Reborn in a Succubus’s Harem

Unexpected Revelations

It had almost been a week since Mistress and Basa left, and even Penny was starting to get anxious. They were a day late. Normally, nobody would have batted an eye. But after the food fiasco a while back, Cinila and Amaya were on edge. The mysterious woman who had infiltrated the manor had never been seen again, but I'm pretty sure the screams I heard that night weren't from my imagination. 

As expected, my uterus had healed faster than normally possible due to my unnatural physiology. But although I was out of them now, Cinila kept me in them for a little while after. 'Just in case,' she said. Sure...

"You need to focus," a voice cut in from the side. 

I groaned. I still couldn't speak, but that didn't mean I wasn't going to try expressing my thoughts somehow. 

"Be quiet. This is for your own good."

I shot a look down to Albus's crotch. Nothing. I looked back up. His face was blank, eyes solely focused on me. I tried to stare into those emotionless white orbs.

It had been fourteen days (three of which I had been in a sort of coma) in this world, but I had finally reached level five. Albus assured me that that was faster than normal, but it still felt like forever.

But my 'work' paid off. It was really just bringing my masochist skill up to +7, but that's not important. And when I did reach level five, I had three choices: evolve a current skill, get a new class skill, or get a new race skill. Against my better judgment, I listened to Albus's advice to get a new class skill. It made sense since it would be the easiest type of skill to level up in my current situation. So here I was, trying to figure out how to arouse someone just by looking at them. 

The problem, which I had quickly realized, was that Albus was stone-cold. And not just figuratively. The dude was a literal statue. His body parts could still function like a living being's, but this was seriously unfair. 

"This isn't going to work," Albus said. Gee, you think? Honestly, this whole thing felt kind of stupid. I already had the skill, which meant I could use it. And most importantly, it wasn't going to get better unless I evolved it.

As if he could read my mind (which I'm pretty sure he was doing- the dude had no sense of personal boundaries), Albus said, "A skill is like a sword. Just because it is given to you doesn't mean you can use it to its full potential. Sure, you could swing it around and hurt somebody, but someone who has practiced with it more will almost always beat you with the same materials.

"Evolving a skill would just be like putting an enchantment on the sword or sharpening it: it's more dangerous and powerful, but you don't get any better at using it."

If that was how it worked, why was it called a skill? Cause I'm definitely unskilled at my skill. 

Albus stood up. "Practice it between now and our next class. We'll try again then."

I rolled my eyes. He was even giving homework now! Probably fun homework, but it was still homework. Despite my internal ramblings, I nodded. I would show him. 

Just as I was about to leave, Albus cleared his throat. I looked back at him. 

"I predict that we won't have many more classes. Our last one will probably be a little after your mistress returns. You might want to start figuring out last-minute questions you want to ask me before I leave. Are you okay with that?"

My eyes widened. "Will we be able to talk again?" Over the last few days, Albus and I had bonded in a way. He felt like a good friend, not just a teacher. But equally important, he was my ticket out. He couldn’t just leave!

Albus hesitated, then said, "Maybe sometime far in the future, when you're in better... circumstances."

My eyes widened.

"Enjoy your day, Cali."

I nodded and walked out the door. 

Since Cinila had dictated we wouldn't gather for lunch until they could be sure there was no more risk, everyone was left to figure out how to feed themselves. Fortunately, I knew just the person. 

I set off toward her room. Though the layout of the manor was still confusing, I had gotten the hang of where certain locations were. As such, I only got turned around a few times before I arrived at my destination.

I rapped on the door twice. I didn't even have to wait two seconds before Hanina opened the door. 

"Cali? Is something wrong?"

"Nah. I just need some food," I said quietly. It was an unspoken rule not to alert the other slaves about Hanina's secret stash, lest they try to steal all of it in the middle of the night. Hanina wouldn't even let me tell Penny and Layla about it, claiming that Penny had trouble keeping her mouth shut and she didn't know enough about Layla (which, thinking back on it, the two have never actually met. I'd have to change that sometime). However, she did permit me to at least bring Layla some food. Penny would be 'well cared for by Amaya', whatever that meant. 

Hanina knit her brows together. "'Nah'? I've heard you say that word before. What's it supposed to mean?"

I sighed. It was easy to forget that this was an entirely different world, and one still stuck in what was essentially the medieval times, to boot. Hanina explained that certain aspects would probably be very reminiscent of my old world because of how influential heroes had become, but it was still another world.

"It just means 'no'."

"So why don't you just say no? It's the same amount of syllables."

I shrugged. Who was I to explain why people act the way we do?

Hanina stared at me for a moment, as if trying to determine if I was serious. After a moment, she decided I was and turned back inside. I followed, shutting the door behind me. 

While she retrieved the food, I admired the various clothes strewn about the tables. She really was talented. 

"Here you go," Hanina said. In her hand were a couple rolls and a slice of cake. My mouth watered just looking at it. I snatched it from her and started eating, savoring every bite. As I ate, I noticed a bedroll tucked away in the corner. I'm not sure how I hadn't noticed it until now, since the bright blue material it was made of was painfully obvious against the gray walls.

Hanina noticed me slowing down and followed my gaze. Upon seeing what I was staring at, she blushed.

"Don't mind that," she said.

I put my food down and locked eyes with her. I most certainly was minding that. 

We had a small contest of wills for a moment, which I almost always lost against anyone, but this time Hanina was the first to back down.

"It's a defiance thing, you know? I don't want to live some comfortable life off her slave money!" Hanina said. 

I blinked. While that was noble and all, it also sounded like something I would do back when I was a kid and wanted to protest against being grounded or something. Oh well. Hanina was a grown adult(ish), so she could make her own choices if it made her sleep better at night.

Convinced that I wasn't going to make it a problem, Hanina smiled reassuringly and sat back down at her sewing bench while I ate up. Once I finished, I watched Hanina work. It was calming for me, and it didn't hurt that she always had a habit of smiling while sewing.

"Like the view?" Hanina asked, wiggling her ass. I blushed. As always, she was completely bare. After the bedroll thing, I was beginning to have an idea why. 

I nodded eagerly, which made Hanina giggle.

"Well, it just so happens that I have something for you to try on," she said, holding up a blindfold. I grinned. As I stepped forward, Hanina stood up and wrapped the blindfold around my head. It was made of a thick, soft material, completely eliminating my vision. 

The moment the blindfold was secured, Hanina gently laid me against the table. I felt a hand gently rub against my cock, only separated from her warm touch by my sheer panties. I panted heavily. I was already rock hard, and now felt drips of precum leak out. Hanina continued to gently stroke it with one hand while her other kneaded my breasts. I moaned softly.

"I love those sounds you make. It makes me feel all warm inside," Hanina commented. The praise seemed to make me even more aroused. 

Hanina lightly pinched my dick through the fabric of my panties and started rubbing back and forth. Louder moans filled the room. As I felt Hanina's lips press against my folds, my juices squirted out, soiling my panties. Hanina's hand continued jerking me throughout, prolonging the orgasm. 

Hanina removed her fingers from below while her other hand switched boobs. As I was panting, I felt a slimy digit enter my mouth. Not even questioning it, I wrapped my lips around it and swirled my tongue, gathering up my own juices. To my side, I heard Hanina give a small moan. Once her finger was sufficiently clean, Hanina removed it from my mouth with a pop. At the same time, she removed her other hand from my chest. I tried to look over at her, but my world was completely black. 

I heard a thud to the side of my head, then another on the opposite side. A strange wetness dripped down onto my face, followed by the weight of Hanina's crotch. I inhaled her arousal as her mouth landed on my own crotch, still covered by my panties. I diligently lapped at her pussy while her tongue danced around my dick, teasing it back to life. 

My tongue darted out to invade Hanina's folds, and her head momentarily stopped its ministrations to release a breathy moan. Hanina then retaliated by hooking two fingers on each side of my pussy and pulling it wide open. I didn't mind, since it actually felt really good, like stretching after a long car ride. Her teeth bit against my panties and pulled them to the side to gain better access to my honeypot. She had pulled my pussy so wide open that her mouth, nose, and parts of her cheeks easily fit inside. Then she did something strange.

I felt her mouth open to release a cold liquid into my vagina. I momentarily hesitated, but Hanina said, "Don't worry, you'll like it."

No sooner had she said this than the liquid congealed into a more substantial form. It wormed its way through my vagina, leaving a pleasurable cold feeling as it did so. Trusting Hanina, I mentally shrugged it off and went back to eating her out. Apparently happy with my acceptance, released my pussy and went to work on my dick. I gasped as the cold slime struggled to squeeze past my cervix. Combined with Hanina's blowjob, I was too lost in pleasure to properly focus on reciprocating to Hanina aside from a few lazy licks. 

As I was once again brought to orgasm, I could feel that the slime had finally managed to ooze into my uterus. It felt really strange, but in a good way. 

Hanina got up and twisted around to kiss me on the lips properly this time. When my tongue prodded at her lips, she graciously opened them, allowing me to explore the inside of her mouth and once again soak up the flavor of my own juices. Her own tongue invaded my mouth as well and engaged in a mock battle of tongues that Hanina let me win. 

All too soon she pulled away, and I felt her undo my blindfold. When she removed it, the first thing I noticed was the definitely out-of-place nervous smile on her face. 

When Hanina noticed my concern, she blushed and started fidgeting with the blindfold. 

"So, I want to tell you something, but can you promise not to get made?" Hanina asked.

"Yeah...," I said slowly. She was acting like she was about to ask out her crush or something. Wait, was that what this was? My heart beat a little faster. Sure, we were easily friends with benefits, but girlfriends was an entirely different beast. I could definitely understand her apprehension. 

Slightly emboldened by my confirmation, Hanina perked up a little.

"You know how Mistress gave you that bloodrune, and you got really sad that you wouldn't be able to have children?" 

I nodded. That was a slightly different direction than I was expecting, but still exciting. Maybe she had found a way around it? 

Hanina took a deep breath. In a super fast voice that was extremely hard to follow, she said, "So I got to thinking about ways to circumvent it, but I'm nowhere near powerful enough to fight a bloodrune, and neither are you, so I thought that there was no hope; then I realized 'Wait, as long as you don't have to fertilize your egg, you could still technically get pregnant,' so I did some research in the library and realized that inert slimes can adapt to their surrounding environment, and an inert lust slime won't wake up until it is exposed to semen, so if there was a slime inside you, it would adopt plenty of your characteristics and wouldn't wake up until you get 'pregnant', so it would be like a real baby, but as a slime. You're not mad I didn't tell you, right? I kind of wanted it to be a surprise." 

Hanina took a deep breath and looked at me nervously.


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