Reborn in a Succubus’s Harem

Torture S*x II

Of course I suspected that Mistress would have more in store for me. I still couldn't help that hope that had bubbled up within me, that maybe she would stop after nearly disemboweling me. Seriously, was that too much to ask? At least nipple tassels were kind of tame, right? 

She clipped one onto each nipple, the rings fitting perfectly into the holes she had created. They weren't too bad. The gold matched my hair, and the tassels pleasantly brushed against my skin as they swayed. 

"Aawww, you look so cute with those!" Mistress practically gushed. In this state, it was almost impossible to associate her with the crazed woman that had tortured me so much in barely any time. Now it was like she was treating me like I was her kid or pet. 

She picked up a glistening needle, likely the same one she had pieced my nipples with, and brought it to my ears. I thought I knew what to expect from her, but apparently I was wrong. Instead of a quick prick like she had done with my nipples, she pushed the needle into my earlobe slowly. Like, really slowly. 

It took all my willpower not to jerk my head. That would only make this process worse. I could only cry until my mouth was stuffed with Mistress's tail. 

Once the needle had escaped the other side of the ear, I saw Mistress bring up a pearl stud out of the corner of my eye push it through. Then she took the needle all the way out the other side and capped off the stud.

Done with my left ear, Mistress moved onto the right. She went just as slowly as the other so I couldn't really help what happened next. I was in pain, and it just so happened that I had something reasonably soft in my mouth.

I bit down on Mistress's tail. Hard. So hard in fact, that I tasted blood. As expected, Mistress jerked her tail out and hissed at me, fury in her eyes. Seriously, what did she expect would happen? 

With a jab, Mistress fully punctured through my right earlobe and left the hot needle in place, but didn't place another stud.  

"I stuck my tail in your mouth to shut you up, not for you to bite down on! You ungrateful little bitch." She whirled around, slapping me in the face with her tail as she did so, and stormed over to to a cabinet. She pulled out a jar of what looked like silly putty and coated the wound on her tail with it. 

Turning back around, she faced me with a dangerous glint in her eyes. "Now, since this is your first real offense, I'll go easy on you. But you will be punished." 

With that ominous message, she walked up to me and finished applying my second earring before undoing my restraints. I instantly collapsed into her arms as I was too weak to stand on my own. But she showed my no kindness, instead walking me over to a rope hanging from the ceiling and tied my wrists to it. 

"I always find it best to give harder punishments early on. Helps ingrain the message. But I'm not completely heartless, so you'll only get ten lashings today." 

She was out of my sight now, rummaging around with some tools. Soon enough, the sting of a multi-tailed whip burned across my back. I cried out in pain, and it was only when my cry died down a little that she lashed me the second time. And so it went for five more lashings. By that point darkness started creeping into the edges of my vision. From behind I could vaguely hear Mistress curse.

The lashings stopped, but my fuzzy vision stayed. I heard a voice close by. It sounded concerned, but I couldn't really make out what it was saying. Seconds turned to minutes as I was left in a world of pain. It seemed like an hour had passed before I felt something warm press against my lips, and some type of liquid spread though my body. When my vision returned, all I could see was Mistress's concerned face looking down on me. Once she noticed my eyes refocusing, her arms enveloped me in a tight hug.

"Oh, Cali. I'm so so sorry. I got carried away and forgot how you heroes work." It really was a double-edged blade. We could get stabbed through the stomach and walk it off, but we could also die from the lightest blow if we didn't have enough health left. 

Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to philosophize about the details of being a hero, or enjoy the feeling of Mistress's breasts against my face.

As she pulled away, Mistress cupped my face in her hands and whispered in a motherly tone, "Don't worry, that won't happen again, I swear. I would have given you the health potion earlier, but I didn't want to mess up the blood rune. Then all that pain and work would have been for nothing. Unfortunately, we're not done yet." 

I paled at the thought that I would have to go through more. Hopefully it wouldn't be as bad as before.

Seeing my obvious fear, Mistress patted my cheek. "Don't worry, it won't be too bad from here on. And, if you're cooperative, I'll even give you a little... treat." The way she said treat wasn't lost on me. 

Her hands left my face and untied the ropes holding me up, once more carrying me to another part of the room. This time, though, Mistress laid me flat on my back on a cold stone table.

I tilted my head to the side and saw Mistress hold up what looked a silver ring.

As she brought it between my legs, she said, "Don't worry this one isn't so bad," and slid it down onto the base of my tiny girldick. As it was now, the cold metal just felt a little snug, but I could tell that once I was erect, it would be quite tight.

After the cock ring Mistress brought over a vial of cream that she slathered all over my body, though she avoided my eyebrows and hair. It was likely some sort of anti-hair ointment.

Since she had flipped me over to apply the cream to my back half, I was lying with my stomach on the table. Not only did this irritate the mark on my belly, it also squished my nubs against the stone, making me even more uncomfortable.

As she was applying the cream to my butt, I noticed she seemed to be taking an abnormally long time with it. Eventually, it changed from her lathering me up to her kneading my ass cheeks. Not that I minded of course. As she continued working my butt, I couldn't help the moan that escaped my mouth. 

"See? This isn't so bad," Mistress said coyly, all anger that she once had seemingly vanished. Since I couldn't voice my agreement anyway, I just remained still and let her work her magic. 

An exercise originally meant for pleasure began to put me to sleep. As my moans died out and were replaced with a yawn, I felt something poke between my cheeks. What?

Before I could react, a familiar spade tipped tail shot itself into my tiny pucker, causing me to jerk forward and gasped. Luckily, it was already lubed up, so the experience wasn't as bad as it could have been. Still, this body had never had anything up its ass, so such an abrupt (and long) first time was more than uncomfortable.

"You're going to need to get used to this. Might as well start now," Mistress whispered into my  ear. 

With that, I felt her climb onto the table with me and squat above my butt, allowing her tail better access to impale me. And impale me it did.

Though it was slender, her tail was longer and more flexible than any dick. Before long, I started enjoying myself more and more. My dick was at full hardness now, and I found myself grinding it against the stone table for more pleasure. Not the best, but my masochism helped ensure it was entirely painful. A side effect of me grinding against the table was that I ended up grinding against Mistress's tail, bringing her more pleasure.

On one particularly hard thrust, I felt my back arch and and I had to tightly grip the table to keep myself from sliding forward. But I was outdone by Mistress, who let out loud and drawn out moan as her juices sprayed across my backside. Encouraged by Mistress's orgasm, I found my self lost in bliss as cum sprayed against my stomach and the table below me. 

Wordlessly, Mistress slipped off and started wiping herself off. On the other hand, I found myself becoming lost in the grip of sleep, and the last thing I saw before I went out was Mistress's smiling face.

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