. 

I was momentarily struck by how human she looked, with her tan skin evenly dispersed across her body, raven black hair, and pale green eyes. Most other slaves that I had passed were elves, orcs, beastkin, and even the ones that I had never seen before had some trait that set them apart from humans. Even I did, with my unnatural golden eyes and shimmering hair. But not her. 

Despite Mistress not bothering to enter the room quietly, the girl seemed not to hear us. She simply continued her work in silence, her eyes focused on the work at hand. It took Mistress clearing her throat to get the girl to look up. When she did, her eyes didn't look at Mistress but were instead targeted at me.

"Hanina, this is Cali, my newest slave. She's recovering from a session for today, so you can show her the ropes."

"Why me?" 

I stared at the girl, now identified as Hanina, with wide eyes. She was definitely a slave: Mistress had said so, and she wore the collar. And yet, she didn't hesitate to question Mistress's authority. She was an anathema to everything I had seen so far. I expected Mistress to punish her for her insubordination, but instead she let out a quiet sigh and replied, "Because she needs it."

And with that, Mistress grabbed the maid uniforms and left, using her tail to close the door behind her. 

"You're the hero, aren't you?" She asked. I could only nod in response.

With a huff, she returned to her work.

"Come over here and watch. Maybe you'll learn something."

I obeyed, and when I realized that I had nowhere to sit, leaned awkwardly against her chair. As I did this, Hanina eyed me weirdly. With a snarky voice, she said, "You can sit down, you know."

And so I sat. If my legs had mouths of their own, I was sure the would sing songs of relief. Unfortunately, they didn't, and we were left in silence. 

I don't know how long Hanina spent on the dress. Once she was finished, she stood and held to to the light, admiring its beauty. I was too busy admiring her ass. While she studied the patterns on the formal dress and how the red almost glowed in the light, I studied the imprints her chair had made on her supple flesh. Look at that, she had already taught me so much. 

Putting the dress off to the side, Hanina turned to me with an expectant look. I blushed at getting caught staring, but could I really be blamed? She basically put herself on display for me.

When I didn't say anything, she said, "Well? Say something, at least."

I could only shake my head and point to my throat. 

"Oh, you can't speak?"


When I responded, she merely raised an eyebrow at me and I wilted under her gaze. I mean, not many mute people could say that the were mute.

After a few seconds of staring at the floor before Hanina started laughing. Looking up, I became distracted by the way her breasts bounced with each laugh as she said, "Relax, I know your deal. Can't talk unless asked a question, right?"

I gave a small nod in reply.

"Damn shame, you have a cute voice."

I blushed at the praise. 

Hanina continued. "Well, for some reason Elinys has decided I'm to be your tutor. For your sake, I'll try my best."

At first, I didn't know who she was talking about. I had never heard about 'Elinys' before, but it wasn't too hard to figure out. Hanina was definitely strange. I knew Mistress wanted to be called Mistress, but here was one of her slaves, defying her without a second thought.

I tried sounding the name out in my mind, but I found that I couldn't. I knew how to pronounce it just fine, but my brain just refused to let me say it, even mentally.

Realizing that I had become distracted, I focused back on Hanina, who had apparently noticed my absent-mindedness.

"First thing I'm gonna you need to learn are the different jobs us slaves have. The seamstresses, that's me, by the way, sew all the clothes. Don't think that means we have it easy- you'd be surprised how many clothes get ruined during particularly intimate encounters. Even then, we have to give clothes to the whole Darkland, which means we pretty much work all day. You good on that?"

"You guys aren't the only source of clothing, are you?" I said quietly, mostly because I expected her to laugh at me. It was a stupid question, but anytime I was asked a question, I was compelled to answer truthfully. Which meant asking stupid questions like that.

But to my surprise, Hanina didn't laugh or roll her eyes. She just gave me a small smile as she said, "All demons want to do is fuck, kill, and eat. So the demons in power took slaves to do all the things they didn't want to. Slaves under the succubi and incubi are tasked with providing pleasure to the demons. Naturally, this extends to sewing. That means the seamstresses here are some of the many scattered throughout the Darkland. I thought you got a teacher. Didn't he teach you this stuff?"

"He's just supposed to teach me about hero stuff. I don't think she really wants me to know that much about the outside world."

"Well she can go fuck herself."

I was stunned into silence by her crass language. Was she not worried about punishment? There had to be something I wasn't seeing.

"Anyway, on with the lesson. The lowest of the bunch is the maintenance slaves. They're the ones you see cleaning up around the manor. You'll probably see them providing a quick fuck to the other slaves. However, them basically being the lowest rank doesn't mean you should treat them poorly. There's probably about 90 of them, they cook your food, and there's always some awake no matter what hour it is. And they can get pretty creative with their punishments, trust me."

Ninety slaves, and that wasn't even all of them!? The sheer thought of over 100 people being enslaved to one person and all of them living in the same house was disconcerting. How wealthy was Mistress, anyway?

As if she heard my thoughts, Hanina said, "The biggest moneymaker is the prostitutes. They're trained solely to be the best sexual partner possible and then sold off to the highest bidder. The leftovers are then smuggled into Eronia where a brothel owner will buy them for a lot of money without any questions."

So there was a different kingdom. It sounded like they outlawed slavery, so maybe if I could reach it, I would be free. I wasn't sure how that would work out with my class, but that was a question for when I got there.

"Next is the personal slaves. That's likely what you'll be. They serve a single person, either Elinys or one of her wives. They basically just do whatever their charge tells them to. Cook, clean, sew, sex, you name it, they do it.

"Then there's the wives. Don't know if you've already been told about them, but they were just normal slaves once upon a time, but curried enough favor with Elinys that they're almost equal. They're still technically slaves, since they have to obey Elinys, but they aren't treated like it. Maybe, just maybe, you'll be good enough to be considered as a wife. But I wouldn't bank on it."

I hadn't heard about wives yet. I definitely wasn't the tiniest jealous of the slaves who got chosen for promotion.

"One last rule: pretty much everyone is free use. As long as you don't decrease productivity, you can have as much sex as you want with whoever you want. The only exception is Elinys and their wives: they have to initiate it. Oh, and as a personal slave, if you tell them that you're running an errand then they'll likely leave you alone. Any questions?"

One fortunate side effect of my compulsion to answer questions was that I didn't have to build up the nerve to say anything.

"How come you seem so casual about Mistress?"

Hanina rolled her eyes, and just gave a simple 'personal stuff' before moving on.

"Now, as you'll likely be a personal sex slave to Elinys, you're gonna be having sex. A lot. Which means that you need to get used to it."

Without warning, Hanina grabbed me by the arm and pulled me onto her chair before getting on her knees before me. When she met my confused gaze, she said, "If I know anything, it's that Elinys won't be serving you at all. Allow me to provide that."

With that, her head dove under my skirt and I felt her move my panties aside with her teeth. Just her hot breath on my snatch caused me to moan, and I heard Hanina giggle. 

"Seriously? You really are sensitive. I guess she'll like that at least."

All the while her fingers gently rubbed my slit, making me wetter than a swamp. Then her whole hand covered my mound, gently moving in a circle. Then it left, only to then toy with my hardened dick, using my own juices as lube. Her other hand's fingers occupied my lower lips, teasing them open and rubbing around inside.

"Ooh, what's this," she said, and I felt her fingers touching the cock ring Mistress had given me. I tried to reply, but found that I couldn't because of how out of breath I was. Instead, I just moaned.

My moan was cut off when her lips wrapped around my dick. It wasn't hard for her to go all the way to the base. She pulled back, teeth lightly dragging along my shaft in a way that felt oh so good. She now had two fingers in my cunt, pumping in and out at the same rhythm as hr mouth.

When her lips puller off, Hanina gave my head a gentle kiss, then pulled it up and gave another kiss where it meet my pussy, and then she was just kissing it all over. She pulled her fingers out to kiss my pussy a few times, too, before she resumed sucking my off and fingering me.

I wasn't sure when I grabbed her head, but the next thing I knew, my hands were holding her head down, my fingers clawing through her hair. Since she couldn't pump her head anymore, Hanina used her tongue to gratify me, swirling it around and dabbing at the my cockhead in such a practiced motion that I couldn't help but wonder how many times she had done this. How many times had a real futanari, just as busty and hung as they were supposed to be, held Hanina down on their dick, suffocating her and hitting the back of her throat while I couldn't even reach the ends of her teeth. How many times had her head been grasped just like I was doing, but shoved back and forth on a dick that wouldn't just pop out when she was pushed back. How many times would I be subject to that?

Suddenly it was me in mind's eye, kneeling on the floor and sucking off a futanari below their skirt. I heard Mistress voice above me, insulting me for not pleasing her properly.

The wild and perverse fantasies of our humiliation sent me over the edge, and I came in Hanina's mouth with a cry at the same time as my pussy clamped around her fingers and squirted on her.

When Hanina finally pulled her head out from under my skirt, she still had my cum at the top of her breasts and a bit of semen at the corner of her lips. She had a bright smile on her face as she leaned down to give me a tender kiss on the lips. When she pulled back, she whispered in my ear, "We should do this again sometime."

My mind was too dumb to do anything but nod.

It was then that the same blue disc I had seen in every other room turned golden and played that same alarm noise that had signaled the end of my session with Albus.

"Come on, it's lunch time. By the way, what's your name?"

"Cali," left my lips breathlessly. When I realized what Hanina had said about lunch, I went to go fix my stockings and panties. Hanina stopped me with a mischievous grin. 

"Leave the panties." In my post-orgasm stupor, I followed her instructions. And so I followed her to the dining hall, with me missing my panties, and her naked and with cum on her. A great second friend, I would say.

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