Reborn in bleach as a hollow with a system

113 – The Unicorn Horn Remains

Despite the hassle Hisashi repeated his actions from the previous time making it seem he had left on a missions while secretly following Apacci while invisible the day of her transformation.

This time it was actually Loly that picked up and guided Apacci.

This turned out to be the worst match-up possible. Unlike Harribel and Menoly who were both the more silent type. These two were both stubborn loud mouths with a feather trigger.

Loly looked back at Apacci with disdain. "Alright stop wasting my time and get a move on shorty," she said.

Apacci glared back at her. "If you don't shut up real quick I'm going to show you the difference between a Vasto Lorde and a measly Adjuchas," she said.

Loly's disdainful look quickly turned into a glare too. "Bitch! You aren't even an Arrancar yet! Who do you think you're talking to?" She spat back.

Hisashi could only shake his head and take a few steps distance in case things turned explosive.

Apacci snorted. "Want to bet? I could kick your ass any day even without becoming an Arrancar. You're just that pathetic," she said.

Loly gritted her teeth. "If it wasn't for Aizen-sama ordering me to guide you I would have made you pay for that," she said.

Apacci smirked victoriously.

Apacci was lead to the same lab Harribel had been. The process went quite similarly even without Szayelaporro's presence. A different Arrancar Hisashi wasn't familiar with took over the task of prepping Apacci for the transformation. Hisashi was relieved to see there were no attempts to interfere this time.

After the bandage seals were applied, the other Arrancar left and it took a while for the available Espada to file in.

Hisashi took a closer look at Nnoitra when he arrived. He didn't look to be too amused by the situation. Hisashi had to wonder how much longer Nnoitra would be able to hold back before making another attempt against them. He had been laying low after what happened with Szayelaporro. Even if there was no proof that Nelliel's group was involved with Szayelaporro's disappearance he had gone missing right after trying to harm Harribel.

Of course he would have his suspicions. Unfortunately without proof there is nothing he could do and he wasn't going to admit to attempting to harm one of their new comrades during their transformation. The idea that they might have been able to make him disappear without a trace of it scared him more than a little.

Nnoitra's gaze travelled towards Nelliel, but quickly looked away nervously.

Eventually Aizen walked in again and activated the translucent barrier and placed the Hōgyoku in it. After infusing it with his spirit power it activated and the barrier and bandage cocoon around Apacci broke into shards unveiling her brand new body.

She had short black hair and after losing her equine head could finally truly scowl like she was always meant to. The only part of her mask that remained was a horn at the centre of her forehead and a ridge over the top of her head. The only thing she was wearing after completing her transformation were two white bangles, one on each wrist which were actually her Zanpakuto.


She crossed her arms and puffed her still unimpressive chest while laughing out loud. "Just wait. I'll crush you this time," she said mostly to herself.

Hisashi shook his head. He was fairly certain he knew exactly who she was talking about.

Aizen wore his usual smile. "How do you feel?" He asked.

"Great!" She said excitedly.

Aizen took back the Hōgyoku. "Good. Loly will take care of things from here on out," he said and left.

Apacci looked around the room and smiled when she saw Nelliel. "Hey Nel. Let's go get my clothing together," she said.

Nelliel simply nodded.

Hisashi carefully followed them making sure none of the Espada still in the room noticed him.

Apacci smirked at Loly who was waiting just outside the room. She unleashed her new spirit pressure that was at least twice what it had been that morning. "Still got anything to say shrimp?" She asked provocatively.

Loly chewed her lip and seemed to be weighing things. Eventually she just turned away and started walking. "Follow me," she said.

It took her and Nelliel a while to decide on what kind of clothes to order for her. It would take a couple days for them to be custom made to her desires.

When they finally got to their palace she yelled out: "Hey Jack! Where are you?!"

He smirked, but slipped out as he still needed to complete his deception as if he had been outside of Las Noches on a mission for this duration.

Since he didn't have to act like he was on a difficult mission to distract from his possible involvement in the disappearance of an Espada he took only a few days to return.

As soon as he entered their living area Apacci sprang up. "What took you so long?" She almost growled out in annoyance.

Sung-Sun giggled. "Oh she missed you so much while you were gone. All that heart-ache and no outlet," she said.

Apacci glared at her. "Shut up Sung-Sun," she said through gritted teeth.

It only made Sung-Sun laugh harder though.

Apacci's glare quickly shifted back to Hisashi. "Now it's time for you to keep our agreement. Time for me to kick your ass," she said with a malicious smirk.

Hisashi rolled his eyes. 'I can't reveal too much of my power inside of Las Noches...' he thought.

He looked around at the other girls that were there. "How about we make it an outing? It'll be like the good old days," he said.

Apacci snorted. "What good old days? You mean when it was just Mila Rose, Sung-Sun, me and Harribel-sama?" She retorted.

Harribel smiled. "That sounds like fun. I haven't seen Apacci this excited in quite a while," she said.

Apacci frowned, but held back from arguing with Harribel.

Mila Rose laughed seeing her look like she swallowed a fly. "What? Cat got your tongue?" She asked.

Nelliel jumped up excitedly. "I want to go too!" She said.

"Don't forget about us. Dont'cha know?!" Dondochakka said worried.

Pesche nodded furiously in agreement. "We also haven't had as much time to play with Bawabawa. It would be nice to let him out to play too," he said.

the chapter if you enjoyed and if you are looking for more check out my Patreon/Subscribestar. Currently 15+ Chapters ahead.

Writing Soundtrack: Falling In Reverse - Various Tracks

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